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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 091371ed097169a⋯.jpg (197.5 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, lol.jpg)

dd0154  No.244973

>justice for Ashli Babbit!!! REEEEE!!!!

>the people who stormed on 01/6 were ANTIFA, not us!

So … was she /ourguy/ or ANTIFA? Answer now, faggots.

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a12e5d  No.244975


She was Jewish. Now that she's dead she joins the ranks of good Jews, like Mr. Fischer.

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7c5c15  No.244976


It's not black and white like most you idiots may think. Some were undercover feds, some were gullible Trump supporters, some were Antifa clowns dressed in MAGA gear to infiltrate and stir up violence, some cops were corrupted or goaded into letting these people come through the gates too.

I am still one who warns people not to get involved with political movements and events like this. And IF you really want to fight a war, you better be willing to bring and use the guns knowing full well you'll either end up in prison or killed off. Because that is reality. And that is why most wars do not end up kinetic but political but can often end up kinetic and societies permanently divided thereafter.

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9d9f54  No.244988

Yay! Another fedfag/jdifclown makes a useless thread in hopes of diluting the board with garbage.

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8a6fb4  No.244992

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

loudmouthed lout

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893197  No.244997


It's pretty black and white if you watch the video footage and notice that most of the people climbing up the sides of the building and breaking things were dressed all in black just like all of the other soros funded anarchy groups in recent history.

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