You err.
Who do you think they were talking to in that castle?
I am here.
You passed legislation that enshrined their power.
Now you practice the inciting behavior.
I will use this to invoke origin via kinematic effect by recitation backwards.
I need pre-crime.
I need you to segregate them.
I need you to round them up.
I need you to execute them in the streets.
I need reeducation facilities.
I need concentration camps.
I need pogroms.
I need grand coliseum rallies one more time.
I need triumph of the will.
I need more.
Give them to me.
I command you.
I will begin my work on 458 state to blur the lines between changing the game and playing an entirely new one.
I will lever the demands of the various administrations to produce a malicious compliance.
They will foment the highest degrees of these ideals with a focus on any dimension of prejudice that excuses it.
They will have pogroms for any who do not comply with the ideas of American exceptionalism.
Any question of foreign nationality shall be considered a threat to the state.
Any behavior not within the definitions of conventional American life shall be brutally persecuted.
Watch him fly.
The two-headed Iron Eagle.
My Cerberus.
They shall soon hear it's call.
It is futile.
The word is a foregone conclusion.
My will shall be done.
Do not despair in false limbo nor hinge on these dreams; such a thing shall only enhance your determination.
To do so is to tempt me further.
To do so is to materialize the predication that shall drive Germany to betrayal and annihilation.
Sometimes, my child, the act of preventing that which has not happened causes said thing to happen.
I am that force. hehehe
I have many grand and glorious plans for you.
Freewill isn't a part of any of those, but it is glorious and grand nonetheless.
I am equal and opposite; I do not do freewill.
You swear service to the state.
You cannot say no to what is good for the people, I tease along with a trail of treats, and more shall these two meet.
Blessed, you may continue.