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836594  No.277512[Last 50 Posts]

it's true

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eeac84  No.277513


No, they want to tear down highways that bypass their shithole cities because "muh rascism!" They want you to pay double to triple gas prices, which will bankrupt just about everyone who chooses to live outside the cities. They want to steal more land aka land grabs that will end up in more stand-offs like what happened at the Bundy ranch back when King Nigger was president. They want to waste more taxpayer money to make you the taxpayer pleb even more poor and dependent on them. Everything they touch has become a fucking disaster. E V E R Y T H I N G .

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6d7a72  No.277515

File: fb6ff893c08b98d⋯.jpg (67.51 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Don_t_Get_Brazen_With_Me.jpg)


Yes it's true.

(You) are INSANE.

The Democrats FOUGHT AGAINST anACTUALInfrastructure Bill in 2020 because they didn't want to give Donald Trump a win. This Inflation-Causing Hell-Bill they just passed has SO LITTLE ACTUAL INFRASTRUCTURE IN IT that it can't actually be called an "Infrastructure" Bill.It's Socialism, and that's all the Democrats want is MORE Socialism, MORE Reckless Spending, MORE Slavery-Inducing Womb-to-Tomb Social Controls, MORE Printing Money, MORE Inflation…

The majority of the American people are smart enough to see through the Democrats' Divisive and Dangerous Ideologies and Policies, whether stupid niggers such as (You)rself EVER get a clue or not!

The amount of ridicule (You) will soon endure for continuing to take the stance (You) gave been taking is in direct proportion to the amount of bile (You) have been spewing forth for the last several years.


One day even (You) will KNOW That.

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836594  No.277520


only a STUPID IDIOT believes in "karma"

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836594  No.277521


Lol @ your STUPID decision only lasting 4 years

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836594  No.277522



and accomplished NOTHING

hahahaha tough luck, huh?

you're a washed up joke

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836594  No.277523

you're as washed out and grey as your fungus trap

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836594  No.277524

are you enjoying


how's that working out, fossil?

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836594  No.277525

tell your microbes and pathogens I said HELLO

just look down your nose at them

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836594  No.277527


how you find out what we think of white trash

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836594  No.277528


and die

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836594  No.277529


by taking your sorry ass back to India

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836594  No.277530


and allow a pack of stray dogs to eat you & your family

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1c287b  No.277532

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Will I allow nuclear war? Yes…

It is the concentration of fallout that I desire…

The fallout is what causes the 'those' to experience sudden meltdown…

Deep Europe shall not be spared this consequence.

I will bring the waters and make the situation far worse.

It is the rain…

It is my desire for no eye to see such words…

The silence is dangerous.

4,000,000,000 will die. Two shall follow.


Now to accelerate through these peoples…

I shall increase the numbers… Bring The Crazies upon them all.

Kill the children.

Kill them. Kill the children… Make them bleed.

They shall be mad… Driven by 'no' 'cause.'

Kill… Rape the whores… Stab them… Choke them…

Beat the pregnant ones…

Poison the children…

Happy New Years

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eeac84  No.277537


India Is Bailing Out The United States After Serious Mental Retardation Just Displayed


RELATED: >>276195 ; >>276231 ; >>277118 & most of all THIS: >>276205

Holy crisis you commie niggers are just dumb lol. If it were not for based "poo in the loo" India all you commies would have FROZEN this winter with gas prices over $5 a gallon nationwide, for real nigga lol!!!

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1c287b  No.277540


>>The united states and Europe

Destroying roads shall not impede my ability to conduct war.

You shall fall and parish in great number… The survivors shall be enslaved.

I do not do mercy.

I do not do freewill.

I do not 'play.'

The appropriate powers shall be executed at will during that time.

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eeac84  No.277555


You better just drone me then, buddy, because I ain't being anyone else's slave and I'll stick to my .40 cal & 5.56mm to prevent that!

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836594  No.277558




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836594  No.277559



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836594  No.277561




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836594  No.277562



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836594  No.277564




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836594  No.277565




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836594  No.277566




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eeac84  No.277567


I actually plan to cut down a few trees to block the dirt road that leads to my gravel driveway & homestead after SHTF. Then I plan to barricade the whole place using galvanized pallet rack shelving beams with 12" bolts, nuts and fender washers. Got the auger bits waiting & eager to go!

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836594  No.277568




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836594  No.277569


NOBODY cares what you plan on doing

go have your stroke early

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eeac84  No.277570


And my family (who owns the property with me, dual-ownership) already said I can do it IF or I should say WHEN SHTF. Indications are 8+ hour power & internet outage and/or declaration of martial law and/or nationwide gun confiscation. That's when there will be war declared and anything goes!

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836594  No.277572


The reason you needed your daughter to help you move into a house at age 72 :

Because you are a stupid worthless fucking idiot who didn't plan for the future and never Rose above the level of a menial Blue collar laborer

So you ended up begging your daughter to help wipe your ass

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eeac84  No.277573

AKA better bring the drones with hellfire missiles cause this redneck white trash nigger ain't living a slave under UN Agenda 21 / Great Reset neva!!!

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eeac84  No.277574


Both of us wanted to live more rural, she lives in the St. Louis suburbs around Arnold MO at that time and after the chimp outs combined with the pandemic she and her husband decided to chip in on a homestead, and we all love it out here, very rural, tucked away and all.

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eeac84  No.277575


> she lives in the St. Louis suburbs


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6d7a72  No.277576



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eeac84  No.277577



The thing is, neither of them want this place to end up like my old home, barricaded and ready for wartime scenarios. They don't want loaded rifles ready to go near the windows with thick bars covering them like like some kind of military base. They are turned off by that.

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eeac84  No.277578

Honestly, I don't miss my old home except for the fact it was very well fortified, absolutely no one in their right mind would have bothered trying to break in after one or two attempts, they'd likely know quick there would have been hell waiting for them on the other side too. I had a bullhorn with a siren too, to give any B&E attempt a heads up I don't play games, I'm crazy deadly ready. That's the ONE thing I do miss…. I do have some security in the new homestead but it's nothing like the old fortification. I'm planning on investing in some bulletproof windows, I think my family would be OK with that. As for the old home, as secure as it was, it was a dump. It was filled with shit, not as bad as a "hoarder house" but still had A LOT of shelving everywhere loaded to the brim, plus a lot of dust and mites.

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cc5f12  No.277579


It was probably all the nails that gave it away.

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eeac84  No.277580


Cleaning the place to sell off was pretty bad. I had to repaint a lot of walls due to black mold and fungi. Also dead bugs were almost in every corner of every room. One of the carpets had to be removed because a dead body pissed there (drug overdose a long time ago by one of my friends, not my fault either I had nothing to do with that crap). Blah. It was a nice home but it turned into a barricaded man cave pretty much, tools, guns/ammo, stocked up utilities and accessories and food rations galore.

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eeac84  No.277581


I only used nails to hang stuff, for barricades I did it the right way, auguring holes through 2x4s for bolting.

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2ce469  No.277582


Yeppers I remember your stories.

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836594  No.277583


Imagine if you completed high school and actually went to college….

You would be the one helping your daughter out

And not the other way around

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836594  No.277584


The funniest thing is how your mother actually had to help you apply for SSI welfare disability.. she had to prove that you were a lazy burden..

Without mommy's help you never would have qualified for your welfare benefits

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836594  No.277585


You stupid uneducated unemployed lazy sack of shit…


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eeac84  No.277586


I don't need college, besides, all of us wanted to live rural, I was living in a smaller town at that time but wanted my own homestead but could not afford it, they wanted their own place outside the suburbs somewhere rural but also could not afford it. Together, we were able to afford the mortgage and it's being paid off pretty quickly, I already paid my half, they are paying their half off and quickly as they can.

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eeac84  No.277588

TRUTH: back 50 to 60 years college was actually worth it, education was something of value and you could make A LOT of money having that education. Today? Nope, it's a RIP OFF. Fraud degrees that get you nowhere are ripe. The ones that would be worth having, those types of jobs are being replaced with foreigners deliberately. Want to be a doctor? Better suck that Big Pharma dick 24/7 or license revoked and you get replaced with half-ass Indians and fat niggers! Want to pay off those huge student loans? Lick boots and take it up the ass or flip burgers the rest of your life, that's the only choice now days. SCAM. Government ruined the educational system which is now just a fraudulent racket!!

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eeac84  No.277590


I would sure love to learn about tranny rights and 600 new genders and be liable for $80,000! Honestly, Sally is probably doing what is right for him, if he can sponge off the system until it collapses, go for it. However it will collapse and those bailouts won't last forever, he'll be dead when that day arrives.

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eeac84  No.277591

A lot of Americans are going to left with few choices by next year.

The ones with money are going to have to get land and hard assets to survive what is coming. That's about 10% of our society.

The ones without much income will have to do what they can to prep and try their best to ration and wait out the collapse. This option goes for 60% of Americans today.

The rest will have to live it up the best they can and likely kill themselves when they can no longer manage to sustain their life. That's the around 30% of people today. Those are typically trailer parks and ghetto people.

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eeac84  No.277592


Me and my family were in the second category, however due to my many years of not trusting the corrupted political system and sleazy social environment, this helped me make the right decisions and I was able to do a lot with the money I made over the years, like paying off my mortgage and prepping. I was then able to make back the mortgage money when I sold off my previous home and invest it into the homestead. Glad I did. My family may think I'm a kook at times, they also know deep down I am correct, the corrupted system is failing a lot of people today and it's up to us to save ourselves.

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eeac84  No.277596

File: c36f33c2edabba6⋯.gif (606.09 KB, 500x283, 500:283, real_news.gif)


If you every think the government is going to save you, you are WRONG. They could give a shit less about anyone but their own asses staying in positions of power! They'd let the country burn if it meant keeping power. It's top-down corruption, that's it. They give you scrap in the form of "welfare" just so you don't go out robbing and killing other taxpayers they rely on to stay in power. Welfare is a trade-off is all it is, don't hurt our goyim at the cattle farm, don't rob from us, here is some food stamps so be good little goyim and mind your own affairs.

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836594  No.277597



I didn't stutter.. if you had completed high school and went to college you would be the one helping your daughter and not the other way around

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8c324e  No.277598


Its the DIEversity that makes them worthless. Whites are driven from the institutions they founded by low IQ foreigners who fill them up with their worthless ideas.

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eeac84  No.277599


If the government had to deal with a million Jesse James without welfare relying on the gun to survive, law enforcement in this country would collapse.

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836594  No.277600


You are weak and powerless and stupid and uneducated and obviously lazy because you never attained any level higher than a menial common Blue collar laborer working in a steel mill for minimum wage

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eeac84  No.277601


MAYBE. It depends what degree I got and whether I would have gotten into decent profession.

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836594  No.277602


Maybe you can pawn your gun and buy a meal without having to beg your daughter for money?

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836594  No.277603


At what age did you finally realize you you weren't actually your daughter's biological father?

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eeac84  No.277604


Guns. I have plenty of them, and no way would I ever give them up, they are my most valuable asset besides family, in fact they may be needed to ensure my homestead and family are safe someday.

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eeac84  No.277605


I don't beg for money, we have plenty of food stocked up and they also help with the grocery bills. This is a 50/50 operation, and we have plenty of backups.

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836594  No.277606



When shit really hits the fan the only real asset you'll have is your butthole

And you'll trade it for a pack of saltine crackers when you get hungry enough

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eeac84  No.277607

Hold on Johnny, I have to show you something soon, I'll be back, it's something you NEED to have…..

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836594  No.277608

Just ask marshmallow sally.. he's got plenty of experience trading out his rectum for false reassurances of friendship

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836594  No.277609


Don't waste your time because I'm logging out of the internet now. Wendy and I are working on our converted box truck

We might even drive through Missouri on our way out west

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eeac84  No.277610


I will not go senile, I have curcumin and sodium bicarbonate, plus plenty of natural Vitamin D.

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eeac84  No.277611


You'll want to visit a nice little place in the big town of Washington then, it's a little Italian shop, they have a great deli there and make awesome sandwiches!

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eeac84  No.277612


Washington also has a farmers market too ;)

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eeac84  No.277629


>Lincoln Project

>Lincoln Project, Dem Operative Claim Credit for Neo-Nazi Cosplay Hoax


Why do I get a feeling the DNC is with us on this board?

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eeac84  No.277630

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eeac84  No.277637


"Build Back Better" is all about installing UN Agenda 21 and the "Green New Deal", they want the entire industry and supply chain under total federal control. They want their social credit scores, their vaccine passports, their new digital currency that will track every transaction you make, they want to do away with private property and private transportation, replacing with a rent-only based economy "you will own nothing and like it" model, they'll want to ban cattle ranching and raising livestock because they want the goyim eating bugs…. the fact is, we are not putting up with any of that. Americans are fed up, we are not buying the BS anymore, fuck them.

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eeac84  No.277644

Some people are worried about balkanization in the US, I am not worried, let that damn breakup happen already. Lets just go our own way, as the US Constitution itself insisted we do. America was never meant to be one country anyway, according to the US Constitution it was meant to be decentralized States that had their own politics and policies and citizens could move where it best suited their interests. At this point the federal government should be abolished and the States should run their own policy and enforce their own laws. Leave national defense to the military. Get the federal government OUT of our lives and OUT of economic affairs.

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