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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 429f63c77851bc2⋯.jpg (174.5 KB, 718x582, 359:291, vaccines.jpg)

baff6f  No.277795

Are you ready for the fourth shot?

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b3b92d  No.277964


Nope. Didn't even take the first. You and I both know this fear mongering is never ever going to end. They'll want endless vaccines. I said this Day 1 and I'll repeat it over and over and over: you will NEVER get a working vaccine because THAT IS NOT THEIR PLAN.

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b3b92d  No.277969


There will be no end to $$$ COVID $$$ … watch!

They'll keep coming up with new ways to con you into taking more and more $$$ vaccines $$$ … every single one which will "wooopsie, no longer works for the newest variants goyim!" ….


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b3b92d  No.277970

You know I find it pretty hilarious not a single thread of news or current events was posted when I was away for Thanksgiving, not one single news thread about ANYTHING!!! Pretty much zero-life spammers and angry glow niggers posting threats lol. There is no doubt in my mind why /pnd/ died anymore. Glowing retardation.

However, this OP is an exception, he made a good point and NO it will never end and we can already see through the corruption! Over Thanksgiving all I had to say about the "new covid variant" was "I told you so!" and I told my family and friends they'll keep continuing to push the vaccines and they all knew damn well that is the case because the racket and corruption is so in-your-fucking-face OBVIOUS but the best part is even my own brother agreed with me this time around (and he's vaccinated!)

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820b91  No.278008


if you take 1 new shot every 7 months. You will take 34 shots in 20 years.

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7de846  No.278012

File: 3dbaf2fabf0e0a6⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1200x834, 200:139, 0_vaxxed.png)

Let me just guess…. this is what happened to /pnd/'s covid death cult?

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820b91  No.278014


imagine a full movie with giga chad

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89646c  No.278036

File: 40f1b6f65e6b2ce⋯.jpg (70.52 KB, 850x400, 17:8, if_america_could_be_once_a….jpg)


I'm ready for all their bullshit propaganda, and covid fear mongering, and all their threats and intimidation, but just like the other two vaccines and "booster" no I will not be taking it either. They can pound sand while I continue to buy up assets of real value and prep. Currently I have been making my own spices from peppers I grow indoors, as long as they get water, are put near sunlight and do not freeze during winter they continue to grow indoors which is nice. I have a massive spice collection already and I keep adding more every week. When I am forced to break out the bulk beans, rice and pasta stockup I'll continue to eat like a king for years to come. Not to mention fresh eggs every day and plenty of bulk oatmeal and grits to last me several years and half a cow to ration in the deep freezers. Not trusting a corrupted system for decades has paid off pretty well.

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