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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 45833e167940e8b⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 2592x1944, 4:3, Belarusian_monument_in_Sou….jpg)

d40f25  No.248926

I just dont get them. Are the useful idiots to some right wing mastermind? They act as if they are left like BLM yet these people mourn a consul made by Belarusian-German Collaborators/Belarusian Central Council?

The Belarusians that hate Lukashenko in the US are proud of their church that harbors Radasłaŭ Astroŭski corpse.

So what the fuck? Do they hate Lukashenko because he is to based, or are the pushing him to see how based he can go?


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7f13de  No.248927



The ruin of Germany is at hand.


Sending her to beg shall not save you.


Behold this desire I have impressed upon these.

There can be no escape.

My will be done.

Whoever said that they should return safely?

So many, but not one has come forward with such a guarantee.

It would be such a terrible calamity if they suddenly had issues returning from abroad.

If corruption became a method to lure them away.

It is in my dark and void nature to will by write, yet, tell you at every step to not do these things that you have been manipulated to do.

Debt upon receipt bitch.

Don't bend the straw sweetie.

Enjoy the Judas visage… Where freewill and fate collide, but the only certainty is the writing on the wall.


If it's agony you desire, you can count on it… hehehe

Finders keepers. HAHAHAHA

Happy Halloween.

Happy New Years.

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b7b6ac  No.248938

File: 4c9d1238c2c5f8e⋯.jpg (171.72 KB, 1018x1280, 509:640, george_floyd_memorial_stru….jpg)

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