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My name is Nate Higgers

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a7f4c9  No.253660[Last 50 Posts]

prove me wrong.

ProTip: you cant

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a7f4c9  No.253661

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a7f4c9  No.253662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This chick is a TOTAL SMOKESHOW !!!!!!

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a7f4c9  No.253663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Elvis was THE BIGGEST MUSIC LIGHTNING BOLT in history, so Hollywood wanted to see if it translated to film.

This is his audition reel for MGM

He's simply lip syncing to his own song

with a broken toy guitar

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a7f4c9  No.253664

in case you didn't realize it, Elvis was THE BOMB

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a7f4c9  No.253665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a7f4c9  No.253666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Elvis is STILL listed as "the man who had MORE SEX than any other human"

because he had a pattern

35 women at a time

all day long

for 20 years

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a7f4c9  No.253667

Jesus never actually existed…. sorry

elvis was the 'jesus' figure

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a53e84  No.253668

Hitler and Elvis were both drug addicts who committed suicide

except Elvis was born with BOTH testicles, and wasn't a homosexual

(both Hitler and Elvis had Jewish blood, too)

Hitler = Solomon

Elvis = Mansell

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a53e84  No.253669

also :

Unlike Hitler, Elvis was INTELLIGENT funny & cool

and heterosexual

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a53e84  No.253670

Hitler had every reason to be angry and frustrated

And Elvis had every reason to be happy

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a53e84  No.253671

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Sorry if that offends you.. but it's true.. Hitler was basically a bipolar midget with a tiny little penis and he was born with a very rare congenital anomaly, ONLY ONE TESTICLE

Little man syndrome with only half a nut sack

Half a man……

Which explains why he was always sexually attracted to other men… He was only half a man, but half a woman….

He was a solomon.. a Jew…

And he spent his life hating himself

Which is totally understandable

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a53e84  No.253672



there's no way I can possibly remember them all.

When I was 12 years old I painted an Elvis portrait for Jerry Lee Lewis who was playing the great Southeastern Music Hall in Atlanta Georgia.

I painted a beautiful portrait of Elvis and went to the venue right before the concert began, which was perfect timing, because I happen to bump into Jerry Lee Lewis in the front parking lot… Jerry Lee loved the painting and walked me into the great southeastern music hall, and I had a front row seat IN A BAR, BY MYSELF, AT AGE 12…

A couple days later, my mother woke me up about 2:30 in the morning telling me there was a strange man on the phone asking for me…

It was Jerry Lee Lewis… (I put my name address and phone number on the back of each of my Elvis paintings)

Jerry Lee Lewis called me almost every night for about 2 weeks, waking my mother up…

"It's Jerry Lee Lewis on the phone for you again wake up wake up!!"

Jerry Lee was obviously high as fuck during these phone calls, (he used to inject Percocet directly into his stomach) and he was slurring his words and the conversations were absolutely insane and unpredictable…

Then, after a couple weeks, these twilight phone calls stopped as suddenly as they had begun…

I lived in Atlanta, which is a major market, so every concert tour stopped through town…. Over the next couple decades I literally got to pick and choose any band I wanted to go see and hang out backstage with…

There's no way I can possibly remember the list.

I used to have it written down on paper, but there was so many celebrities names on the list that I can't possibly begin to remember them these days

Keep in mind this was in the late '70s and throughout the 80s and 90s

So a lot of the bands and celebrities might not ring a bell for you….

But I'll give you a brief nutshell:

By painting Elvis, and appearing at the backstage entrance during sound checks before concerts, I got to meet and hang out with tons of celebrities, including but not limited to :

Paul McCartney

The Rolling Stones

Andy Kaufman

Jay Leno

Hank Williams Jr

Chuck Berry

Billy idol

Duran Duran (interesting story about Duran Duran)

Adam ant

Motley Crue (my German girlfriend liked them)

Did I mention motley Crue suck balls?

Dave Edmunds

Nick Lowe

Robert Goulet

David Letterman

Johnny lydon public image limited

Mick Jones Big audio Dynamite

Superstar DJ keoki


Chrissy Hines and The pretenders


Carl Perkins

Roy Orbison

ZZ Top (who hired me)

God damn it God damn it God damn it !!

When you get older your memory begins to fade

And there are dozens of other bands I can't even remember right now !!

Oh…. Lessee….


Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

John prine


The Ramones

God dammit my mind just went blank again

I swear to God you'll see one of these days

When you get older your memory starts to slip

There's nothing you can do about it

It's just like your eyesight

You'll see.. I promise you'll see when you get older



There are literally dozens and dozens of other bands, and single entertainers, but my brain isn't working right now and I can't remember them


I wish my buddy Cap'n America was here

He had the list memorized

Because I would take him in All My Friends backstage

Rock stars are continually barraged with the never-ending series of fans who have painted amateur artwork of their latest album cover

What I did was different

I never asked for a goddamn autograph in my life

I would show up with badass paintings of Elvis

I was there to celebrate ELVIS, not the band on your

and not surprisingly, ALL OF THEM WERE HUGE ELVIS FANS !!!

There was a special common interest

They would invite me backstage

And we would sit and talk about Elvis

They would tell me all their favorite Elvis stories

Tell me how Elvis was the inspiration

That made them want to be famous in the first place

GOD DAMMIT !! I'm literally forgetting dozens of famous bands and celebrities


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dba8d1  No.253673


I think Elvis was a pretty cool guy and brought a lot of light to good black music, I just wish he had the balls to stand up to his label/agent and give more credit to his roots.

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33304a  No.253674


Two comments :

-it was a different era and Elvis was raised to be extremely polite and the entire lightning bolt event happened so fast that he wasn't even aware how big it had become

-back then black music was called RACE MUSIC

And there was no way a black person could ever open the door for race music, so IT HAD TO BE OPENED BY A WHITE GUY, and the universe shows the perfect lightning bolt to do it

it HAD TO be a white person

Elvis wasn't stealing from the blacks

Elvis was a product of poverty

He grew up in shake rag, the ghetto of tupelo

That's what he grew up with

He wasn't stealing anything

It was actually all Pentecostal holy roller Church stuff

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33304a  No.253675


Glad you mentioned COOL

because before Elvis

Things were "GEE, SWELL !"

(they literally said "gee swell")

the night Elvis hit the TV set,


and people started saying "COOL"

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33304a  No.253676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Speaking of which



the birth of COOL quite literally

He looked dangerous as fuck

he looked like the Devil

(but he was actually THE most polite innocent kid you can imagine)

No alcohol no cigarettes no drugs no cussing

Yes ma'am no sure thankyou very much

But he terrified parents


The next morning

EVERY GIRL wanted to fuck him and

EVERY MAN wanted to BE him

The first time can only happen ONCE

Everything subsequent is but an echo

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33304a  No.253677


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33304a  No.253678

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This sums it up perfectly…..

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c5047c  No.253679

ngl he's The King for a reason

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c5047c  No.253680


and that's without even using the bottom half of his body. Let that sink in.

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459d2e  No.253681

Elvis was a fascinating dichotomy

a transitional duality

When he was young HE SEEMED DANGEROUS

but in reality he was SUPER INNOCENT

He would NEVER do anything that offended his mother

later, after his mother died…. It all changed

Hollywood 'toned him down'

homogenized him

He looked SQUARE….


but that's when he became DANGEROUS


he became abusive, mean, evil

self destructive

and dangerous to others

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459d2e  No.253682


After an Ed sullivan performance

parents raised SO MUCH HELL

about his leg

so the decision was made


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459d2e  No.253683

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Steve Allen thought this was cute


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c5047c  No.253684

File: 958626197f31d22⋯.jpg (259.06 KB, 1200x1490, 120:149, 1200px_Elvis_Presley_Jailh….jpg)

The facts don't lie:

1977 they kill Elvis

1978 Michael Jackson records "Off the Wall"

Connect the dots people!

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c5047c  No.253685


and did that stop him? no

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459d2e  No.253686






he was a numerologist

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459d2e  No.253687

File: 99f3c72be547167⋯.jpg (16.42 KB, 220x294, 110:147, 220px_Colonel_Tom_Parker_1….jpg)



He was actually an illegal Dutch Immigrant

named Andreas Cornelis (Dries) van Kuijk;

the US Govt discovered he was

an illegal immigrant



to stay in America

For every dollar Elvis made,

Col. Tom made $36

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459d2e  No.253688

Tom Hanks is wrapping up a film in Australia

he's playing Col. Tom

Austin Butler is playing Elvis

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c5047c  No.253689

File: ad7aa76b10a8667⋯.jpg (39.92 KB, 408x475, 408:475, sept_9_74_karate.jpg)

Elvis was a disciple of Master Rhee and a 33rd degree blackbelt in all forms of martial arts

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459d2e  No.253690

Col. Tom was a CARNEY

a hack

His background included scams like :

charging ppl 25¢ to go into a circus tent

to see "dancing chickens"

(Chickens on a HOT PLATE)

and while the people watched the chickens

Col. Tom had Donkey Shit shoveled

Into the tent exit

And he charged $1 each

to ride a donkey out of the tent

or you could walk through feces


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459d2e  No.253691



he was also a huge drug addict, out of shape, and couldn't do martial arts worth a shit

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c5047c  No.253692

most of you millenials and zoomers are too young to know this but Elvis was not only the greatest musician of all time but also the most prolific actor, with more screen credits than any other living human.

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459d2e  No.253693



enough to be honest

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c5047c  No.253694

Elvis was so dangerous to the powers that be that the CIA hired Theodore Adorno to create the Beatles, and even they could not dethrone the King.

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459d2e  No.253695


he COULD'VE been bigger than james dean

But Hollywood decided to keep him trapped in bad formula movies

This discouraged him

and added to his desire


which he did

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459d2e  No.253696


ELVIS created the beatles

He inspired them

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c5047c  No.253697


It's sad that in 2021 these malicious conspiracy theories are still circulating.

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459d2e  No.253698

Elvis was a DEVOTED actor

he would memorize EVERYBODYS LINES

not just his own lines

The first three films were AMAZING

but then the formula pattern began

Thanks to Col. Tom

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459d2e  No.253699



I used to be a conspiracy buff

Not anymore

Q ruined it

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c5047c  No.253700

File: c5c3b25750cd253⋯.jpeg (19.59 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 201892.jpeg)

File: dced6e38243fa99⋯.jpg (71.69 KB, 510x600, 17:20, Fonzie_Happy_Day_Brown_Lea….jpg)

File: aaed38418fd764b⋯.jpg (51.81 KB, 279x279, 1:1, Thumb60.jpg)

reminder that Elvis Presley created pop culture.

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459d2e  No.253701

I'm originally from Memphis

Many years ago, I married a beautiful blonde SWEDISH GIRL and we moved to Neptune Beach, Florida

that's where I got a call from Todd Morgan

entertainment director at Graceland

He flew me into Memphis to be Gracrland's Art Director…. I turned the job down

I knew Todd Morgan VERY WELL….

and I know 'insider secrets' most Elvis fanatics will never know

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459d2e  No.253702


Three things that have NOTHING to do with elvis

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c5047c  No.253703


Very interesting. I used to party with Joe Esposito. I bet we could swap some stories (but not here obviously)

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c5047c  No.253704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


except they wouldn't have existed without him

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459d2e  No.253705


Joe Esposito was COOL

but he was also Col. Tom's "inside man"

to snitch on Elvis

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459d2e  No.253706



yet they were twisted misinterpretations of 'cool'

all fashion, no substance

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459d2e  No.253707


and YES……

for hours and hours…. I'm quite certain

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c5047c  No.253708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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459d2e  No.253709

File: c30e1f447da8b0a⋯.jpg (16.44 KB, 500x326, 250:163, 417WUzw8eSL_AC_SY580_.jpg)



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c5047c  No.253710


His mugshots are even sexier (no homo)

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459d2e  No.253711

File: efb601407de8b86⋯.jpg (238.88 KB, 1536x1015, 1536:1015, elvis_nixon2_1536x1015.jpg)

File: 025ab2417847e65⋯.jpg (262.76 KB, 1536x1029, 512:343, Elvis_Nixon_1536x1029.jpg)

Notice how he's wearing the exact same clothes?

The most requested photograph of all time from the US national archives

Eldest went unannounced to the White House and demanded Nixon make him a special federal dangerous narcotics agent…

He and his bodyguards carried firearms into the oval office


the "mugshot" was his federal agent badge photograph

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459d2e  No.253712


I'm the farthest thing from homo

But I'm simply honest

He was prettier than any woman

He was the most handsome human being in history

it's almost as if they modeled the Roman statues after him even though he hadn't been born yet

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459d2e  No.253713

File: 9516f7c5d15dd85⋯.jpg (17.69 KB, 413x500, 413:500, 41lySOa2uTL_AC_SY580_.jpg)


his bodyguards carried a briefcase with all of his badges, and he could go to any city in America and be a licensed law enforcement officer for that jurisdiction

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459d2e  No.253714

File: cc9f5435ba450c4⋯.jpg (24.8 KB, 286x400, 143:200, 51IcOHAJpBL_AC_SY580_.jpg)


Col. Tom sold him out

sold him to the US Govt

into the Army


other than to prevent being reported

Elvis's mother died while he was in the Army

and he spent the rest of his life torturing himself and everybody else

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459d2e  No.253715

File: 15f9b8a1999b965⋯.jpg (49.24 KB, 500x557, 500:557, q1zRx.jpg)

File: 9cc74a2e2ef6e7c⋯.jpg (81.76 KB, 650x851, 650:851, FRhjW.jpg)

File: 2cd4bb53a2edfa0⋯.jpg (34.5 KB, 650x846, 325:423, qKn6R.jpg)

Elvis was like a little child riding a roller coaster

He had all the money to live out all of his childhood fantasies

Like playing cops and robbers….

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459d2e  No.253716


god damn autocorrect


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459d2e  No.253717

File: b9bc29f82c28093⋯.jpg (36.32 KB, 408x528, 17:22, XrRch.jpg)


he wentcompletely INSANE

he let his health and beauty die

he began being CRUEL AS FUCK

torturing himself

torturing everybody

He'd go to friend's funerals dressed like THIand say MEAN HORRIBLE THINGS

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459d2e  No.253718


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459d2e  No.253719

it's tragic…….

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459d2e  No.253720

He didn't know how to heal from the anguish of losing his mother

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459d2e  No.253721

File: 32296cf5b0aa0de⋯.png (679.07 KB, 1026x1280, 513:640, 20210804_112006.png)

File: 7f72a4303e1ff05⋯.png (573.66 KB, 1280x1175, 256:235, 20210804_112036.png)


If you said "dammit" you would be banned from his house forever

Absolutely no drinking no smoking no cussing no anything

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459d2e  No.253722

File: d63655ea5597a1d⋯.png (960.21 KB, 882x1280, 441:640, 20210804_112058.png)

But later when Elvis looked tame and safe


That's when he was one of the most dangerous humans to be around

He would fuck your wife and break a guitar over your head and stand up in front of all your friends and describe how your wife sucked his dick and humiliate you and torture you

And he did this to his best friends and most loyal bodyguards

He had gone completely insane

He was tortured and his mind snapped

But on the surface he appeared to be very tame and conservative

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459d2e  No.253723


Elvis was molested by his piece of shit father

(Vernon Elvis Presley)

When ELVIS' mother Gladys found out


in fact, they thought she killed him

Elvis & Gladys DANCED around Vernon's lifeless body in their one-room tupelo house

…….until Vernon woke up



And when he became the world's lightning bolt

He devoted every minute to repaying his mother

And now you understand the weird connection between Elvis and his mother

it's 100% true

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459d2e  No.253724

THAT'S the actual story

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459d2e  No.253725

when Elvis lost his mother…..

he lost everything

he lost HIMSELF

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b6af59  No.253726

Well it's safe to say after not being here for over a day I didn't miss much, did I?

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c5047c  No.253727


just like someone else we know

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459d2e  No.253729


Pretty sure you missed deez nuts

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459d2e  No.253730


so did his mother…… (Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder don't appear out of the blue… They are organic psychiatric, genetic in nature, and always handed down from one of the parents)

Elvis' mother seemed to be a sweet, quiet simple easy-going Little country lady

Nothing could be farther from the truth

Gladys would go into manic episodes staying awake for days drinking alcohol and taking amphetamine pep pills… She would go into bouts of insanity.. behind the Walls of Graceland, quiet simple demure Gladys Presley wood flip out and smash all the furniture and break windows and destroy things…

When her son grew up he behaved much the same way

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459d2e  No.253732


Just like Jay Leno used to say I'm the Lay's potato chip commercial "nobody can eat just one"

Except Hitler's boyfriend of course

He didn't have much of a choice

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459d2e  No.253733

ON* the Lay's potato chip commercial

I'm in the kitchen making a veggie sandwich with Korean hot and sweet sauce

And yes.. Hitler was born with only one testicle

That's a medical fact

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459d2e  No.253734

It seems like somebody would have already figured out how to perfect speech to text

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459d2e  No.253737

Elvis was torn between his generosity and good-natured heart… And his dark tortured soul and desire to punish the world….

He would torture people, then reward them with lavish gifts

He'd gather all his bodyguards to sit in a circle around him, and one by one, he'd give details about fucking each of their wives…

then he'd give all of them cars and trucks and houses and jewelry

he used to have blue police lights on his BMW

and he'd pull people over in Memphis

for running stop signs

he'd point loaded pistols in their faces


"We don't run stop signs in Memphis!!"

Then he'd give them a $50,000 bracelet

and jump back in his BMW

and do it to somebody else

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459d2e  No.253738

File: d3d6de51746e96f⋯.jpg (72.06 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Capture_2020_11_02_08_19_3….jpg)

The citizens of Memphis who reported being pulled over by Elvis Presley for running stop signs and having pistols put in their faces all reported that he was wearing a bizarre turban with a big gemstone on it….


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459d2e  No.253739

File: d7d7fbbd806eb1f⋯.jpg (79.35 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Capture_2020_11_02_08_19_0….jpg)

It was actually a costume prop from the movie HARUM

remember :

He had gone completely INSANE

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459d2e  No.253740

File: 0907aec2235a964⋯.jpg (61.75 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Capture_2020_11_02_08_18_1….jpg)

File: 83450cd55e2b9a2⋯.jpg (94.26 KB, 928x1200, 58:75, 9781888464320_600x600_2x.jpg)


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459d2e  No.253742

He would always carry 3 cases :

-his PDR & Drugs

-all of his federal, state & local law enforcement badges

-and a box filled with expensive jewelry to give away

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459d2e  No.253745

File: 8cf23a8f898d47f⋯.jpg (41.81 KB, 301x373, 301:373, fifties3x.jpg)

a germaphobe, Elvis always drank from DIRECTLY OVER THE HANDLE of a coffee cup, because nobody else ever put their mouth there

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459d2e  No.253746

File: 49a64d068c70d32⋯.jpg (65.31 KB, 300x360, 5:6, fifties33x.jpg)


Q : who got more pussy than Elvis?

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459d2e  No.253747

File: 0ecb427d316d80d⋯.jpg (47.69 KB, 300x279, 100:93, fifties7x.jpg)

Of course………

EVERY woman wanted to fuck him…


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459d2e  No.253748

File: 8be6cf385f02026⋯.jpg (23.2 KB, 300x357, 100:119, fifties34x.jpg)

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459d2e  No.253750

File: 6aab527b0c1d036⋯.jpg (28.96 KB, 301x360, 301:360, fifties15x.jpg)

he was the KING OF PUSSY

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459d2e  No.253752

File: 1a05ade4dd3aa9d⋯.jpg (51.12 KB, 300x359, 300:359, fifties17x.jpg)

And just like Hitler, Elvis was PART JEWISH

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459d2e  No.253753

File: c7f31ba5417eb91⋯.jpg (50.43 KB, 500x684, 125:171, 48945128830c7d79b273dbc3d5….jpg)

Priscilla was 14 when she moved into Graceland

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459d2e  No.253754

(nobody wants already been chewed bubble gum)

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459d2e  No.253755

File: 7b632d2918a0d08⋯.jpg (40.08 KB, 300x342, 50:57, fifties11x.jpg)

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459d2e  No.253756

File: b88b9f3e7b5c92c⋯.jpg (32.5 KB, 300x448, 75:112, fifties8x.jpg)


more humans know the name ELVIS PRESLEY than know the name JESUS CHRIST


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dba8d1  No.253759



I know. I ain't arguin'. I just wish it would've happened. Perhaps if he were still alive, maybe.

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535062  No.253760

File: aabffa55e7851fc⋯.jpg (77.2 KB, 720x900, 4:5, Elvis_Presley.jpg)

there are areas of this planet where people still have NEVER heard of "jesus christ"….

but if you said "ELVIS", they'd instant go "OH, ELVIS !!! YES!!" and they'd curl their lip and pretend to turn up their collar

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535062  No.253762


He had been diagnosed with bone cancer

and he had DESTROYED his body's ability to heal


Even though that's not true…

he intentionally committed suicide sitting in a barber chair right next to the toilet, and he was reading the KAMASUTRA

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535062  No.253763


nor am I arguing

I have a tendency to seem like I'm being argumentative, so forgive me if I came across that way

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535062  No.253764


My problem ?….


that's my curse

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535062  No.253765


I'm actually OVERLY polite…..

I was raised to be courteous and empathic

But I've got a duality, myself

If you and I hung out in real life, we'd laugh and hit it off splendidly….

But as soon as somebody said something I didn't agree with I BECOME CONFRONTATIONAL

it's a problem I've been working on for 57 years

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dba8d1  No.253766


>If you and I hung out in real life, we'd laugh and hit it off splendidly

This is actually true.

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535062  No.253768

I've simply been on thisabusement park rideSO MANY TIMES that I've seen patterns ad nauseum

And when I see bullshit


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535062  No.253769


Backing Down isn't my specialty

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535062  No.253770

These guys in here hate me….

that's okay

I tell them what they NEED TO KNOW

not what they WANT TO HEAR

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535062  No.253771


Their fathers should've told them

not me

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535062  No.253772


I don't even dislike them

I actually admire them

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535062  No.253774

yeah, by age 42 Elvis had studied ALL RELIGIONS EXTENSIVELY

all of them…….

a quest……. a thirst for knowledge

By age 42 he had disavowed christianity

and become a hardcore numerologist

his mother died at age 42

On Aug 14th

from liver damage


on August 14th, 1977

Elvis was going to kill himself

but he chickened out

a common event for the suicidal

On August 15th HE DID IT

(it was the morning of August 16th, but to Elvis, day and night overlapped)

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535062  No.253775

he saw it as a "portal" to his mother

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535062  No.253776


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535062  No.253777

feels good to get that off my chest

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b3472d  No.253778


Now check out some real news: >>253773

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535062  No.253779

File: 672346494f06bc4⋯.png (397.35 KB, 1175x1280, 235:256, 20210804_132539.png)

Ginger Alden was his "girlfriend" at the time

she didn't belong

She didn't even like him

she was a piece of shit

She found Elvis dead

And called her mother

And they both called THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER

they arranged a $116,000 deal

to let The National Enquirer have the story

to take a photo of Elvis in the coffin

by the time she called downstairs

and said "I just woke up and found Elvis dead"


the photo of Elvis in the casket ?


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535062  No.253780


no offense, but news has no value to me

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535062  No.253781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I made this video

it shows ELVIS' bedroom

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535062  No.253783

END OF THREAD 08.05.321 1:37 PM EST

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b3472d  No.253784


It will.


Thank God I live in a great State! PS: word is already out the couple bought more guns, good for them. They should up their gate security too, and install some entry-point fortification.

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535062  No.253799

File: 4b5102c84ef3b72⋯.png (906.68 KB, 788x1280, 197:320, 20210627_172037.png)

File: 16d98f35c64b675⋯.jpg (391.14 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 20210626_122356.jpg)

File: c44594491281f99⋯.jpg (171.13 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 20210515_101937.jpg)

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535062  No.253819

File: e46c50856624ee2⋯.jpg (960.89 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 20210804_151154.jpg)

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c5047c  No.253829


They also described it as a mystical experience even more powerful than pure nirvana

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c5047c  No.253830


more people know of Elvis than who?

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c5047c  No.253832

Okay real talk. Elvis faked his death so that he could single-handedly destroy the Soviet Union and end the cold war. The only reason it took so long was that people kept spotting him. That's why they created Elvis impersonators as a thing as a cover story.

He died peacefully of natural causes in his penthouse quadraplex above the Bellagio in Las Vegas at the age of 75.

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535062  No.253876





LMMFGDAO that's was classic


it's not surprising how his fans DESPERATELY WANTED him to still be alive….


the insane woman who started the 'elvis is alive' phenomenon

I have a very good (and true) story about Gail Brewer Giorgio……

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535062  No.253877

File: 81c5d30204adeed⋯.jpg (12.04 KB, 230x300, 23:30, 57_e5ca7795_8423_4804_a07e….jpg)


it's important to know that Gail Brewer Giorgio wrote a book called ORION in 1978, the year after Elvis died

(She lies and says she wrote it BEFORE Elvis died)

It's the story of ORION


and he takes his death

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535062  No.253882

File: 547fa4df596e908⋯.png (1012.53 KB, 1276x1280, 319:320, 20210804_183041.png)

damn autocorrect or speech to text typos

he FAKED* his death…..

In her book, the "world's most famous entertainer" fakes his death, to "be with his daughter"

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535062  No.253883


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535062  No.253884

File: 3ace827dc56e094⋯.jpg (42.98 KB, 800x632, 100:79, ANJI_AND_ELVIS_by_johnny_n….jpg)

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535062  No.253885

File: 9807d59f1b1aa2d⋯.jpg (362.72 KB, 1080x729, 40:27, PicsArt_05_29_04_02_44.jpg)

Gail Brewer Giorgio lived near atlanta, in Morrow, Georgia….

she heard I painted Elvis

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535062  No.253886

File: e1e4814e51aeb89⋯.png (5.74 MB, 3086x1781, 3086:1781, PicsArt_03_05_12_27_40.png)

Back then, my BEST BUDDY was a creepy little genius who called himselfCap'n America

he was a sawed off, short, UGLY, creepy guy


and that's why Cap'n got TONS OF PUSSY!!!

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535062  No.253887

File: 4e6fc2970fe29b8⋯.png (1.11 MB, 784x1280, 49:80, 20210804_185043.png)

Cap'n is JEWISH…….

And he's ugly as fuck, and only 5' 4" tall


If I was a girl I would never fuck him

But you wouldn't believe how the girls would throw themselves at him… The best looking girls.. tons of super hot girls fucked him incessantly

It's because he was COOL

If you're not cool you don't stand a chance

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535062  No.253888

File: aaabbc44f11491f⋯.png (459.01 KB, 1280x709, 1280:709, 20210804_185833.png)


Gail Brewer Giorgio reached out to me through a friend at an ad agency, and told me she wanted me to illustrate the cover of a new book she was writing about Elvis….

She told me it was top secret and she couldn't discuss it on the phone

She said I had to come out there and discuss it in person…

So Cap'n America and I drove out to her house in his black 1960 Fleetwood Limousine with the big fins

and YES, Cap'n drove a goddamn 1960 Fleetwood limousine in mint condition….

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535062  No.253889

File: 39989da63473249⋯.jpg (428.26 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, 20210804_183131.jpg)

We went to her house, and she was DRUNK AS FUCK !!!


She was wearing a wig, but she had it on wrong, so it was turned at a 3/4 angle instead of being lined up down the center…

She looked absurd…

and she SOUNDED even worse

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535062  No.253890

File: 2fa7ce8de160e33⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210804_191113.png)

File: c8bda6a3b03cba1⋯.jpg (47.43 KB, 600x379, 600:379, JNs_DISGRACELAND.jpg)

File: df4220cb4e96124⋯.jpg (31.21 KB, 500x374, 250:187, 60392128_2_.jpg)



so I said "let's hear it, by all means"

(she knew I painted Elvis, but she didn't know thatI LIVED AND BREATHED ELVIS)

she also didn't realize I AM AN ASSHOLE

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535062  No.253891

File: 832c5ef60c00ebf⋯.jpg (78.5 KB, 850x538, 425:269, lf.jpg)

She played the cassette tape for us.

Cap'n was also a HUGE, HUGE GIGANTIC ELVIS FANATIC just like me….

(that's an understatement…. I worship Elvis)

we sat politely, not saying a word, listening intently to the tape….

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535062  No.253892

File: 42bb6ca27e80963⋯.jpg (233.94 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 56eed54b_14e2_4b1d_a52e_8b….jpg)


The first thing I need to explain is this was a phone call from Elvis Presley, and what made this phone call unique was the topics being discussed.

Elvis mentions Ronald Reagan being shot by John Hinckley Jr, which happened on March 30, 1981, almost 4 years after Elvis "faked his death"….

In the phone call, Elvis discusses faking his death, and spending time with Lisa Marie, etc etc etc

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535062  No.253893

Cap'n and I let the entire tape play til the end ..

The entire time, he and I were staring at her bizarre off-kilter wig, as she guzzled another gigantic cocktail… She was one of those bitches that took a paper towel and folded it into a triangle, and wrapped it around her gigantic cocktail glass

A professional lush….

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535062  No.253894

File: 0e0c807fad085e8⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210804_193307.png)

She explained that she was about to release a tell-all book, that explained all of the secret details about how Elvis faked his death…

These details were going to be coming straight from Elvis himself….

She was going to include a copy of the cassette tape with each book…

And she wanted me to illustrate the cover of the book, which she was going to call IS ELVIS ALIVE?

She popped the cassette tape out of the tape recorder, and asked us, "wasn't that fascinating? So what did you think?

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535062  No.253895

File: e5c21f0070c6478⋯.jpg (61.62 KB, 317x450, 317:450, 700_01120575en_Masterfile.jpg)

I told her that I had listened very carefully to the voice on the recording, and while the man on the tape did a slightly BETTER JOB than most people trying to impersonate Elvis (the average amateur Elvis impersonation consists of hackneyed predictable 'thankyuverimuch, baby' forced predictable imitation of what people THINK Elvis sounded like, even though he didn't talk like that at all) andhe had actually studied Elvis' speaking voiceenough to realize there was a CADENCE to his speech pattern, generally starting statements with a higher pitch and tempo, and gradually dropping lower and slower and more depressed sounding by the end of the sentence…

that although the man did a noble job, IT WAS NOT ELVIS SPEAKING….

(And at this point, I could tell that Cap'n America was starting to get wound up and pissed off)

So I figured "here we go"

Cap'n and I knew each other better than we knew ourselves, and I could tell we were about to crank things up, and put this bitch in her spot…

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535062  No.253898

File: 6afcaa344dee4cc⋯.gif (7.75 KB, 675x313, 675:313, articles_articles_filter_c….gif)

When I told her that it DEFINITELY WAS NOT ELVIS TALKING ON THE TAPE, she looked at me with the stupidest drunk expression….

Like she never expected anybody to question whether or not the tape was legitimate…

Like she was so fucking stupid, she never expected anybody to be able to tell it wasn't Elvis…

Cap'n stood up from his chair, and grabbed the keys to his Fleetwood…

So I stood up and told Gail Brewer Giorgio that there was one other little problem with the tape :


She didn't realize I'm an audio engineer who produces music, and she didn't realize the landline telephones back then only allowed certain frequencies…

Back then, andline phones had a limited frequency range of 300 to 3,400 hertz, a standard based on Bell Labs studies of the requirements for intelligible speech


And it's unmistakable… Any recorded analog landline phone call has an unmistakable limited frequency range…

This alleged phone call from Elvis Presley was recorded in a ROOM… Like somebody's living room…

You could actually hear the frequencies of ambient air pressure, just like if you and I were sitting in your living room and I recorded it with a cassette tape player…

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535062  No.253899

LOL that's when I could see my buddy Cap'n clenching his fists and grinding his teeth…

And it was on !!

Cap'n l walked over towards her sitting in her stupid drunk chair, and literally SCREAMED in her face :


And I almost fell on her living room floor laughing my ass off….

Cap'n got RIGHT UP IN HER FACE and kept screaming :


And she started crying….


And as we stormed out of her house, Cap'n actually hocked up a disgusting grayish green loogie (chainsmoker) and spit it on her wall next to her front door….

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535062  No.253900

By the way every single word of this is 100% true

If Cap'n was here with us right now he would verify every single word…

And he would actually fill in some details I'm sure I have forgotten

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535062  No.253902

File: 3af3b3721958dd3⋯.jpg (417.75 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 20210804_200325.jpg)

File: 0865917a5a0f071⋯.jpg (380.06 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 20210804_200349.jpg)

She ended up releasing the garbage book, and if I'm not mistaken I think she got some financial backing from The National enquirer.. something like that.. I think she had a tabloid help fund the project…

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535062  No.253904

By releasing her pathetic idiotic book, she fed upon the hopes and desperate desires of loyal Elvis fans worldwide…

She's the one that started the entire idiotic I SAW ELVIS AT BURGER KING bullshit…

That wasn't doing any Elvis fans a favor….


Elvis took himself out of the picture…

If she wanted to help Elvis fans, she could have explained WHY he killed himself, why he earned the right to kill himself, and why it was okay to accept the fact that their idol had entered eternity

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535062  No.253906

File: 611d151500b69f5⋯.jpg (139.9 KB, 1168x1221, 1168:1221, url_1_.jpg)

She was also partially responsible for tricking Elvis fans into believing Elvis was still alive and performing under the name ORION…

Obviously this was not Elvis…

It was a loser named Jimmy Ellis, who I must admit is probably the best singing Elvis impersonator I've ever heard…

But that's all he was… an impersonator

Based on her previous book ORION, she tried to cash in with this ugly loser wearing a ridiculous Harlequin mask….

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535062  No.253907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They even went as far as to arrange for Jerry Lee Lewis to record an album featuring ORION (Jimmy Ellis) and release it as if it was old outtakes from the 50s…

But it was recorded after Elvis' death…

Listen to this. Jimmy Ellis is definitely the best Elvis imitator…..

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535062  No.253908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

To avoid being sued they never mentioned the name Elvis anywhere on the album

They just called it Jerry Lee AND FRIENDS

but DAMMIT it sounds just like Elvis


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535062  No.253910

HERE'S THE PUNCHLINE : (get ready for it)

After Cap'n & I screamed in her face, Gail Brewer Giorgio ASKED ME TO ILLUSTRATE THE COVER OF HER NEXT BOOK !!!!

hahahaha!! I swear to god !!!


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535062  No.253911

File: b56ac0a0a0ccb3b⋯.jpg (29.67 KB, 317x475, 317:475, 510MGGGFH3L_AC_SY780_.jpg)

OOOPS sorry not FBI

it was called "THE ELVIS FILES"

and it was about the FBI's files on Elvis

now, she had added a bunch of new bullshit to her story…. Mafia Hit Men… Etc Etc Etc

she's a piece of shit, so I never even returned her calls

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535062  No.253912

File: 3c724d0df73cf75⋯.jpg (35.61 KB, 330x500, 33:50, 51CE72tr3KL_AC_SY780_.jpg)

File: 688c2c8bed21b36⋯.png (646.14 KB, 1077x769, 1077:769, PicsArt_08_04_08_29_08.png)

These days, that stupid bitch has people believing Elvis is a white haired & bearded preacher….

It's quite insane

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535062  No.253914

Elvis knew he was extremely allergic to codeine

it would send him into full blown anaphylaxis

he could NOT take it

he was SO determined to commit suicide, that he saved up 3 days worth of his 'attack waves' (each days narcotics divided into 3 individual packets to prevent accidental overdose) and THEN he drove to a dentist's house and woke him up and took a bottle of 120 Tylenol 3s (containing codeine)

when they found Elvis dead in front of the barber chair, he was in rigor mortis with full lividity.

the entire bathroom floor was covered in dozens of syringes, prescription bottles, including the empty codeine bottle.

there was NOTHING accidental about it

Joe Esposito and another bodyguard ran in and rolled Elvis over…

He had bitten his tongue off….

the bodyguard tried to pry Elvis' jaw open, but it was locked from rigor mortis…

so… in desperation… the bodyguard punched Elvis' teeth out trying to get his fingers in his mouth to pry Elvis' jaw open.

8 year old Lisa Marie walked in AND SAW THIS…

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535062  No.253915

so, whenever somebody tells me "Elvis is alive and blah blah blah" I simply roll my eyes….

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b41411  No.253916

File: a6ef798d3667f08⋯.jpg (48.01 KB, 588x588, 1:1, 1378686377_RG_1986_1.jpg)

LOL !!! I actually managed to remember some (but not all) of the other bands I painted Elvis for :

Pink Floyd, REM, The Cars, INXS, Talk Talk, ELO, Van Halen, The Psychedelic Furs, Love and Rockets, Echo and The Bunny men, Talking Heads, the B52s, Depeche Mode, Blondie, Patti Smith, Eurythmics, David Bowie, Tears For Fears, The Fat Boys, Sigue Sigue Sputnik, The Thompson Twins, Faster Pussycat, and ROBERT GOULET

and guess what ?…

they were ALL huge Elvis fans… ALL of them.

I've got a TON of great insider stories, like how Mick Jagger using the name "Elvis Presley" to check into hotels on their Steel Wheels Your, etc etc etc etc etc Michael Hutchence's first time hearing Elvis and realizing he was going to be a singer, David Gilmore explaining that he never paid much attention to Elvis (and me telling David "that's okay, because Elvis didn't know who the fuck you were either") Annie Lennox almost having me arrested at the Sheraton Hotel after her Road manager sent me up to her room with the painting,

The only two bands who didn't like Elvis were:

THE GO-GOs and Wall Of Voodoo

Belinda Carlisle looked at the Elvis portrait, and said "what the fuck is THIS ? I don't like Elvis!"

so I ripped my painting out of her hands, and TORE IT IN HALF and yelled "FUCK YOU!! I HATE YOUR MUSIC!! MY GIRLFRIEND WANTED TO SEE YOUR BULLSHIT SHOW !!"

Wall Of Voodoo SUCKED BALLS (again my gf wanted to meet them) Stan Ridgway was a polesmoker, and after he took my painting, he the ld their road manager to give us all access passes

as he walked into the dressing room I heard him say "fuck elvis"

so after their first song (which sucked) I used my all access pass to go into their dressing room and steal my painting back…

But yeah……

I'm kind of a fan

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b41411  No.253917

Oh I almost forgot :

I told Belinda Carlisle she was a FAT PIG

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b41411  No.253918

END OF THREAD - 08-04-21 9:46 PM EST

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c5047c  No.253932


all elements of this story check out

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db012b  No.254000

File: 269b633f289ade3⋯.png (2.92 MB, 1064x1206, 532:603, 1628113587469.png)

interestng thread

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dba8d1  No.271431

File: b8f5d25e8c350c2⋯.jpg (104.28 KB, 500x707, 500:707, 000.jpg)

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