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File: 3814e6229565bac⋯.png (1.51 KB, 233x220, 233:220, instinct.png)

612357  No.26901[Last 50 Posts]

The only conventional/sensible way forward is through nature like always, instead of desperately grasping for infrastructure/unnatural things that just hold us back anyways. I'm not referring to racial egalitarian distortion of primitivism because that is unnatural. I only kept the "Anarcho" part as a sign of rebellion to the modern system/infrastructure. Our futures are not with guns and bullets (factory/imprisonment/suicide/fodder/fools/brainwashing/lead poisoning) but with spears and bows (autonomy/food/health) or whatever our instinct (body) truly tells us.

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8e531d  No.26920


Get more guns and kill all jews, all leftists and all other non-whites and race traitors.

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0dce7f  No.26927


Primmies make anyone standing next to them look sane and normal.

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c7a562  No.26929


>oy vey goyim give up everything you ever created become defenseless oy vey

Suicide now.

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612357  No.26931


Loaded plate, think you missed a spot.


Most people are brainwashed.


Not only are you defenseless, but self-destructive. The suicide is yours, I just recommend against it. You don't have to "give up" anything but you should give up your brainwashing/trappings that you know aren't right and won't do you any real good. Do whatever you want.

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594fc2  No.26932

This proposal leads to inevitable extinction. So no.

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c7a562  No.26933


>oy vey give up everything you ever created

>you are defenseless if you don't oy vey

Suicide now.

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6271b5  No.26935


Commit genocide. Exterminate all hostile races.

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612357  No.26937


You are just brainwashed to think that way.


What did you create? Why worry about it if you can just create it and use it to your benefit? You can have whatever you want. This thread is about the positive/what will and won't help our health and autonomy going forward which naturally includes racial integrity.

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54189f  No.26942


No it is guaranteed extinction.

If we can't leave this solar system then we will die when our systems star moves into the next phase of its life. You know the one where it expands massively and the earth ends up inside it.

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612357  No.26945


There is no feasible way to live on another planet much less another solar system, and we have present issues.

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73177e  No.26948


>There is no feasible way to live on another planet much less another solar system

You mean pressurized cans do not real? Damn. Someone better tell the navy. All their submarines are lies

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612357  No.26950


Okay then go live outside of Earth.

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73177e  No.26953


Yes. Hopefully. I am tired of these people. I am tired of being caught up in the tangle of their lives.

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9afbc1  No.26954


Yeah, but we have a good 5 billion years before that happens.

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00893f  No.26955


yes please, I hope Musk makes it happen, because I don't know how

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73177e  No.26956


Dont rely on some reddit popsci idol to make your dreams a reality. All the knowledge of the human race is at your fingertips. Make it happen, however you can. And remember that Rome wasnt built in a day

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9ee694  No.26957



The proposal is to abandon all technology and become stone age tribals again.

This means any potential future where we avoid extinction by this cause is no longer available.

He is advocating the certain extinction of our species.

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c7a562  No.26964


Suicide immediately. You will never be believed here.

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73177e  No.26970


Really what would happen is the tribals would quickly lose all motivation to be dumb retards wallowing in shit and would quickly begin developing technology again, probably within year but definitely by the next generation. They would go to the nearest abandoned city, find a book, restore the modern world, use their supremacy to wipe out all the remaining savages, and civilization would continue with only a minor hiccup. There is no way backwards. Only forwards. You cannot revert to a lesser level of technology, so the only way to solve your technology based problems is to develop something better. Not revert to the stone age.

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20c005  No.26973


You're an idiot.

If we fall into a post industrial age as a species then we have only a few years to get back on top of things.

Reason being energy.

We've tapped and fully exploited all the easily accessed energy sources, we're at a stage where an industrialised society is required to access the energy we need to fuel our society.

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63f5be  No.26979

If you advocate for 'returning to nature', then as in nature, whoever has more might wins.

Even if much of the entire world were to explode under nuclear devastation - As the survivors of the fallout emerged, they would pick up guns and use whatever technology they had at their disposal to secure resources and develop their tribes. And if your retarded primitive clan threatened them, their resources, or their territory, or even on a whim, they would pick up their guns and shoot you.

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ce1135  No.26986


No primitive anarchic could last longer than a generation. That's not long enough for the knowledge of advanced power generation to be lost. Besides, it still hasnt been ruled out that fossil fuels could be generated from abiotic sources

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ad9bd4  No.26991

Where exactly do you draw the line between a tool and an 'unnatural' abomination? What makes guns and bullets and infrastructure any less natural than spears and bows?

And how do you define 'nature', and why are humans predetermined to follow your definition of nature? Are humans not biological, natural beings themselves? So what makes anything we do more or less 'natural'?

You seem to have a very different view of nature than me. When I see nature, yes initially I see beauty and glory, but if I use my human brain I see eternal war and chaos, rape, incest, animals that eat their own shit, plants suffocating each other vying for dominance, birds constantly screaming out for a fuck, bees pollinating metaphorical yonis. In fact, isn't it an exclusively human phenomenon to recognize and define 'beauty' at all, let alone in the chaos that is what we call 'nature'? Spengler for example goes into even more depth on this concept in Decline of the West, where he talks about how the 'first man' - *without* the knowledge we have today, afforded to us by the utilization of our very human capacity for long term memory and inquisition/existential thought - would've seen the world as an explainable, thing of magic, where potential danger lurked around every corner.

And I don't see how and why we are supposedly predetermined to ape 'nature' and beasts. The very fact that we can transcend our bestial impulses and become as god-beasts, where our greatest science is 'indistinguishable from magic', is the largest part of what makes humans unique and greater than every other animal.

But even from a much more practical standpoint, anprim/ecofash shit only guarantees our genocide, because this dying rock will become uninhabitable for multiple reasons - long before the inevitable death of our sun - and whether through space colonization or a complete transformation in our habitats/biology, we NEED tech to survive. And if whites refuse to even influence, let alone lead, the tech revolution, than we've already guaranteed the eternal rule of kikes and bugs, because you can bet your ass they won't have anywhere near the amount of qualms we have about ecological impact, let alone have the ethics and morals needed to engineer these technologies into something healthy.

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ad9bd4  No.26992


*unexplainable thing of magic

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4784bb  No.27119


>Anarcho Primitivism

>I make spear in mud hut

>I make a couple and give them to friends

>Due to superior technology the rest of the tribe can't compete

>system collapses

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c7a562  No.27161

File: 03915a1553db9e4⋯.png (149.44 KB, 640x479, 640:479, 74f.png)

File: 81831924ccf4cb4⋯.jpeg (265.36 KB, 959x929, 959:929, E35721FD-2CFF-4E46-975B-7….jpeg)

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File: 2783b15ce912fc8⋯.png (156.83 KB, 584x932, 146:233, 278.png)


Thread needs deleted and OP needs banned.

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627f08  No.27203


It's not OP's fault that you're such a stupid nigger that you can't differentiate between modern society and living in smaller tribal communities, nice Reddit memes.

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c7a562  No.27204


>OP literally says nothing you claimed it said

Why do we give a shit about your faggot shill who tells whites to give up all our defenses? Kill yourself.

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627f08  No.27207


Sorry I forgot the based blacks, boomers and transgender activists for the second amendment will be the stalwart defense against white genocide .

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612357  No.27277


We are never really outside of nature, just brainwashed really. We destroy ourselves and they tell us if we don't we need to worry about the mighty senseless barbarian if we don't destroy ourselves. Nuclear devastation would kill everything and is a fantasy/fear monger scenario they use to control your mind. Guns break down, need ammo, and they poison what you shoot, they are not sustainable in any way. A primitive clan would have more flexibility and health, while the gun dependent ones would lose their way. Your ideas are completely brainwashed and devoid of social understanding, practicality, and reality in general.


A proper tool is something simple and can be reproduced in nature instead of depending on industrial infrastructure. Guns and bullets poison when they are produced, when they kill, and are dependencies. Humans are predetermined to follow "my" definition of nature because it defines health, and the healthiest/fittest survive. You don't use your human brain you use your brainwashed brain. Humans are unique in our enslavement, we have not transcended we have in fact done the opposite.

"kikes and bugs will rule without us being enamored with toys" well how has that gone for us so far? How has it gone for them? Look around at the reality and you will see that you were wrong and enslaved. Of course you will never hear the system criticize itself or much at all that make wake you up from slave mentality. Even if it's through disdain they want to distract you with kikes/Israel (that you will never be able to get rid of playing their game) because then at least they still have some influence. Don't play their game or you are gonna lose and be a fool all the while.


"System collapse" compared to what exactly?

>be vaccinated

>cut hair

>eat mostly carbohydrates

>flouride and other pollutants

>be addicted to electricity like right now

>electronics fry our brain

>All other tribes (Jews, Christians, Niggers etc.) take full advantage

Need I go on?


Most people do not have that knowledge and they usually do not have a way to implement it even if they do. Power generation would still be a self-defeating hamper anyways like it always ends up being.


You wouldn't be wallowing in shit though especially if you eat mostly meat and you could just shit wherever and nature will eat it. You cannot develop something better you have no real control over these things that ensnare us except to cut them off or to not work as a slave but there will still be slaves to try to maintain it all. I agree that it's not backwards, but forwards.

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49aecd  No.27283

National Socialism is better a state based on the natural laws and an economy on social equity.

States don't have to be unnatural they are merely more complex verisons of existing hierarchys and reverting and weaking your tribe is anything but natural. It's a spit on the face of the upwards climb of evoultion and only guarentees your people's death.

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612357  No.27311


People also argue that race mixing is just natural evolution, but we know that's nonsense just like what you are proposing is nonsense. We are not going to have the infrastructure that Hitler had and lost. National Socialism is a redundant phrase and we don't have a nation anyways. Either way this infrastructure only destroys us and we will be better off without it. There is no nation, that's a delusion and people are enslaved and less social or if they are social it is in some meaningless way.

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49aecd  No.27331


The people who say that are wrong. Why would nature want a lesser race to bring down a higher race, that goes against evoultion by deevolving the higher race. And even if you are a lesser race, it's the struggle between different races that makes evoultion go and by interbreeding you not only introduce deadly health problems but stop evoultion in it's tracks.

So that's not natural and we can see that through logic.

And what "infastructure" are you talking about modern medicine makes people stronger and live longer not to mention the state ensures people are fed and mantains a national army to apply natural selection to a global scale.

How is that "weaking", huh?

Your arugment truly makes no sense.

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612357  No.27332


lol modern "medicine" makes people live shorter. The state ensures a lot of (bad) things and a good diet (quality meat) is not one of them, it pushes the opposite (grains, formula, vaccines, cooked milk, low-fat milk, raw carrots&broccoli, and so on. just look at what kids are fed in the slave center called school.) It's here to cripple and enslave or destroy us. The racemixing stuff is just the cream of it.

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49aecd  No.27338


>modern medicine make people live shorter lives

That's just straight up a lie. Not having herd immunity is what WIPED OUT the Native Americans. And things like soap, pencilin and disenfectents make sure that if you get a small cut you don't have the chance of just dying like in the old days.

The average life span was 35 and even shorter in the precivilization days now we are pushing 100.

>muh food

Part of National Socialism is agranism, you don't need to destroy the state to get good food. Infact without selective breeding on a mass scale we wouldn't even have wheat big enough to be worth making it. and how do you expect to ever focus on other things if you don't have someone growing food to send to the city so they can work on… I don't know MAKING YOU SOME GODDAMN PENICILLIN or raising a general army? To protect you from other nations which will exist no matter what you do.

To enforce Anarchism you need a state to destroy any states that naturally occur over time. What a paradox. How else are you going to ensure Joe and his army pals don't just organize and take over the jungle savages creating the New Virginian Republic resulting in other civilizations rising as a response.

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daa1d1  No.27343

>make spear

>ask oog to make spear too

>killed by oog for being a bourgeois/techno lover

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612357  No.27344


I saw a super healthy Indian not too long ago. A small cut wouldn't kill you unless maybe you were starving but even then it is unlikely. People used to live past 100 just fine. It's the opposite, people today are barely making 35 when people used to live way longer without religion or crops.

No wheat is worth making because wheat is junk. You focus better with proper nutrition aka meat and blood. I don't want penicillin (sickness) and the army is not ours.

To "enforce" primitivism/health you just need to throw rocks or sling at the electric poles or you could try anything and maybe even mess up the canals or roads. Joe and his army pals are slaves. Lol they were even vaxxed a ton to make sure they don't get all the "benefits."


>make gun

>jews lock door

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49aecd  No.27347


Look up what an infection is.

Yes if you got a gash back in the Dark Ages even you were likely to die. Modern medicine and sanitation has come a long way.

>people had no problem loving a 100 years

No it's not the opposite in what fantasy land do you live in where the average Joe doesn't make it past 35? Japan even has a problem with there being TOO many old people. Back then you were liable to either die in child birth or get cut and die from an infection. People lived much shorter lives. Living a hundred years was close to impossible. Actually look it up, it takes two seconds.

>pencillin is a disease

Do you know how vaccinations work? You have google or if that's not primitave enough for you, boot up netscape and get on AOL.

A weakned strain of the virus is intoduced to your body so your body can prepare defenses well ahead of time.


A rock will do nothing against a wall or a gun.

Joe and his buddies would gun you down. There would be nothing you could do. Are you seriously implying throwing rocks would stop people from naturally organising and forming socities. The fuck?

>muh meat

If you drink blood you're a retard and deserve whatever breed of SARs you're going to contract. And have fun with the mad cow since you don't have vaccinations or herd immunity.

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49aecd  No.27351

Also that tree nigger is most deffiantly on some sort of healthcare plan and recives regular vaccines like most people.

That's not the same as what I was talking about. Look up "Indian Small Pox"

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867e9c  No.27353


>people today are barely making 35

Seriously what third world shit hole do you live in?


>I don't even know the difference between vaccines and antibiotics, let alone about prions that cause mad cow disease.

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49aecd  No.27359


We vaccinate for mad cow ,prions or not, which needs a society.

I mixed up antibiotics and vaccines shoot me. It doesn't negate my argument.

It actually strengthns it as pencillin is derived from a type of mold not a virus.

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612357  No.27360


Japan eats raw meat/diary like raw fish. I had raw ice cream from Japan not too long ago. You went from small cut to gash, which shows your desperation to defend your anti-bacteria brainwashing. Women have easier childbirth with more meat especially quality meat.

>A weakned strain of the virus is intoduced to your body so your body can prepare defenses well ahead of time.

lol brainwash slave theory, enjoy your healthy vaccines friend.

>joe and his buddies will gun you down

are you still on about this fantasy? Most infrastructure does not have a wall around it, maybe a chainlink fence at times. They would never know it was you doing the destruction and if they did the slaves (army, police) would try to send you to the other prison outside of the normal prison everyone is in. I love how everyone talks about the barbarian boogyman and then you slaves babble on about Joe and the army from the sky which is why I need to slave for money and for a gun even though the army/police are more likely to find me and go after me if I have or use those things.



Both are antibiotics because they kill our biotics (body).

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867e9c  No.27364


>It doesn't negate my argument.

You made an argument? Where?



Calm your tits. Most people I know live well well past 35 so I am curious why your own observations would be so drastically different.

Fun fact to make your head explode: our own bodies make formaldehyde.

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612357  No.27367


Okay like I said go enjoy your vaccines goyim.


Instead you could just eat raw and/or fermented meat or diary instead of eating mold in a capsule.

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4f80b8  No.27421

File: 5b9c822c9395f2a⋯.png (117.76 KB, 326x308, 163:154, 5b9c822c9395f2a9aa2290f252….png)


Great post

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2a2663  No.27423

Yeah dude let's chuck spears in the woods until the sun dies, that's surely the way "forward."

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000000  No.27428


I think it's much better to approach primitivism from the /tech/ perspective. That is to cut out as much unnecessary bloat from your life that requires you to rely on systems you have no true understanding of or control over. To be primitive is to depend entirely on your knowledge and skill sets, or the knowledge and skill sets of a smaller tight nit community. That way no systemic collapse or corruption can leave you vulnerable.

Can you understand the mechanics of a firearm? Of course, they're relatively simple devices. Can you repair it? Most likely. OP's approach of appealing to nature is flawed, so I won't defend it. Primitivism isn't about abandoning technology, just like refusing to use proprietary software isn't about abandoning software. It's about abandoning otherwise useless dependencies and learning to live without the comfort or replacing them with someone that you can build and maintain yourself. Fridges are great, but depending on electricity is fucking retarded. Learning how to gather and preserve food without that technology is absolutely worthwhile.

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612357  No.27444


This is what I'm talking about, brainwashing. You don't need to preserve (destroy) your food. If something keeps bacteria from eating your food then it will also hurt your food and you. It's about not seeking out technology and not going on one of these dumb shootings.

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a0cd2a  No.27447

File: 57681f04ce93328⋯.jpg (203.88 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ainsley.jpg)


Your subscription to a sect of anarchy plays into the hands of the obvious divide and conquer stratagem.

Anarchy means without rulers, if you subscribe to anything beyond that KEEP IT TO YOURSELF AND FUCK YOUR FLAG.

The word NATURE is etymologically derived from the ancient Egyptian word NTR or netfar which means GOD. This is the natural law of the universe.

Of course you're probably a brainwashed atheist as that's pretty popular these days.

Think for yourself flag muppet.

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000000  No.27450


>glow niggers trips

Not cool fed-kun, totally not cool.

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612357  No.27455


Anarchy means a shift in order. We are already divided and conquered and would be better off without the infrastructure.

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a081bb  No.27539


>bot posting word salads

Sage and report spam threads.

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49aecd  No.27558


>raw icecream

Do you mean unpausterized? "Raw" icecream doesn't exist. Pausterization is litterally just heating milk to 200 degrees for a few seconds to kill bacteria. There is nothing wrong with it and infact it's the reason so many people can drink milk these days.

>other prison outside of the normal prison

What? Why.

By "Joe and his buddies" I mean any civilization which will devolop.

They would kill you eaisly not put you in a "jail outside a jail" what good is a rock against a basic naked blade or arrows? Wooden pikes even. Much less a gun. You're not going to destroy civilization with a rock. And people will naturally devolep civilization as it's better for everyone and results in more food and security for all.

>gash cut

Gash, Cut who cares. The base reality is that you need to wash and disenfect your wound less you get infected and die from gangrene or something.

Or what does gangerene not exist?

You're starting to make nosense please go back -→ /cow/


Learn to read or hang yourself plox

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1fb22e  No.27735


>NTR means God

Does that mean God is a fat bald middle aged man who cucks hentai protagonists?

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7c0e34  No.27785

File: 6771f101360c364⋯.png (405.79 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SAGE.PNG)

Report and hide shitposts/shitpost threads.

Sage goes in all fields.

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612357  No.27858


Yes sherlock that's what I meant. Joe and his buddies is purely your slave/fearmonger/power fantasy when you will just remain a slave along with Joe and his buddies and none of you will ever hamper white displacement in any way. Bacteria is important so are the nutrients that also cooked away you absolutely brainwashed and retarded sheep.

>I mean I mean I mean- any slave system where I am brainwashed and dumb

You're a retard that works solely in the most nonsensical and far stretched slave fantasies that make absolutely zero sense in reality and so of course you are extremely disingenuous and will defend/rationalize your enslavement as much as you can.

>what good is a rock

I literally just explained it being used to take down power lines and the rest of what you're saying is nonsensical and irrelevant dribble. Yes you can destroy the modern slave system with simpler means and you will never be able to destroy it with a gun and going on shootings that only does the system any good while you get outplayed. Crops are slave food, not real food, sorry you fell for the vegan meme (and the security meme.)


oh no the invisible boogeyman is gonna get me. You are super brainwashed and mentally retarded. You don't make sense to begin with so go back to sucking Joe and his buddies cocks as they gash you with their fearsome military might.

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49aecd  No.27869


A rock can topple society? Woah should of told Ted that, he would of just rocked everyone to death.

So you do think gangerene doesn't exist.

Here is an experiment for you, go outside get a reasonably sizes cut. Don't treat it. Don't even touch it and go about your day; gathering kindling, catching small game, fishing and see what happens.


How can you not know that bacteria exists? I'm serious when I ask if you actually have gone hiking or trail blazing. You should know this shit it's basic biology man.

I can't see white blood cells or platelits they must not exist! Magic scabs my wounds.

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a081bb  No.27875


Doesn’t matter. Entire board is nothing but spam. No one does anything about it. Anyone is allowed to post anything here, EXCEPT whites. Whites aren’t allowed to say that we have to fight back against this. You’re banned for weeks if you do that. 8chan is completely destroyed.

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612357  No.27881


Ted was obsessed with the college he was at. It was a stupid attack even though he rationalized it, Ted had a lot of lingering brainwashing which was made clear when I read his manifesto. He could have just attacked an electric substation with his toys or attack a canal but he chose a worse target that got him more heat than anything else and of course he also was more likely to get caught the way he went about it and the target he chose in which he did get caught. Treatment is natural, and it's called a nice fatty piece of meat including organs. Always the best cure for anything. Hiking is not a goal, just a means to an ends, so it sounds like what you are saying as "hiking" is something unnatural. I know that bacteria exists, again you are being disingenuous. I've stated numerous times how important bacteria is for us.


lol no it's been you schizo boomers that have been spamming this thread with your inane dribble. Fight back against what? That I reveal the truth of how we can actually progress instead of playing a game that was already against us from the get-go? I want Whites to be healthy and potent and not playing this stupid game set-up against them. Why don't you fight back against what enslaves us instead?

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53b6f0  No.36168

File: 195ac79a12acff3⋯.png (229.55 KB, 530x486, 265:243, ClipboardImage.png)

>Being a cuck an-prim

<Not being Wild and attacking your domesticator until death despite the fact that techno-industrial civilization cannot be stopped.

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612357  No.36179


Nothing cuck about it. Who is the domesticator? You cannot even answer that. Most of it is just surviving memes that most blindly follow. Yeah go ahead be an idiot that shoots up a place instead of shooting the electric transformers. It can be stopped and it's a simple as stopping the wires, pipes, or even going as far as to mess with the canals. You're just a Hollywood impressed idiot. But whatever, be wild and do whatever you want at least I can agree on that.>>36168

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53b6f0  No.36186


>Yeah go ahead be an idiot that shoots up a place

Implying any of the RS/ITS crews have been caught for there actions. anyone with an IQ above downs syndrome cna kill people and cause damamge without an heroing or going to jail.

> instead of shooting the electric transformers. It can be stopped and it's a simple as stopping the wires, pipes, or even going as far as to mess with the canals.

There have been attacks on the universities and staff as 'soft' infrastructure. but anyway, there have been attacks on hard infrastructure ftiw. tbqh swim could attack parts of infrastructure without even putting there clothes on and leaving there console. An-prims are idealists to a man, at least the eco-extremists and nihilist terrorists fulfill there desires and stay free.

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f7c275  No.36239



>you’re a boomer because you don’t support jewish spam

Blow your brains out.

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53b6f0  No.36254


calm down bro. it's only the internet.

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f9c6e8  No.36274


Neck yourself.

100% post failure rate from desktop browser; posts instantly from other browser. KILL YOURSELF, JIM.

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916dbd  No.36277


Primitivism is useless. There's nothing to gain from it other than cancer.

This is just another obvious slide thread.

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9afbc1  No.36300


That's because phoneposting is a crime in the US and, thus, against the Global Rule.

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e2f28e  No.36314



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612357  No.36332



wtf are you on about this time schizo boomer?



Nice one but it's the opposite way around. People get tumors like never before nowadays. Sorry you're a faggot that hates the idea of your toys going away.

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dabe9c  No.37329


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9503e3  No.37336




>too retarded to read the thread

That’s your problem, kike.

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7d1b3f  No.38335


You absolute imbecile, the industrial system of international capitalism will result in the eradication of the human race and all traditional values within the next century unless the entire industrial system crashes down.

The only other future timeline is one of gene edited mulatto niggers with docile mongoloid slave brains raping everything else out of existence as technologically amplified semitic scions levitate over the fields in their hover segways.

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8b8bd1  No.38361


did you hit your head while playing far goy primal or why do you think larping as a neanderthal is a valid strategy for anything but self destruction ?

But hey, dont let me hold you back. Start right now and lead by example by stopping your internet (oh oh, ebil tegnology) usage right now you wonderful hypocrite. Be the change you want to see.

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36a2d9  No.40972

Nature is paramount and the human race is doomed to degeneracy and slavery if it strays from its iron law.

This one true law should be the catalyst from which a just equilibrium is reached. Technology is the antithesis to nature, but through the lens of national socialism, synthesis can be reached.

To get there one must use the hardly acquired knowledge of his ancestors, for knowledge is but the understanding of nature and this in itself isn't evil. What is evil is the irresponsible use of this knowledge to create a system that puts itself above said iron law.

The wars of tomorrow will be fought with fire and brimstone whether you like it or not.

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aeeecf  No.41006


How's Wisconsin?

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8205db  No.41323

Technologically-backward societies will always be dominated by more industrialized and advanced societies. It's precisely why Europe ruled the world. The Rousseau idea of the "noble savage" is fallacious and destructive just like anything else associated with that loon.

Technology is not necessarily good nor is it necessarily bad. Technology can result in a more regimented, dystopian society but it can also lead to more freedom. Advancing requires shedding a primitivist conception of the "natural order" and adopting the metaphysical tenets of natural law and the logic of human behavior.

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e151f3  No.41594

File: c79f73dcc63ec69⋯.mp4 (3.3 MB, 640x360, 16:9, OP is a phaggot.mp4)


The only faggot here is you, (((OP))). Keep telling your desperate lies.

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612357  No.45447


You're a slave that is only slightly self aware, that's why you are here. You do not rule the world, you are just delusional.


I made the thread, retard.

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57c4f3  No.45470

Lol, I never actually read the OP. They nakedly admit to lying about their use of the name and flag, but this place is so totally broken into submission to lies that the thread is still active. None of you actually have the strength to face an honest world, huh?

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57c4f3  No.45472


You’re an enslaved liar. :D

You’ll never get strong enough to live without lies. Die shattered while honest people live forever in the coming age of biological mastery. Advanced people don’t need slaves.

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94fea8  No.45488

Political ideologies are like diets, almost all of them work if you actually stick to them. You can present the merits of any system and make it look good on paper, but if it's impractical to create/enforce it just won't work. When you're picking a diet, or advocating a "new" civic structure, use practicality as the primary metric. When measured by that yardstick, "your" idea is exactly as achievable as communism or anarcho-capitalism, and for the same reasons.

In this specific case, it seems like you're advocating a lifestyle that you should live, even project onto your family if it suits you. That's your business. Most people who advocate some kind of revolutionary idea should just practice it themselves and leave the rest of us to our own devices.

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49f2d6  No.45489


Enjoy radiation death you fucking fag.

The magnetic field of Earth and its atmosphere keeps your sorry undeserving ass alive in the black holocaust that is the vacuum of space.

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57c4f3  No.45500

When people normalize force and deception (authoritarian means) as ways of achieving compliance, the consequence is that mutual submission becomes a possibility. For what is forced is rarely true in service to the one being forced, and by forces of compromise or power balance both parties may be forced in different ways. Building a society of maximum breadth and gentility minimizes all need of subservience.

There should be little preventing people from being primitive in a sufficiently advanced society, but note the converse isn’t true; a sufficiently primitive society limits advancement quite severely. An advanced society can host primitivisms as recreations, whereas the sciences are mediocre recreations at best. This requires the ordering.

As well, automation frees people from labor only in a society which tolerates people being freed from labor. Those who would murder “the useless” have no use for recreational explorers and creatives, and they create societies that match; when they have “earned” the pleasure that they were violently infuriated at others having “unearned”, they find themselves under threat from the very society by which they “earned” pleasure. That is a society which likewise enforces primitive slavery, as the self-righteous enforcers find themselves impaled upon the spears of the society they created, and since all in that society must endeavor, there is no time to think of new potentials nor any respect for those who do. In this too we find that the primitive society struggles to host advancement more than the advanced society struggles to host primitivism, for the advanced society is glad of all reductions to its labors while the primitive society must dwell in terror of becoming “useless”.

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57c4f3  No.45508


This is potentially true. We can still transition to a more sustainable society to remain advanced despite all we’ve used, but an outright industrial collapse at this point would be hard to recover from due to all the used-up resources. Some of the shakier bridge technologies fell down behind us.

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94fea8  No.45512


I agree, but I'd like to refine from the general to the specific. How ought a sufficiently advanced society deal with a shrinking job market? We've seen the growth of the service industry complement the shrinking technical sectors predictably, but in the hypothetical future which is the favorite of radical socialists, what should we do if one day 10% of the population easily performs 99% of the necessary labor?

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94fea8  No.45514


Separately, do you not believe the threat of force to be ubiquitous? For example, I don't suppose you think a disarmed government can govern anything, or that a disarmed populace will not quickly fall under oppression? As well, do you have a single example of a society that systematically disposed the bulk of its "useless" citizens? I chose carefully the words "systematically" and "citizens" there for conciseness.

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612357  No.45560


I'm not advocating a lifestyle or diet.


This isn't about "recreation" or any sort of personal detachment from the present materials and populations readily available. The only thing that is really "advanced" is the system of slavery itself.

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94fea8  No.45584


Enhance your reading comprehension; half of what you're referring to is an analogy and the other half is a comparison. I said "sounds like" because I was hoping you'd expound on what makes this any different from a lifestyle enforced on the populace by a government. That was secondary to my main point, which is that this is an utterly unpracticeable system for which you're advocating. I'm open to any arguments to the contrary.

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612357  No.45605


You need to enhance yours, I am not advocating for a system in which there is only one dominate system before us.

It makes "it" different because it would get rid of the devices used on us. The force would be crippled. There is no argument, what has been built can be destroyed.

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5d55f2  No.81734


>lolbertarianism with undoing of all the white man's inventions…


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