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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 8085ea2dc20b640⋯.jpg (76.04 KB, 727x499, 727:499, Trump_DACA_2.jpg)

fcf01f  No.249126

A federal judge on Friday ordered the Biden administration to stop all applications for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, ruling that the Obama-era program was illegal – dealing a blow to the Biden administration's efforts to protect the program.

Why didn't Federal judges do this under Trump? Maybe because Trump was an anti-white Israel First crypto-Bolshevik?


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da40ce  No.249140


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e09d5b  No.249145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Do not toy with me.

Ukraine's separation was exclusively for reasons surrounding LBGTQ and their supposed rights.

All else was mere pretext.

Don't threaten them with a good time.

They shall throw a bash… A monster mash…

To politic in such manner did nothing more than to silently rouse them to party at one location and nothing more.

A historical context should have focused on such pagan traditions as well, or have you found this out already?

What do you think happens in those buildings?

A game of deception.

That is what the game is called.

It is real.

In that house…

The house of the devil.

The American government played it once, but only once.

They became frightened when all the nightmares ran free from there.

To place traps within a building to slaughter victims. -Game of Deception

Where in the documents and how far back are the references to the 'game of deception.'

Who hath said such a thing?

Behold true fear. -yizod, the devil

Happy Halloween

Happy New Years

Finders keepers. hehehe

You may find the answers that you seek, but they are not the ones you so desire.

Do not be restless my child. Know peace and begone!

Know as a mother knows, what hath become of hers. Let them in from the storms. Protect them from all the monsters in this world?

They are so many.

Must they all die?

These are yours as a nation to decide.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ef64e2  No.249150


>Why didn't Federal judges do this under Trump?

because trump ended daca, you fucking idiot. don't try to memory hole shit, you fucking magapedo. biden brought it back and now you magafaggots are mad so trump judges are trying to stop it again.

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