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File: a49c742c9c27b95⋯.png (111.3 KB, 600x552, 25:23, socialist_terrorism.png)

49b787  No.242485

U.S. military mandate now labels all "Socialists" as domestic terorrists, along with Neo-Nazis.

Natsoc and Nazbol will hang from the same lamppost. Here we see the beginnings of that future. You should have listened.

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153e64  No.242507



The whole economic system today is the very definition of "socialism" at this point! Enjoying all that subsidy from us taxpayers? Enjoying your bailouts? Enjoying your covid relief checks? How about that stock market which is pumped with endless fiat? Enjoying that currency creation out of thin air yet?

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b302c3  No.242514


>sourceless screenshot of an unsourced pic posted on Twitter

lol, yeah, but let's say it's true … the US military is LITERALLY socialism. Everything they have - from the tanks to the buttons on their damn uniforms - is handed to them, paid for by all of us.

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49b787  No.242518


Yeah, very true. But your hot take doesn't justify (((foreign intervention))). That's all this is about.

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49b787  No.242526


No doubt. Here though I believe their context is ANTIFA to Nazbol. Nazi Socialism is viewed as a separate entity.

Their attacking the Far-Left and Far-Right, both liberal and conservative forms, which is a move I can get behind.

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51ac68  No.242642

File: 885267ced483faf⋯.jpg (191.26 KB, 726x936, 121:156, NGDDying.jpg)

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e48a14  No.243617

Document or link available? The picture does not show what the title claims and the link is cut off

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e48a14  No.243619

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f2f349  No.243674


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49b787  No.243676


yeah bro the military will save us in just two more weeks

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