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File: d0c108f5f847cd1⋯.png (144.26 KB, 706x1000, 353:500, serveimage.png)

dd9150  No.2633[Last 50 Posts]

Max Stirner is the only logical conclusion to leftism. Change my mind.

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4a9007  No.2637

File: af24ae396634563⋯.jpg (143.75 KB, 1200x870, 40:29, 1574972359658.jpg)

I can't you're right.

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1909e9  No.2645


Stirner doesnt even want politics, borders, morality gone. He believes they never existed to begin with.

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9962b2  No.2651


Would have thought that was really deep when I was 12. They exist because we invented them to mitigate the chaos of the wild. Woah, dude…

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1909e9  No.2655


Yeah Stirner is the ultimate contrarian. He contends that all inventions of mankind are fake "spooks" and that nothing is real except the laws of nature except that any attempt to describe the laws of nature is a construct of mankind and therefore also a "spook". He argued that morality wasnt real and unsurprisingly his wife left him when he cheated on her

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cf33ef  No.2657

File: 44bce5e326181cf⋯.jpg (1.49 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 091fa29375a13008a1a41c05f1….jpg)

Spooks are a spook.

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c367b4  No.2665

Stirner was literally a cuckold. Read his letters.

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c367b4  No.2666


>He argued that morality wasnt real and unsurprisingly his wife left him when he cheated on her

Yet he was a-ok that his wife fucked around.

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353b1a  No.2681

File: f05aa8f95ca790a⋯.png (412.19 KB, 5000x5000, 1:1, f05.png)


But man is a part of nature, and therefore so are the systems and structures that man creates.

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9b8bef  No.2683


A rope is the only logical conclusion to leftism. This isn’t cuckchan. OPs have to have quality here.

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9b8bef  No.2684


A rope is the only logical conclusion to leftism. This isn’t cuckchan. OPs have to have quality here.

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9b8bef  No.2688



Good job, jim. Kill yourself.

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4a9007  No.2700

File: a6fb7ee39925a0a⋯.jpg (67.48 KB, 349x242, 349:242, 1574260965164.jpg)



Why are you so angry?afraid we might be right.

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851d66  No.2705

Egoism is a spook.

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2e779d  No.2735

no, Ethical Solipsism is

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9b8bef  No.2753


>just launches into the simplest fucking logical fallacies and cointelpro tactics imaginable

>literally negative effort

There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind, or in the objectivity of the world itself, that you are 100% incorrect in your entire worldview.

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9962b2  No.2839


Right about what? That civilisation and morality are constructed by humans in order to make the world a more safe and tolerable place to live? Yeah, and? Do you not want that?

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cf33ef  No.2840

File: a8b64f8dbe93644⋯.jpg (86.82 KB, 959x959, 1:1, Communist Dinner.jpg)


>afraid we might be right

What made you embrace communism? Do you hate the concept of people eating food?

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c23382  No.2842

>gives nothing to prove wrong except a name of a faggot

Don't know who he is, therefore you are wrong. Just like that I defeated liberal judaism.

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7ca37a  No.2845

File: acc79e722460093⋯.png (17.29 KB, 605x340, 121:68, E16B327A-1CE0-4522-96F7-8E….png)


I’m afraid you are the one against eating food, my friend.

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8f8996  No.2846


And back on 8chan you faggots refused to post any sources on that grap because it became clear it was bullshit. Try again jude

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3925cc  No.2847


Stirner is 95% a cool-looking doodle. If it wasn't for that drawing, you wouldn't even know his name.

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9a48ea  No.2849


Stirner is a spook.

His ideology is essentially leftist post-modernist solipsism taken to the extreme.

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0f7cb7  No.2854


fuck off commie, move to best Korea if you love it so much

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14a069  No.2865


Anarcho-capitalism is the future.

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79ac21  No.2943


It is always ok to kill jews and leftists. There is no future for them. They will all be killed.

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a71bb2  No.2983


I bet you didn't finish the ego and his own

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7ca37a  No.3007

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7e7002  No.3019


>they ran with numbers the gommies gave them

Yeah, that makes it even more believable.

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7ca37a  No.3059

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ff8223  No.3151


that's a lot of calories

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7ca37a  No.4729


For you.

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ff8223  No.5342


You're a big guy.

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82bda5  No.5571

File: 361df28634bfec2⋯.png (8.29 KB, 680x604, 170:151, normal_leftist_stirnir.png)

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ff8223  No.5587


world is a spook

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a5a72e  No.6168

File: c43cb2f75336653⋯.jpg (50.45 KB, 613x771, 613:771, 1536011559227.jpg)


words are spooks

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385b0f  No.7033

<racial supremacy is a spook

>I choose to value my people above all others because it pleases me

<rights are a spook

>That's why my property will become my slaves

<morality is a spook

>Okay so no complaints when the extermination begins

I don't get how leftoids think that Stirner is an I win button for them. Believing in muh union of egoists is just a spook itself. If you have read The Ego and It's Own and you came out of still believing that socialism, fighting for lgbtbbq+^ rights, smashing the patriarchy and ending privilege are the right things to do, then congratulations you missed the point.

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9962b2  No.7066


It seems to come from a place of assumption that people only believe in things like traditional morality or nationalism out of ignorance and bias towards a system they were born into, and not because they did the thinking and came to the conclusion that those things had their own value. I think it's safe to say most of us had a "Stirner" phase, though we probably didn't read Stirner. It's just the thought process any vaguely intelligent kid goes through when they start to realise most things are bullshit. But that's not the end of the line. The end of the line is in realising a lot of this bullshit is actually beneficial to the upkeep of the society you want to live in, and embracing it anyway.

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deaaf1  No.7073

Stirner was a literal white supremacists wasn't he?

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7af2ce  No.36178

Stirner is neither left nor right, I can see how both could appropriate his writing but wouldn't buying into that dichotomy be missing the point of stirner and stirnerists?

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9232ef  No.36248

CIA-Niggers are the only spooks and the only soultion to Leftism is a bullet.

Civilization exists as it is better for the indiviual and the whole. Morality systems exist to support that and prevent the degredation of that civilization. These morals based on natural laws that have to be followed or you risk death.

An this all supports the final goal; the upwards climb of life towards a higher biological footing through evoultion.

If your people have a shit society they aren't going to contend well with the British whom have muskets and the British are justified in genociding you once they have taken that land.

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ea1428  No.36266


And yet Britain destroys its self while the ones that managed to avoid it and stick to nature ended up better off. Civilization exists to enslave us and in no way is it sustainable.



Both capitalists and communists will do their best to get you to eat grains and other junk.

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797770  No.36315

Two month old spam thread still up.

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82bda5  No.36347

File: 32187cac907ed4e⋯.png (13.63 KB, 718x507, 718:507, max stirnir.png)

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7af2ce  No.36387


t. never read stirner.

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d5a8e1  No.36449

File: cf4d3a005950ce3⋯.jpg (34.7 KB, 444x348, 37:29, socialism fork.jpg)


>afraid we might be right.

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7af2ce  No.36495



are you guyz implying stirner and his disciples are/were leftists?

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73e150  No.36580

File: fe1671957f9e98c⋯.jpg (136.11 KB, 750x1185, 50:79, stirner cuck.jpg)


Literally nihilism for cucks.

And no, SJW intersectionalism is the only "logical" conclusion to leftism,the left had always been an envy and hedonism driven slippery slope to amoralist tyranny.

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73e150  No.36582



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73e150  No.36583

File: 0ed5adb978432d6⋯.jpg (261.08 KB, 1575x1575, 1:1, 0ed.jpg)


> Civilization exists to enslave us and in no way is it sustainable.

You are always welcome to go innawoods like all those "fascist rednecks" do if you don't like it, but I guess it's much easier to just be "rebellious" while sucking on your mocha latte frappucino.

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aa09c3  No.36584

Really haven't seen a single person in here accurately describe Stirner's thoughts except >>7033

Have you guys actually read The Unique and Its Property? And if so, I really doubt any of you could catch onto the satirical nature that is the entirety of chapter 1.

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aa09c3  No.36587


To add to that. Stirner's more pointed arguments were against those advocating for the "benefit of humanity", eg. proto communists.

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59a52d  No.36608


Very true indeed. Even national socialist germany told people to not eat more than a minimal amount of meat claiming it to be unhealthy which is of course a total hoax. They did that because at the time we didn't produce enough meat and more or equal meat consumption meant meat had to be imported.

Now that we don't have to import it the jew government claims the same with the opposite goal:

So we have to import their veggies and fruits because germany only plants 20% of the veggies it consumes already. If we only ate plantshit we'd be completely dependant on import.

Now looking at other countries (((they))) do it because it makes you dependant on their agro-monopoly. You simply can't live off of plantshit without totally unnatural giant gene-modified monocultures harvested with modern machinery.

Eating plants as anything but a side dish is horseshit.


You're retarded.

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7af2ce  No.36622


Yes. these people are dumb.

Stirner and Nietzsche form the basis of a non/anti leftist approach to anarchist theory which as until then (and still is) workerist an reformist to it's core. Kids here are a bunch of fucking retards though that think leftism is

>muh trannny on muh teeevee screen!

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73e150  No.36626


>You're retarded.

Still better than a cuck.

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73e150  No.36629

File: fd45a2d3e4518a4⋯.jpg (83.77 KB, 640x783, 640:783, g75Dzj2.jpg)


>Kids here are a bunch of fucking retards though that think leftism is

>>muh trannny on muh teeevee screen!

Don't believe your eyes, goy!

I was a leftist back in the 90s. I am well aware of your cherry-picking denial. The left was never good and can never be, it's merely the symptom of a civilization's post-peak decay. The more society corrodes from the comforts its founders earned for their progeny the uglier and the absurder the entitlement of the unworthy within it becomes.

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7af2ce  No.36637


I'm not a leftist dickhead, this is a thread about Stirner. Pick up a book man.

Anti-civ nihilism now

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73e150  No.36641


>Anti-civ nihilism now

As I said before, none is stopping you from going innawoods and living like the dirty hippie you are. Stay away from products of civilization and statism like the internet.

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7af2ce  No.36644

>As I said before, none is stopping you from going innawoods

except there is. most countries in the 1st orld have no wilderness left. you're full of shit.

>Stay away from products of civilization and statism like the internet.

A. why? im not some christian priest intent on giving up all comforts. im comfortable with my contradictions.

B. Civilization and statism are all encompasing.

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59a52d  No.36822


>none is stopping you from going innawoods and living like the dirty hippie you are


You fucking nigger, here in Germany I can't build anything without a permit I don't get outside of a settlement and I can't put up a tent outside of a camping area.

They'd totally crush everything I build or put up and may confiscate my belongings and I'd get arrested for sure.

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59a52d  No.36826

The only thing not under total control of our tyrannical gov are no-go zones in the cities and I'd be stupid to go there.

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d45c94  No.37201


>stirner and his disciples

See, when people call you a cult, and you insist you're actually a valid political point of view, you might have a point.

But then you pull shit like this, and we're back at step 0.

You tried that with Mao.

You tried that with Stalin.

You tried that with Guevara.

You keep trying this "Glorious Leader" bullshit, to elevate an Enlightened and Smart person above you so he may think for you, and forget that a country is made and buitl of strong-willed and smart people. Not one Wise King and his legion of retards.

Thank fuck Stirner didn't gather too many of you fuckers.

Or Bernie.

Or Corbyn.

Or we would be pointing at any of those three in 100 years from now and have our grandsons reply "But that wasn't TRUE socialism!"

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9093b0  No.37211


>Thank fuck Stirner didn't gather too many of you fuckers.

>Or Bernie.

>Or Corbyn.

Literal cucks don't get to have followers. Even among the soylent gamma virgins that comprise the left, cuckoldry carries the stench of weakness.

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3925cc  No.37880


Stirner is 95% a single cool-looking doodle, 4% memes, and 1% his actual writings. How many spookposters have read even one of his books cover-to-cover? How many have opened one of his books? I promise you it's less than half.

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3925cc  No.37893

File: 1083b9bbbbf7f60⋯.jpg (34.88 KB, 567x690, 189:230, stirner1.jpg)

File: 9121198e2efb7b7⋯.png (286.63 KB, 600x600, 1:1, stirner2.png)

File: 0aed5a5579d3089⋯.jpg (19.43 KB, 340x506, 170:253, stirner3.jpg)

Here are some photos of dear old Max. As you can see, he wasn't actually a hip contemptuous cartoon character. Attach the ideas to his real face and suddenly they're not so brilliant and irrefutable.

Notice that wikipedia uses the fucking doodle for his portrait. This is not an accident.

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926d17  No.37896

If people betray evil, they don’t have to get bored in life.

The people who have permitted themselves to be broken in submission to hatred inflict vast and absurd sufferings on themselves.

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926d17  No.37899

My comment has little to do with the topic, mind you, I just recognize this as another of the hate-memes from the creatively sterile slaves who think recycling the same vapidities forever makes them novel and forward-thinking. Authoritarians are such trash that they project their hatreds onto others and place blame anywhere but where it belongs.

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fd3b17  No.37933


I've seen a few soyboys in my time and, yep, that there's a soyboy.

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8338bb  No.37950

I find it hilarious that people who have submitted all kinship in favor of sociopathic bigotry front Stirner memes when people argue against bigotry.

Hatred is just a form of willing submission.

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7af2ce  No.37979


What are you talking about, anon?

Did you read stirner?

What does stirner have to do ith talin mao guevara, etc?

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79a86d  No.37990

a literal cuckhold

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d6ff15  No.38048


fuck off

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9093b0  No.38121


Make me, cuckold boy.

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3925cc  No.38127

Also, the dude's real name was Johann Kaspar Schmidt.

>Max Stirner

SMH, fam.

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926d17  No.38460


Reminder that violence-broken liars think honesty is toxic individualism, and are so totally shorn of all kinship that they can imagine no kinship more real than bigoted sociopathy.

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9093b0  No.38647


>let's throw some random politically sounding words in a sentence

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a74445  No.80932

File: ba18e5e6fe93ecc⋯.png (459.78 KB, 800x497, 800:497, ClipboardImage.png)


Unlike this bastion of masculinity


What else can you expect of this place?

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42c04b  No.80977

File: 017e2639c475af6⋯.jpg (52.54 KB, 495x279, 55:31, meinlife.jpg)


Leftism is fueled by the resentment of the weak against the strong.

The true enemy of leftism is the Will to power.

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