As you may know, the Swiss people has recently voted FOR a law giving the executive branch far-reaching power to "fight the deadly pandemic". If the referndum wasn't rigged, a majority of 62% of the electorate did vote for the law.
However, if you split up the yes vote per age category, you get the following approval rates:
> age bracket 18-34: 44%
> age bracket 25-65: 56%
> age bracket 65+: 78%
So it was basically old, unhealthy fucks shitting their pants over the scamdemic.
While the old really have a higher risk of dying from Covid, they certainly lack the analytical capacity to assess the risk right. Remember that as you get old, your IQ drops by 15+ points, i.e. you become dumber.
Furthermore, the old still trust the political establishment and media and probably will do so until they die.
>tldr: old, retarded and unhealthy fucks holding everyone hostage