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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: dbc6ca052d202b1⋯.jpg (116.24 KB, 790x523, 790:523, IMG_20210921_184517_031.jpg)

16eea0  No.264089

The Haitians being bussed in are a part of how the Irish Mafia rigged the election.

They also used them for the riots

I had a neighbor in San Antonio who was Hation and the Mafia gave him drugs and payed him and told him to harass me.

They said that they would let me back in if I fucked him to prove to them that I'm not racist.

Yeah but there where lines of them in San Antonio right by Centro Info. Totally not a Mafia Front.

They brought the Haitians in so they can help rig the election and now they're sending him a back because they have no more use for them and slavery never ended.

I would rather die then be a part of your stupid lie!

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460c6a  No.264115


you're illiterate. congratulations !!

it's BUSED* not bussed

just like it's BUSES* not busses

and you typed, "I had a neighbor in San Antonio who was Hation"


(lol @ you actually thinking you have a "superior IQ")

by the way, you're probably THE most boring human I can think of.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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