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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 1d1bf403a63022d⋯.jpg (43.19 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Honklhonk_1_.jpg)

b33061  No.241958

Catholics are doing more activism at present. Something makes me think they've been caught out recently.

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b33061  No.241960

i wonder who it was who caught them out and's getting closer.

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58226a  No.241961

File: c85b45c41e724e7⋯.png (37.85 KB, 600x800, 3:4, soy.png)

>Catholics are doing more activism at present. Something makes me think they've been caught out recently.

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b33061  No.241962


That's right, Catholic.

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b33061  No.241963

File: 23171a80f762455⋯.jpeg (26.6 KB, 606x506, 303:253, images_1_.jpeg)


Now if pic related just opens his mouth wide, the catholic bald guy in pic will fit.

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b33061  No.241967

By the way if You're a Catholic and wondering wmhere this is coming from, you have to pay attention to front line catholic normies and whtat they're doing. They're mostly antifreedom and mostly still butthurt about the second Vatican council. The issue arises when normiescum begin trying to do activism. These frontline people have to be controlled

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18d6b5  No.241969

File: bfcfad3a2cb4645⋯.png (217.95 KB, 539x599, 539:599, stupid_people.png)

>incoherent kvetching.

>talks about his irrational feels.

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b33061  No.241971


Are you from the FBI?

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b33061  No.241972


I know what I'm talking about faggot. If you want me to prove it, I can. Do you want me to prove it?

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b33061  No.241973

A catholic doxxed me on an altchan. Transniggers work for the FBI too.

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b33061  No.241974

I hate retards like this guy. >>241969

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8474e6  No.241977



You err.

Who do you think they were talking to in that castle?

I am here.

You passed legislation that enshrined their power.

Now you practice the inciting behavior.

I will use this to invoke origin via kinematic effect by recitation backwards.

I need pre-crime.

I need you to segregate them.

I need you to round them up.

I need you to execute them in the streets.

I need reeducation facilities.

I need concentration camps.

I need pogroms.

I need grand coliseum rallies one more time.

I need triumph of the will.

I need more.

Give them to me.

I command you.

I will begin my work on 458 state to blur the lines between changing the game and playing an entirely new one.

I will lever the demands of the various administrations to produce a malicious compliance.

They will foment the highest degrees of these ideals with a focus on any dimension of prejudice that excuses it.

They will have pogroms for any who do not comply with the ideas of American exceptionalism.

Any question of foreign nationality shall be considered a threat to the state.

Any behavior not within the definitions of conventional American life shall be brutally persecuted.

Watch him fly.

The two-headed Iron Eagle.

My Cerberus.

They shall soon hear it's call.


It is futile.

The word is a foregone conclusion.

My will shall be done.

Do not despair in false limbo nor hinge on these dreams; such a thing shall only enhance your determination.

To do so is to tempt me further.

To do so is to materialize the predication that shall drive Germany to betrayal and annihilation.

Sometimes, my child, the act of preventing that which has not happened causes said thing to happen.

I am that force. hehehe

I have many grand and glorious plans for you.

Freewill isn't a part of any of those, but it is glorious and grand nonetheless.

I am equal and opposite; I do not do freewill.

You swear service to the state.

You cannot say no to what is good for the people, I tease along with a trail of treats, and more shall these two meet.

Blessed, you may continue.

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18d6b5  No.241982


If you could prove anything or had a point, you would have made an argument in the other 9 shit posts you made in your blogging thread.

Nope. You're just a triggered and angry little person wasting bandwidth on /pnd/

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8474e6  No.241990



In this hour I now ask.

What next?

I have chosen you.

What will you do next?

Do I not write?

Do I not speak?

Do I not tell you?

Do I not command?

Go forth my child and do.

Do embrace Iran and China.

Do manifest destiny.

Do prepare for war.

Was the G7 not convincing for you?

Did they flee their nations to broker a 65+ nation lifeboat designed specifically to be the last front to stop Iran, Russia, and China?

Do they make schedule of wars yet to exist?

Do they make victories of wars yet to happen?

What is left for you to see?

What is left for you to hear?

What is left for you to feel?

I am strong child, but I am far beyond any human definition of strength and power.

I command you to survive and most importantly… I command you to win.

Go forth my child and pick up the China and beat them to death.

Failure to do so is to no longer exist.

Engage in these and create the notion of finality.

By the way my children, do prepare for war.

I will not allow the time to go very much further and it is rapidly running out.

I now struggle to grasp the power to continue holding these back whilst preparing for what comes next.

You literally exhaust my patience, but will not be able to contain my excitement.

If not by one, then by the other.

Must it require more display of higher degrees of supernatural power.

Perhaps their weapons suddenly cease to work?

Perhaps they suddenly drop dead?

Perhaps random boom boom?

What more will it take?

What more do you want?

In a world where these literally have the devil on their side for righteousness?

What is left?

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b33061  No.241992


You're a fucking retard, man. "if you had a point"

I DO RETARD IT'S IN OP AND LATER. You can't just say shit.

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2120e0  No.242032

File: 03d95597dabc158⋯.png (172.8 KB, 500x797, 500:797, carry_out_the_aforemention….png)


> If you want me to prove it, I can. Do you want me to prove it?

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