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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 00163f02004a63d⋯.jpg (285.93 KB, 960x640, 3:2, anonymous_hacked_you.jpg)

b80c50  No.273112

Hackers Leak Private Details of Thousands in Israeli Army, Threaten Gantz

'Moses Staff', the group of hackers who are believed to be composed of Iranian nationals, claimed they have acquired 'troop deployment information' of the Israeli army.


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8266d9  No.273121


Source: An Israeli newspaper


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b80c50  No.273135


Yes. Israeli news reported by an Israeli news outlet.

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35f593  No.273222


Well, since they lie to everyone else, one might assume they lie to themselves too.

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b80c50  No.273223


Let's hope they're lying. If Israel's "allies" don't respond to Iran over this hacking incident then Iran has permission to actually hack Israel.

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8266d9  No.273276

File: f8deeda82981960⋯.png (151.8 KB, 500x680, 25:34, kikes_never_lie.png)


Yeah, exactly. Israel claiming in Israeli newspapers that Iran did something to them? Pic related …

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