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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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079368  No.273679

Sweet Chubby Cheeks Kyleen… Easily intimidated onto his knees…. Willing to do ANYTHING to avoid an ass whooping…

The prisons are filled with "90s Babies" & "2000s Babies", who are off-the-chain violent and looking for any opportunity to attack a white bitch…

But it's the OLDER inmates Kyleen needs to worry about… They're going to rape him so many times that he can't keep count…

Then they're going to start pimping him out for Ramen Noodles and Postage Stamps.

If Kyleen dares to refuse to comply, they will simply beat him down. He can't fight. He's fat and out of shape. They will all take turns kicking his teeth out…


He's going to be able to identify each inmate by the flavor of their sperm….

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079368  No.273680


and this is symbolic, because when FAT SISSYBOY KYLEEN gets shipped off to prison, it will send an important message to you idiots who think you're part of some sort of "revolution"…


there isn't going to be any "revolution"

you're not a "patriot"

you're an irrelevant disenfranchised douchebag

shove your stupid guns up your ass

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37972b  No.273682


Is your name actually John?

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2986b5  No.273684


On day one they're gonna bust out her teeth so she can suck dick better. The prison will give her dentures. Personally, I can't wait to see the first pic of Kyleen smiling for the camera through state issue teeth.

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9de788  No.273686

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