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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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6afe8f  No.242043

Sloppy job, Mossad

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b2b461  No.242045

Did McAfee ever say a word about israel or White genocide? I don't recall him ever doing so, but maybe I'm mistaken.

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73ee41  No.242049


>>The World

I took the spirit away from Israel and gave it to Iran.

I victimize Europe by invoking finality with Russia.

Next I shall make display with China.

I am here.

I have come for you.

I will not allow what was to continue much further.

Did you see him fly today?

Shall it harden and become a two-headed iron eagle?

By what means and form shall Cerberus appear?

The best is yet to come bitch.

There is no escape from my word.

I will continue to take a peace of this and a peace of that.

Next I shall take a peace of Germany and do so with tremendous power and force.

The loss of power is great.

Soon America will have no choice and will attempt to overthrow the governments of Europe to disastrous effect.

Tongue tied and twisted they shall show themselves naked for all to see.

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379d85  No.242182

Same day McAfee "suicides" himself in a Madrid prison, a U.S. military Gulfstream jet flies from Madrid back to U.S. Coincidence??


McAfee's instagram post was deleted, along with the entire instagram account.

Remember when they took down the majority of the internet when Julian Assange's deadman switch was rumored to be activated?


Barcelona to Madrid =

Distance. 315.1 miles/507.1 kilometers.

Madrid to Washington DC =

Distance. 3791 miles/6101 kilometers.

Twitter pic shows Gulfstream at 300+ knots/345.234 miles per hour.

Madrid to Washington DC in Gulfstream: 3,791 miles ÷ 345.234 = 10.981 hours travel time.

It can be estimated whether the jet departed after McAfee's "suicide."

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fc777f  No.242393

File: 958a278534504f3⋯.jpg (22.55 KB, 431x352, 431:352, yes.jpg)



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11ae99  No.242400

File: aa0c3b8e2f31e66⋯.jpg (64.45 KB, 600x600, 1:1, jew_brotherhood_g775.jpg)


He got a tattoo saying they are going to kill him for money related to the Epstein. Post proof of US government threatening to murder him. He never named anyone specific why not he is a billionaire he could of funded his own Guerillas.

So who wanted him dead exactly? why not just say jewish cabal…

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864cc0  No.242415

File: 6a20d9090b6111f⋯.png (805.2 KB, 1206x888, 201:148, the_immortal_who_killed_hi….png)


but if you name them it immediately turns off most normies "O, I don't have to listen to / trust anything this guy says - he's an antisemite/nazi/conspiracy theorist" (whatever the flavour du jour is)

I don't support the guy, to be clear, I'm just saying there *are* reasons some don't name the jew.

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e94948  No.242449

The man made a fortune creating viruses and then selling people the software to cure it. You're shocked he was killed?

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6afe8f  No.242473


anons exist to overcome this problem. reaching out to people on various social networks and imageboards to prove the truth to them… that's how a small percentage of people wake up and support those already in power or close to ascending.

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bc8546  No.242505

File: c4f05b6f86b8837⋯.png (405.8 KB, 854x480, 427:240, 2021_06_25_John_McAfee_Exp….png)

John McAfee Exposes Truth About BIG TECH Spying On Public in 2017 Interview


Uploaded this in honor of John McAfee's life. His viewpoints had value, and they still do.

> "Benign Spying"

> "We're Here to Help — for convenience — to make your lives easier — you don't even have to think for yourselves anymore!"

Yeah, who would have thought that giving Big Tech this much power over our everyday lives would end with them using that power to control every aspect of our lives, including the way we think, which is the very thing that actually creates this shared "reality"!

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