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File: 3c85a759d939885⋯.jpg (47.57 KB, 500x300, 5:3, rabbi_stabby.jpg)

a30081  No.245064

outside a Boston synagogue by man who 'tried to kidnap him because he is Jewish.'

>Rabbi Shlomo Noginksi was stabbed outside Shaloh House, a Jewish Day School and synagogue, in Brighton, Boston, at 1.19pm on Thursday

>Boston Police Department have since arrested Khaled Awad, 24, of Brighton, on suspicion of carrying out the stabbing

>Rabbi Noginski, who is a teacher and rabbi at the Shaloh House, was reportedly sat outside when the suspect launched his attack on him

>Awad allegedly approached the rabbi, drew a firearm and attempted to force him in the car and kidnap him before stabbing him in eight times

>The rabbi's family believe he was targeted in the attack because he is Jewish.

Article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9749205/Father-12-Rabbi-stabbed-eight-times-outside-Boston-synagogue-leaving-needing-surgery.html#comments

P.S. - note the amusing rabbi names.

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ab9e63  No.245089


I remember living in NYC, and getting on the subway to discover BO like nothing else. I turn, and notice a fambly of kikes. They were just as filthy as any one of mentally ill homeless they evicted from their rat infested apartment buildings which never meet code, but somehow pass because their cousin Shlomo is the city inspector.

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a30081  No.245093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


they truly are the niggerest

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70904d  No.245180

What tribe brought the people with names like "Khaled Awad" to the US in the first place?

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a30081  No.245182

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96969b  No.245362


the kikes from britain

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033f2f  No.245364


OP is mad that some kike had 12 kids and he can't even convince a hooker to fuck him for 3x the pay.

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