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File: 2c6c3d7909fb4a4⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 222x171, 74:57, how_nobody_gained_power.gif)

18f847  No.243898[Last 50 Posts]

B-but Trump will make a comeback in August1 He's gonna MIGA when Biden dies and Kamala becomes President!!!!!11

You fucking clowns.

I wish I could see your stupid faces the moment you realize it's over. And all you had to do was compromise. So when little Moshe asks why he's burning in Hell you can tell him it's because daddy and mommy were arrogant stubborn wastes of human existence.


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a381aa  No.243910

File: c4eaba3e78633b8⋯.gif (45.51 KB, 225x225, 1:1, I_am_a_Robot.gif)


Who are you talking to? There is literally nobody here.

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b59740  No.243912


Nobody here supports Trump.

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18f847  No.243913


There's a number of Jews who lurk. I'm speaking to them.

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a381aa  No.243917


Yeah, sure, loads of people lurking here to see the one post an hour when I'm not here.

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18f847  No.243920

File: 25e96fb770a6e5e⋯.gif (365.09 KB, 2000x1153, 2000:1153, merchant_damage_control.gif)

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a381aa  No.243922


>Kvetches about Trump into the totally empty void

>Anyone who comments on the futility of it is a jew

Can you bring some more jews here to revive this mother fucker? It's fucking dead and boring here. You don't post nearly enough bait to get people to come here.

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18f847  No.243923


>oy vey it's futile to rub (((our))) defeat in (((our))) faces

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a381aa  No.243924


>Jews jewed jews

>Go to a dead natsoc board to rub it in their faces

I bet you voted for Mitt AND Hillary.

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bad91f  No.243926

>the suits don't support the people man's

>checkmate trumpanzees

Yawn. You're boring

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18f847  No.243932


>trump is the people's man

jews arent "people."


cry harder kike

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190822  No.243965


>gibbers straw man.

>damns you for his delusions.

yadda yadda moshe.

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bba198  No.243974

2.4 million views for his Ohio speech suggests otherwise.

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bba198  No.243975

File: 9cf70daeb6319d2⋯.png (855.74 KB, 1830x4561, 1830:4561, top_donors_compilation.png)

That other poster is right though, nobody here supports Trump.

No more kike a vs kike b politics. No Trump, no DeSantis, no Biden, no Harris, no Buttjudge, no YANG. These are all jewish controlled puppets, they wouldnt be where they were if they werent. The great jewish con is a show youre permitted to watch, youre given the illusion of participating (you arent), its all just another extortion scheme. Biden's entire campaign cost about 50 grand lol. So where'd all that money go?

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18f847  No.243976


Pornhub gets 120 views per day. Trump is as irrelevant as Biden.

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18f847  No.243977


>120 million

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18f847  No.243978


Robert Mercer is Jewish and donates to pro-Israel causes. I haven't the interest to Google the other people you didn't give a star too because you're a dishonest kike with weak propaganda.

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b59740  No.243980


Jews aren't the ones who want Trump back.

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18f847  No.243981

File: c2502a2b50de895⋯.png (973.25 KB, 1066x993, 1066:993, trump_collusion_israel_2.png)


>Jews aren't the ones who want Trump back.

Imagine running this line in the current year lmao

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b59740  No.243982


Look at the Trump crowds. It's the meth-mouthed bubba white idiots who want Trump back. You know … the Christian Zionists? Jews don't care because they win either way. It's the Christians who think Trump will save Israel for them.

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18f847  No.243983

File: 0f351e72faa58d3⋯.jpg (228.24 KB, 1803x966, 601:322, israel_loses_evangelical_s….JPG)


Your shilling points are outdated.

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b59740  No.243984


Yes, exactly. The Christian Zionists believe Trump will save Israel for THEM, not for the jews, but for THEM. That's why they want him back. Jews always play both sides, so they win with Biden just as much. They don't care. You're just too stupid to see it because you have a desperate need to cry "m-muh joooz!" every time you stub your toe.

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18f847  No.243985


>The Christian Zionists believe Trump will save Israel for THEM, not for the jews, but for THEM

Post sauce. Back your claim.

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b59740  No.243986


Should also point out that the image you're using there is from 2016, not 2020. It's the the Israeli chapter of Republicans Abroad who made phone calls to U.S. citizens living in Israel on behalf of Trump.

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b59740  No.243987


>Post sauce.

That would be the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Third Temple, etc. They believe that Israel belongs to Christians (the true Jews, according to them) and Trump will pave the way for the Temple to be built and Armageddon to begin.

Have you not been paying attention?

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18f847  No.243989


>That would be the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Third Temple, etc.

In other words you have no source to support your claims. If you're correct then it should be real easy to back-up what you said. Go ahead. I'll wait.

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b59740  No.243992


Have you seriously never heard of Christian Zionism in America?

>the actual holy text of a religion is not an acceptable source for that religion's beliefs

I see … I'm talking to a child.

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18f847  No.243994


You said

>The Christian Zionists believe Trump will save Israel for THEM, not for the jews, but for THEM

Post a source showing Christian Zionists claiming that Trump will save Israel for THEM, not the Jews, but for THEM.

A video.. a news article.. some dude's free WordPress blog… ANYTHING.

Do you have ANYTHING to offer as a source supporting your claim?

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b59740  No.243996

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18f847  No.243998


None of the links provided support your claim. There is NO Evangelical Christians claiming Trump will win Israel for them and NOT the Jews.

Johnny you're a fucking embarrassment.

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b59740  No.243999


>I read all 4 articles in less than 3 minutes

It's like you're not even trying.

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18f847  No.244000


In fact, you complete buffoon, one of the sources you gave says the following:

>The evangelical-heavy Trump administration is the most fervently Christian Zionist government the United States has ever had, making it a driving force of pro-Israel attitudes in Washington. U.S. support for Israel these days doesn’t mean just championing the idea of a Jewish state — it means supporting the idea of Greater Israel, the Israeli far right’s dream of a single state. The United States hasn’t merely dropped the support for a two-state solution, or stopped condemning Israeli settlements on Palestinian land. U.S. policy has shifted to endorsing the reality that Netanyahu’s right-wing government has put on the ground: an ethno-national state where Israel retains territories it occupied in the 1967 war, Jews are the sole sovereign from the river to the sea, Palestinians are denied self-determination and international law has no currency.


The EXACT opposite of what you claimed! Now.. if one of your sources actually supports your initial claim then post a screenshot of the section :) You cant though. Do you know why? Because you're a worthless know-nothing deceptive kike like all the others.

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b59740  No.244001


Right, now keeeeeep reading, smooth brain. What happens AFTER the jews build the third temple? This is where we go back to Revelation and the Christian Bible. That is what they believe and your feely-feels won't change it.

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18f847  No.244002


>keeeeeep reading



>f one of your sources actually supports your initial claim then post a screenshot of the section :) You cant though. Do you know why? Because you're a worthless know-nothing deceptive kike like all the others.

Go ahead.

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b59740  No.244004


Son, I can't hold your hand and walk you through life. You seem to know how to read. I gave you some sources, so start there. You're showing pics from 2016 and claiming they're for Trumps "re-election" and you have the gall to question something every American who ever went to Sunday School knows?

I'm sure you came here hoping to get a lot of hoorahs and pats on the back for your glorious insight into "da j000z", but you came to the wrong board, kid. The D in /pnd/ means DEBATE. Seek an echo-chamber elsewhere and, from now on, remember that if you act like a child, you will get treated like one.

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18f847  No.244009


>y-you just have to believe me!

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b59740  No.244011


You don't have to believe me. I gave you all the sources you need. It's not my fault you're a window licker.

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18f847  No.244013


I'm still waiting on just one source supporting your original claim :)

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b59740  No.244014


The book of Revelation, Christian Bible. It is literally a fundamental belief in Christianity that the temple will be rebuilt by jews in Israel, which will bring back Jesus, who will then cast everyone out except Christians.

It is absolutely fundamental to their religion. What the fuck more source do you need?

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18f847  No.244016


Please quote the chapter and verse in Revelation which states Jesus will return and given Israel to Evangelical Christians by first throwing Israeli Jews into Hell.

Go ahead you fucking idiot.

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b59740  No.244018



Of all the smooth brains to ever wash up on /pnd/'s shores, your brain is the smoothest.

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18f847  No.244019


I asked you to post the chapter and verse in Revelation. I'm done reading links that fail to support your claims. Give the chapter and verse or go kill yourself you stupid fake Jew.

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b59740  No.244023


Revelation 1:7

Revelation 6:17; 7:14

Revelation 19:7–9, 14-16

Revelation 20:2, 4–6

Revelation 19:20; 20:1–3

Revelation 20:7–13

Revelation 20:14, 15

Revelation 21:2, 3; 2:3–5

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18f847  No.244024


Let's just take a look at the first verse you gave:

>Revelation 1:7, KJV: "Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen."

Oh look. It has nothing to do with your initial claim and you're still a kike with no sense of integrity.

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b59740  No.244027


>I refuse to read a whole story, just give me a sentence because my brain is too smooth to handle words

Ok, fine, child. Last spoon I will feed you forever:

All those who rejected the Word of God will be resurrected. (Revelation 20:11-3) They will be judged by Christ and cast into the lake of fire, the place where they will suffer final and everlasting punishment. (Revelation 20:14-15)

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18f847  No.244029


>All those who rejected the Word of God

>They will be judged by Christ and cast into the lake of fire

>the place where they will suffer final and everlasting punishment.

Where does it say Christ will give the Jewish State to Evangelical Christians? Everyone knows pedophile degenerate kikes get thrown into Hellfire.

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b59740  No.244030


It says it in the other verses that you refuse to read. This fucking link >>244018

puts it all in nice, easy to digest language for any smooth brain to handle, but you refuse to read it unless I copy/paste it into this little box. You are fucking retarded.

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18f847  No.244033



That was your original claim, the claim we are debating, and you are not slippery enough to slither away from it!

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b59740  No.244034

File: 792b2a8cde71620⋯.gif (4.12 MB, 498x280, 249:140, goalposts.gif)


>literally you forgetting that Trump promised Evangelicals he would move the US Embassy to Jerusalem and then delivered, making Jerusalem the defacto Evangelical Christian capitol.

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b59740  No.244036

File: 77865d665d3855c⋯.jpg (48.18 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, popcorn.jpg)


Uh oh watch out! he pulled out the red text! he's gon' go all 'tard strong on ya!

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18f847  No.244038



>moving an embassy is the same as genociding jews and giving their state to a small minority within the larger christian religion

youre done here. i may choose to address you in the other thread we're talking in. but prbly not.

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b59740  No.244040


Nope. I don't talk to Calvinists. You should all be gassed alive, skinned, the meat eaten, and the rest put on display in the national museum of ultimate retardation. Go enjoy /christian/. I'm fucking done with you.

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18f847  No.244041

File: bbc3a6c47d2feb0⋯.jpg (72.1 KB, 680x960, 17:24, jesus_and_mary.jpg)



stay defeated kike.

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