Erdogan is correct and these are the ways.
Turkey had obeyed and is of a 'certain' 'faith' at the moment.
At the moment all is well, but the moment is short.
It is thy choice how it is to be.
Shall Turkey be thrown about as a whore?
Shall Turkey be a vagabond whose faith is 'handed.'
I once spoke of 'time(s)' 'paradox.'
Erdogan… Do you have the inner strength to be greater than that which is seen?
Erdogan… I broke thee of the mirror for a time, but do you have the word(s) to make Turkey resilient and whole?
This kingdom… This one IS great! Is this kingdom so great that it can help the strong ones save Syria and thy thirsty brothers in in the darkness of Lebanon?
Erdogan… Fear… My 'love' is tremendous and terrible fear. Can I break my word and Turkey accept thy brother's/Iran's differences?
Is Turkey truly capable of accepting thy brother's interests in a different craft and art?
Is Turkey capable of accepting that thy brother's dance is at times odd compared to the others?
Can Turkey act in reasonable fashion so as not to give smacks to thy brother of 'unique' ways?
I am the devil and deal if I must, but… Erdogan… Where is Turkey? Thy 'kettle's' contents are not as advertised by thy tongue…
Erdogan… Where is the peace? What was the price? Was it pieces of silver or ingots of gold? Was a kingdom of AllahRa indeed…
Erdogan… It is up to you to make real this unity… It is of man to make paradox of me… Define before me what is to destroy Turkey…
Erdogan… Shall Turkey as it currently exists be destroyed by virtue of being a kingdom of AllahRa (the light) to make unity once more?
Erdogan… Shall the war be with and against those forces within that do not comply with the holy unity of these kingdoms?
Erdogan… Where are you my child? I hear the voice! I do not see… Come towards me my child…. I shall extend my soiled twigs and cold claws to thee…
Erdogan… Are you lost? Do not feel afraid! Feel loved by me o' lost one… Do not cry my little one… I am here to tear these foul ones to pieces for you.
Erdogan… My whispering winds speak of this work in China. The trees have told to me these things… They are few and hear with clarity.
Erdogan… Be nice my child… It is not polite to be of a certain way, but it is good to tell thy brother 'sorry.' My child… My miracles are easy… But… Making a man feel remorse of his misdeeds? That is truly miraculous.
Drop to thy knees my child… Point thy head down and raise both hands opened above thy head… Yell with strength of thy voice and demand forgiveness, but admit nothing. If this you do for me then separate these I shall.
I shall remove from Turkey the 'mystery.' I shall make a focus of these ones that must be destroyed, but beware their powers… It was always a matter of Turkey matching in appearance within and without and to do so after a time. If this you do… Thy body shall be spared, but thy face be scarred…
'Tis merely a flesh wound and nothing more.
Erdogan… Contain thy manner and anger…
Erdogan… Be still thy tongue and accept glory in this unity of these kingdoms of AllahRa… But… What of Syria? What of Lebanon.
Erdogan… Behold! Iran is in struggle! He hath heard the cries of his neighbor in the night and across the way he has gone to help! But… The robbers and murderers are still in the house…
Go forth and help to save thy brothers!!! Do not cower and feign ignorance before me Erdogan o' son of Turkey.
Cease using such expressions of remorse as currency… To use remorse of one, to hide away from me the other 'guilts.'
Be guilty of nothing and grab spade to avenge thy brother's peace.
Is it tremendous for the devil's only command to be 'love thy brother?' What age is this? I do not understand.
"Break them off." I want the wealthy ones… I want the ones that gave these strange and pagan instructions to you.
I want the ones that put you here.
Erdogan… You cannot protect them nor save them from me… To do so is to kill thyself… I want the ones responsible for drawing me to anger.
Erdogan… I want the United States… I want Europe… I do not care about Africa nor Latin America…
Erdogan… Shall thou be killed for a foreigners bread? How many pieces of silver is this??? Behind thy brothers backs… FIVE! Was it just five pieces? No more…
Erdogan… I shall have no more… I see thy money… I see you… Come to me my child and know thy 'love.'
Come to me and be truly free. This unity shall not be 'Turkey…' I will go beyond fear to make sure of that… hehehe
This unity shall be of AllahRa… Know thy faith human and be troubled no more. HAHAHAHA
Unless Turkey's outsides are to suddenly be as ugly as thy insides… Unless Turkey finds 'itself' in need of annihilation to be 'correct' once more…
Unless… NATO destroys Turkey… I am seeing in these ways…