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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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1e1554  No.241761

WATER WARS about to go kinetic in America as farmers targeted by terrorist state governments that are deliberately collapsing civilization.


As Mac Slavo writes at SHTFplan.com, “Farmers in the United States have reached a breaking point.” The governments of California and Oregon are deliberately depriving farmers access to the critical water resources they need to grow crops, even when those resources are readily available.

The problem isn’t “drought,” it turns out. That’s just the cover story to push a climate crisis that will eventually be invoked to justify “climate lockdowns.” The real problem is corrupt government.

In California, the corrupt, criminal government is emptying fresh water into the ocean, draining reservoirs that were nearly full just two to three years ago. And in Oregon, the government is refusing to release water from Upper Klamath Lake, depriving downstream farmers of water they own via long-established water rights.

These water restriction tactics are being deliberately weaponized as part of an engineered plan to destroy the U.S. food supply and bankrupt food producers. The water exists to irrigate crops, but that water is being withheld on purpose.

The destruction of farming is all part of the larger plan to destroy America and usher in global tyranny.

The farmers who depend on this water are seeing their livelihoods (and families) destroyed by these acts of government-sponsored terrorism against America’s food producers, so some farmers have decided to take matters into their own hands.

It looks like things are headed toward a standoff, much like the Bundy Ranch situation from a few years back (involving the Bureau of Land Management which also declared a kind of war against ranchers).

“The farmers are now in such a dire situation and with a food supply already on a razor’s edge of disaster, they say they will release the water themselves,” reports SHTFplan.com. From that story:

“If [the Feds] don’t budge… I think we’re just going to end up taking it,” Nielsen said.

“I’m planning on getting DC’s attention,” another outraged farmer, Grant Knoll told Jefferson Publis Radio this month. “We’re going to turn on the water and have a standoff.”

The water wars, in other words, may be about to go kinetic.


The oblivious masses think prepping is for crazy people, so they are totally unprepared (and will likely not survive).

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0c0194  No.241764

Inb4 glow nigger CP spam again.



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eeaf33  No.241772



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fdc66a  No.241842


RE: world gone mad

Lol @ you thinking it was ever stable or sane

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fdc66a  No.241843


exactly WHAT FUCKING PLANET did you grow up on?

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fdc66a  No.241844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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77f5f2  No.242431

Bolsheviks trying to cause food shortages. It's just the beginning.

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805f84  No.242443


No more lettuce and soy? Oh well. RIP Vegans.

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