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File: fa0987bad7fb210⋯.jpg (317.99 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20210715_123347.jpg)

98e6dc  No.248456

Jews hold all high positions.

Jews lead the communist revolution in US but Izrael stay as most right-wing goverment.

White Americans will be a minority.

They will take your weapons away soon according to the ONZ 2030 agenda.

You will all become chipped slaves.

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c95319  No.248457

File: 9e7a5655c91ee30⋯.jpg (789.65 KB, 1242x1366, 621:683, israel_is_gay.jpg)

>Izrael stay as most right-wing goverment.

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98e6dc  No.248461


Just enjoy your coming, I won't have anything and I'll be happy aka Klaus Schwab mother's name Rothschild.

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1097f4  No.248467


I intend to kill anyone who tries to disarm me or chip me. And I am well well prepared for that confrontation. My heart is more hardened than you can imagine at this point. So go for it!!

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c95319  No.248528


Well, maybe the world shouldn't have sided with the Jewish State. Or, if not the Jewish State, then Bolshevism. Now the world is being silenced. Not my problem.

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