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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 634f2c12555bc42⋯.png (34.29 KB, 1173x258, 391:86, ourplague.PNG)

File: fb7ca1a452ab0f0⋯.jpg (68.77 KB, 1224x372, 102:31, weev_jewish_children.JPG)

File: e4cfbd4c0ba3534⋯.jpg (95.6 KB, 788x1080, 197:270, wishmaster.jpg)

17bad8  No.245068

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909ef8  No.245074




And now they're dying of covid too, huh?

And who is shilling these vaccines? Oh, could it be Boolsheviks who openly call for POPULATION REDUCTION? Well why now?

Wow. They're even killing off their own!!!

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17bad8  No.245080

File: dd84302f0345995⋯.jpg (82.43 KB, 662x906, 331:453, covid_is_raycist.JPG)


You think (((Bolsheviks))) are responsible for a plague killing Jews and anti-white minorities? Anon…when this is all over there won't be a Jew left to rile minorities against white people. Zionist… Bolshevik……. Covid is just a warning shot for the world.

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909ef8  No.245081


Are you saying covid was a bioweapon to kill off minorities and Jews but not white people? Hope so, but I'm not taking any risks with those vaccines.

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17bad8  No.245082

File: eb0f02289a990d2⋯.gif (3.92 MB, 500x379, 500:379, villain_laugh_4.gif)


I'm saying Covid isn't what anons think, whether a bioweapon or even a plague. Remember when Trump said that one day soon Covid would just go away like magic? That reasoning doesn't apply to bioweapons or plagues. And vaccines seem to make Covid worse. All I'm saying is it's game over and not to worry.

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455214  No.245350


I know why they are dying but fuck if I am going to tell anyone or save lives.

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17bad8  No.245353

File: 98b5dbf4ad51a6d⋯.gif (995.63 KB, 300x179, 300:179, exactly.gif)

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