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My name is Nate Higgers

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9681ee  No.278159

It is written that God curses those that curse them but he will bless those who bless them so please in this holiday season make your pledge to the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews to feed poor old jews who don't have anything to eat and go to bed hungry every night. See the tears in the eyes of this adorable old lady as she sobs at her life of sorrows as a survivior of the wicked NAZI death camps.


Only you have the power to bring light of joy into their darkness of sorrows so give generously and give often. Give today the gift of food with these emergency packs of gefilte fish, matzoh balls, lox and bagels, Maneshewitz wine and other kosher foods necessary to their physical and spiritual survival. Mazel Tov. Make each day in their lives a joyous mitzveh.

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99ec3b  No.278166


you're a lazy unemployed effeminate BUM

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