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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 539e9f7529aba8d⋯.png (453.11 KB, 929x872, 929:872, italy_1.png)

98eb44  No.252517

Oy vey! Just the thought is anti-Semitic! What's happening in Europe, fellow chosenites? Next you know the white amalekites will be hunting us in the night!


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98eb44  No.252524

File: c67d51375eac2e4⋯.jpg (109.9 KB, 701x755, 701:755, feels_like_deus_vult.jpg)

File: 205296c505e05a0⋯.png (171.85 KB, 1080x468, 30:13, Why_Jews_Hate_Christianity.PNG)

How did this political war get so easily turned into a religious one?! If da goyim use Christianity against da chosen… with no Jewish State for us to flee into… it's all over.


WE NEED MOSCHIACH NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

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60a983  No.252532

File: a3813bf418010b5⋯.jpg (26.84 KB, 758x426, 379:213, Dracula_1931_Van_Helsing_e….jpg)

I'm no longer a worshipper of a dead kikenvermin on a stick but I think this is awesome. Anything that makes the jews writhe is a good thing.

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f53c67  No.252533

File: 7447897d477e295⋯.jpg (40.19 KB, 590x421, 590:421, loololololoollolololololoo….jpg)


>he thinks politics and religion are separate

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98eb44  No.252536



I've said it once and I'll say it again:


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