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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 46a319ab9de8e7e⋯.jpg (167.34 KB, 1919x1045, 101:55, nazimoon.jpg)

82aaaa  No.243765

Ever wonder why Hitler chose the swastika, the symbol of PROSPERITY, as his emblem?!

He wanted to make everybody rich!

Bolshevik financiers who want you to stay poor tried to suppress the truth about Hitler's Wealth Formula. They destroyed the Third Reich so that the Formula couldn't liberate the world from the shackles of poverty. Bolsheviks thought they got him, but Hitler and his most loyal followers escaped to the Moon and turned it into world's wealthiest economy - the Fourth Reich.

He was waiting for the right time to try to recapture planet Earth… and now with the power of decentralization, nobody can stop Hitler. He will share the Formula with the whole world! He WILL make YOU rich!

Wernher von Braun and Adolf Hitler translated Hitler's Wealth Formula into an Ethereum decentralized exchange smart contract, HitlerSwap, that guarantees everyone 1000x returns on investments in Fourth Reich's official currency - HitlerMoon!

How does it work? We block all the Bolshevik exchanges from ever interacting with HitlerMoon. You can only trade HitlerMoon on HitlerSwap and Hitler's Wealth Formula guarantees the price will NEVER EVER go down. It can ONLY GO UP! All trades on HitlerSwap are executed in harmony with Hitler's Wealth Formula ensuring everyone can get a 1000x return!

Holders of more than 10,000 HitlerMoon can convert their tokens into a Fourth Reich citizenship. If the last 2 bytes of the blockhash are 8 and 8 when selling your stake you will get a free ticket to go to the moon and visit the Fourth Reich.

After 1 year everybody will be rich and Hitler will let financiers back in just to show you how right he was about them!


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47172b  No.243795

>National socialism turned into a (((get rich quick))) scam.

A new low even for /pnd/

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b08c2f  No.243800

File: 04c96c65b58de23⋯.jpg (42.3 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 1414r.JPG)


When everybody's rich, nobody is.

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b4ebee  No.243823


I'm curious why you wasted so much time creating this unfunny garbage. it seems that you must've thought you were being 'funny and clever', but this is not even vaguely humorous and it's not clever, not even by the farthest stretches of the imagination. you didn't end up looking smart and funny. it made you look like a mentally defective weirdo with no understanding of humor, and an inability to relate to other humans. nobody finds your content interesting or whimsical, and now we all realize what loser you are, with way too much time on your hands.

speaking of which: today is Monday. wthy don't you have a job?

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b4ebee  No.243824


your idiotic TWO CENTS SUNDAYS garbage is equally as UNFUNNY


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0c58d4  No.243896

File: b0a3283f92ae19e⋯.jpg (24.29 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 9ssnqo.jpg)

Guess it's time to stop browsing chans.

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a8eaa5  No.243916


Concepts like that really annoy me. You want to be a king back in 1100AD? Enjoy shitting down a hole going out into the moat, and the whole place stinks like shit.

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