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13a7d4  No.253773

Sweden: No Lockdowns, No Mandatory Vaccines, Next To No Covid Deaths

Since the Covid pandemic broke out, Sweden has been fought over more than any other part of Europe since Germany in the 30 Years War. In refusing to use an iron fist to control a virus, lockdown advocates claimed it was either committing murder or suicide; choose your favorite metaphor. Relatively few such as me, in three separate articles, claimed the Nordic country was sparing both the economy and something called “liberty” with its light-handed approach.

My favorite title (editor chose it): “Media Enraged That More Swedes Aren’t Dying.”



Thus last year we saw such headlines as CNN’s “Deaths Soar In Country That Didn’t Lock Down. Officials Identify Big Reason Why.” Around the same time “Sweden Steadfast In Strategy As Virus Toll Continues Rising,” claimed another source. “Sweden’s Coronavirus Strategy Drives Up Infection Rate,” screamed the BBC. Everyone was playing pile-on. “Sweden Has The Highest Daily Coronavirus Death Rate In The World – And It’s Getting Worse.” That’s from Yahoo Sports. Sports?

Modelers desperately tried to scare Sweden into locking down. One predicted an incredible median of 96,000 deaths, with a maximum of 183,000. At Sweden’s Lund University an academic used the parameters in the now-infamous Neil Ferguson/Imperial College model to warn that it meant 85,000 deaths for Sweden. An Uppsala University team also found the nation paying a terrible price with 40,000 Covid-19 deaths by May 1, 2020 and almost 100,000 by June.

Total Swedish Covid deaths at this writing: 14,651.

It’s not that Sweden did nothing – but very little.

“From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Public Health Agency . . . embarked on a de-facto herd immunity approach, allowing community transmission to occur relatively unchecked,” declared a scathing editorial in the leftwing medical journal The Lancet last December.

“No mandatory measures were taken to limit crowds on public transport, in shopping malls, or in other crowded places,” it said.

“Coronavirus testing, contact tracing, source identification, and reporting, as recommended by WHO, were limited and remain inadequate.”

High schools closed temporarily, but grade schools never.

“In our view,” snarled The Lancet, “there is still not sufficient recognition in the national strategy of the importance of pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic transmission, aerosol transmission, and use of face masks.”



inb4 the faggots bitch about ZH news, DON'T CARE!

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f59ae1  No.253785

While this might or might not be true at any given moment….

Last year Sweden tried the same thing

And it backfired horribly

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f59ae1  No.253786

Last year Sweden ended up with a terrible mortality rate and covid infection rate

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f59ae1  No.253787

I don't have the answers regarding the pandemic

You don't have the answers regarding the pandemic

Nobody has the answers regarding the pandemic

And that's okay

It's okay for things to be up in the air

Chaos is okay

Uncertainty is okay


No matter what happens

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f59ae1  No.253788

one thing IS CERTAIN :

It's not as bad as you think

And it's not as good as you would hope

Welcome to planet Earth

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f59ae1  No.253789

I don't believe anything I hear about the pandemic

Nor do I disbelieve anything I hear about the pandemic

Quite honestly I don't really care

YOU are the only person I ever see talking about it

I avoid the news stories

And I avoid humans

We just do animal rescue

And the humans can save themselves

They're not my problem

I'm happier this way

You really ought to try it sometime

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f59ae1  No.253790

I honestly don't care about the pandemic

Even though I know people who have died from it

But I don't think about it

And you should try not thinking about it either

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75a530  No.253792



Not for those who vaccinated. In the near future they will be having more and more and more health complications and be dependent on Big $$$$ Pharma to survive! WATCH.

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f59ae1  No.253793


I love you

That's why I'm 100% honest with you

I respect your addiction to stress and fear

But I don't have that addiction

And I don't want it

You're no better at making predictions than I am

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f59ae1  No.253794


Like I said :

It would be uncomfortable at first

But soon you would realize




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f59ae1  No.253795

and NOW ?…..

I'm helping animal welfare deal with a hoarding situation, wear a piece of shit woman has let over 60 dogs starve in her house

Today I'm helping by making phone calls

You have too much time on your hands since your wife died

You have nobody TO HELP

And helping people was an important part of your life

why don't you try helping some animals today?

I'll be back after I make my phone calls

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f59ae1  No.253796


Fucking piece of shit speech to text

I'll be back later

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f59ae1  No.253797


Btw…. LOL NICE "bait & switch" Thread Photo

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5f9d6c  No.253798

Guess what time it is kidos!?

It's time to pig out on lunch watching Bitcute videos!!!!!

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502c70  No.253962



good idea. I'll start by blocking you and your content-free complaint-posting.

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9fae17  No.255573

bumping real news

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b8ef7f  No.255664


I thought you went off and bored yourself to death.

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63db25  No.255821


> Last year Sweden ended up with a terrible mortality rate


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bd9701  No.258227

thanks for the real news OP

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f4d17f  No.271759

File: 4669ee7bce916f1⋯.jpg (230.41 KB, 1256x868, 314:217, 040.jpg)

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