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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 8b35cb7628e1616⋯.png (19.85 KB, 1280x931, 1280:931, Israel.png)

b33fed  No.245046



>Legally allowed to kill palestinians and arabs


>Right wing authoritarian government

>BTFO palestinian terrorists

>Encourages stealing land from palestinians

How can you hate israel when they do all this?

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5cd49e  No.245048

Christ cucks hate them because of religious differences. I hate them because they use america as a sort of dumping grounds for their social experiments. They own America. Or at least their people do. If they left America I wouldn't hate the jews so much..seriously I love Adam Sandler and Bob Dylan. I just don't like their subservise nature.

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e3bf15  No.245050

File: 3f95d36351590e0⋯.jpeg (96.63 KB, 1017x659, 1017:659, Anglin_star.jpeg)

>israel is based!

>bob dylan!

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ad3443  No.245071

This thread triggers snowflakes.

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5840c5  No.245145

File: 676ba0d578507c0⋯.jpg (101.27 KB, 900x570, 30:19, IDF_Retards.jpg)


Israel is a welfare state filled with inbred retards. Without America to protect and fund them, they're doomed.

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416e1c  No.245357

This is why Hitler exterminated the majority of the white race

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5cd49e  No.245372

File: fc51b4e302a9c8d⋯.jpg (120.78 KB, 1280x1296, 80:81, fc5.jpg)


>Hitler killed the white race

This is a HUGE red/black pill

All the people that died on both sides of the fight, all so he could kill a minority race instead of just kicking them out. All those white men dying, and their wives and girlfeiends are back home smoking pot with the draft dodgers and niggers. Fucking a. There is nothing left for white people. Hippies, women, niggers have killed the white man. His world, taken from him by someone who wasn't even blue eyes or blond hair…..

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ad3443  No.245376


No white men died in WW2. No self-respecting White man would die for Israel. All that died were niggers and pale-skinned race traitors.

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