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73bdca  No.243558

Toenails are meant to 'shed' like a lizard

just ask Killcen

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73bdca  No.243559

File: 5efe0145d118253⋯.jpg (428.19 KB, 1800x1080, 5:3, PicsArt_06_26_08_03_02.jpg)

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23690d  No.243629


>fagbot calling out another faggot for making a shitty thread

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fd115f  No.243677


Why Is it OK to clip your nails or cut your hair or pull your wisdom teeth but it's not OK to be circumcised? It's all natural. God didn't invent nail clippers. If you're against circumcision than you must against all forms of personal grooming

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2e4408  No.243696


Well I guess for one foreskins don't really grow back. Otherwise the jews would delight in prescribing a new bris every 6 months for your health.

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fd115f  No.243794


>it grows back so it's OK

Nope. God never said it was ok

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bb445f  No.243807

OP is right if you're a lizard

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