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File: 1473417c731af88⋯.png (542.83 KB, 745x737, 745:737, jones.PNG)

c595a2  No.241395[Last 50 Posts]

The moar attention is put on these kikes the moar our public turns against all of them. Soon it won't matter what is done about the Jewish Question because the majority will support the most convenient solution.

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c26349  No.241405


that's SO cool how you spelled it "moar"

that's so edgy of you

AND ?…. you did ittwice, meaning you're


imageboard faggot parrot

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c26349  No.241407


Q: could you please parrot someMOARboring imageboard catchphrases and behaviors?

That way, you would beTRIPLE EDGY

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c26349  No.241408


Here's an edgy imageboard idea :

You could call me "anon", and then say something about ROASTIES

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c595a2  No.241409

File: 494dc0831836f0c⋯.jpg (68.73 KB, 600x600, 1:1, jew_kvetching.jpg)

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c26349  No.241410


nobody cares about the Jewish question…

it's the VAGINA QUESTION that matters…

Q : why can't you get any pussy, faggot boy?

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c26349  No.241411


MOAR, right ?………




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c26349  No.241412


the longer you avoid there question, the more cowardly you become

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c26349  No.241413

THE* question….

Everybody is familiar with cowardly little children who try to change the subject and avoid the topic at hand….

You're afraid………

You don't have the balls to simply admit the truth that everybody else already realizes

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c26349  No.241414


I'm guessing it's Jews that made girls find you unattractive?

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c26349  No.241415


Oh well……………………

You might never get any pussy at all, but at least you still got your cool trendy image board catchphrases, right ?…..

Cool trendy imageboard catch phrases like MOAR

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c595a2  No.241416

File: 6386133c588e595⋯.jpg (606.06 KB, 1199x989, 1199:989, Qui_Jews_1.jpg)







>n-nobody cares about the jewish question!

I see. You're a Jew, probably Bolshevik, who has realized (but not accepted) that Jewry has failed and time for your "people" is almost up. So you're kvetching and making an ass of yourself in the most pathetic way possible: On 8kun.

Now that I understand the cause of your stupidity I should have a little sympathy, but I don't.

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c26349  No.241417


Last night, you wrapped up yet ANOTHER desperately lonely weekend….

Another empty lonely Friday night, with no human being that finds you attractive or interesting

Another empty lonely Saturday night, surfing pornography playing video games and posting irrelevancies in image boards….

Another excruciatingly lonely Sunday night, with no woman willing to be seen standing next to you

You're one of the loneliest man I've ever seen

but at least you have your trendy image board catch phrases to rely on, right ?…


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c26349  No.241418


I see what you did there…..

You added an extra "n", relying on your trendy image board behavior of adding "cute stutters"

This is your substitute for getting pussy?

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c26349  No.241419



why don't you explain the reasons why you are incapable of finding a girlfriend who finds you even vaguely interesting?

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c26349  No.241420



(not even a fat ugly woman)

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c26349  No.241421


I emptied my testicles into my wife 3 times last night…..

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c595a2  No.241422



>y-you don't have sex!

Herzl must be rolling in his grave as he watches you dumb kikes fumble the weaponization of anti-Semitism. No Zionism, no Nazbol, no compromises, no repeating Hitler's mistakes. How does the future make you feel now in the present?

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c26349  No.241423




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c26349  No.241424


but you DON'T have sex

You're not fooling anybody…

Masturbating to pornography does not qualify as having sex

You have no emotional or sexual companion in your life

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c26349  No.241425


You're a coward.. everybody already realizes you don't get any pussy, but you're such a coward, that you think as long as you keep avoiding the subject nobody will realize the truth….

You're like a little child who thinks if he covers his eyes nobody can see him

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c26349  No.241426


FEAR : why you can't get a girl

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c595a2  No.241427

File: 8a0a9e625bffb8e⋯.jpg (223.53 KB, 942x652, 471:326, boring_1.jpg)


> no sex tho!

You refuse to discuss the future of Jewry in light of your failure to conjure another Hitler. You're afraid.

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c26349  No.241429


Nobody cares about anything you talk about

Because everything you say is a distraction technique

Everything you do is a distraction

Trying to avoid the subject

Of women

Why you can't get a woman

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c26349  No.241430





You're afraid

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c26349  No.241431



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c26349  No.241432


another empty lonely weekend

Just you and your stupid little computer

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c595a2  No.241433

File: 2511f8c91be0eed⋯.jpg (93.15 KB, 490x591, 490:591, mein_sides.jpg)





You have a feminine personality.

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c26349  No.241434


LOL @you NOT having a girlfriend

hahahahahaha….. weird…..

Are you even sexually attracted to females at all?

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c26349  No.241435



How long have you been terrified of rejection?

I'm imagining you must be in your thirties?

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c26349  No.241436



and his predictable imageboard behavior

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c26349  No.241437


you have no sexual history (with females, at least)

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c26349  No.241438


the lonely inept social and sexual punching bag

(and his never-ending series of predictable pre-packaged trendy clichéimageboard catchphrases)

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c26349  No.241440

…….see, Mortimer….. lemme 'splain sum'n to ya'

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c26349  No.241441

there's no reason for me to get any more 'ethereal' or 'lofty'….


it really all comes down to one primal measure :


no metaphysical existential conversation required

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c595a2  No.241442

File: 6001f9010542738⋯.jpg (81.82 KB, 466x566, 233:283, mfw_content.jpg)

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c26349  No.241443

the MEASURE OF A MAN is counted in his sexual conquests…..

not his stupid political perspectives

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c26349  No.241444

File: 501bf60deb70799⋯.jpg (109.33 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20200314_123501_0140.jpg)

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c26349  No.241446

if a man is even minimally worth a shit,

he will have a series of notches on his headboard

he doesn't even have to "try"….

because the women make the decision, not him

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c26349  No.241447


the WOMEN determine a man's worth…..

not the man…..

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c26349  No.241448

women determine who's a man

and who's the child

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c26349  No.241449

The women will put the notches on his headboard

not him

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c26349  No.241450

my wife is sitting right here next to me….

HINT : just because you have a computer, that doesn't mean that you have to be a sexless lonely coward faggot

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c26349  No.241451

File: 1c3c89fd5bee762⋯.jpg (42.8 KB, 800x526, 400:263, lonely_man_sitting_compute….jpg)

A G A I N , D U M B A S S :

just because you own a computer, that DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO BE A PARODY OF A MAN

Owning a computer doesn't mean you have to be a closet homosexual

Owning a computer doesn't mean you can't get girls

But there you sit with your stupid little computer

Continually trying to reassure yourself of your alleged 'superiority'….

Since when did social and sexual failure become 'superior'?

(because you can't even get the ugliest fattest woman to be seen standing next to you.. they would be too embarrassed)

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c26349  No.241453

………………………………………..and ?

It doesn't matter how many memes you upload, how many times you try to act 'aloof', how many distraction techniques you implement, how long you simply refuse to address the subject, how many times you pretend to ignore the real topic…

Because I hit the nail on the head……


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c26349  No.241454

see how easy that was ?……….

like I said, no need to look for other observations

I nailed it, lonely girl

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c26349  No.241457

you get no pussy

you're afraid of rejection


you're afraid

of failure

so you don't even try

Meaning, inherently…. that you


how decidedly 'intimidating'

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c26349  No.241458


how's your thread going so far?


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c26349  No.241459


perhaps if you put less energy into typing cliché imageboard catchphrases like "MOAR", andMOREenergy into findying a girlfriend, maybe you'd find a girlfriend???

just a thought, Himmler

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c26349  No.241460

while I was getting my dick sucked last night

OP was somewhere online, typing "moar"

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c26349  No.241461

douchebag imageboard parrot

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c26349  No.241462

the world's loneliest SUPERIOR HUMAN

hahahahaha WOW

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c26349  No.241463


Perhaps if your depth of charisma was a little bit deeper than a predictable series of trendy catch phrases and other imageboard behavior…..

Maybe somebody would notice that you exist?

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c26349  No.241464


HINT : start by finding the ugliest, stupidest, fattest pig woman, and it will increase your odds.

once you have experience actually looking a woman in the eyes and convincing her to have sex with you, THEN you can work your way up to a moderately fat ugly stupid girl

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c26349  No.241465


You can do it, Billy !!


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c26349  No.241466


unoriginal bore

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c26349  No.241467


by the way, even if she's fat stupid and disgusting


don't do it…….. she'll never fuck you if you do

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c26349  No.241468


by the way………

what videogames did you play over the weekend?

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8812d8  No.241470

What a stupid thread.

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c26349  No.241471

I mean, of course I have NO CLUE what stupid videogames you little boys are playing these days

(because I'm an adult)

but I know several of you imageboard/anime/videogame/pornography losers in real life….

so a year or so ago, I asked one of them :

"what videogame do losers like you play?"

and he told me "Overwatch"

so are you still playing Overwatch, faggot?

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c26349  No.241474


lol I'm offended by your hurtful words…

I think it's an exquisite thread

it's pure genius

the best

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c26349  No.241476


whenever I see somebody typing clichés like "MOAR", something happens inside of me, where I am compelled to remind them WHAT A FUCKINGLOSERTHEY ARE….

Because when you find somebody whose life revolves around repeating the same boring handful of imageboard catchphrases…

when trendy terms like "moar" or "red pill" or "anon" or "chad" or "roastie" have become part of someone's every day vocabulary…

when they've reached THAT POINT……..

There is a less than 0% chance of them actually having a girlfriend or a wife…

Because image board terminology and catchphrases areVAGINA REPELLENT

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c26349  No.241477


And that's EGG ZACK LEE™ how I know you're a loser

just simply using the term "moar" told me everything I need to know about you

it's really not complicated ..

you wear a flashing neon sign


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c26349  No.241478


In the name of fairness :

SAGING is the exact same thing as saying MOAR

The fact that this shit is so important to you

Behaving in a prescribed trendy pattern

Trying to fit in

As if this matters

It's in the exact same category as using trendy catchphrases.

The Imageboard PARROT

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c26349  No.241481


ALL imageboard/videogame/porn losers consider themselves to be "elite" and "superior"

a false sense of self entitlement goes hand in hand with imageboard/videogame/porn losers

but /PND/ IS THE MOST TRANSPARENTLY GAY BOARD ON EARTH because the entire premise of this stupid board is your alleged "superiority"

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c26349  No.241484

unlike other boards that are simply FULL OF LOSERS, /pnd/'s entire premise is an unproven claim of 'superiority' over others


you can't even get any pussy, dude


you ain't worth a damn

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c26349  No.241485



It's really that simple

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c26349  No.241486

you're a dysfunctional assclown

no woman finds you even VAGUELY interesting

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c26349  No.241487

lol @ the "master race" of SEXLESS MEN

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c26349  No.241488

how much more simple can it possibly be ?



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c26349  No.241489

It's just YOU…………………

that's all…..

Just you and your little sissy boy computer and video games

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c26349  No.241490

stunted little fat sissy boy

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3764a0  No.241491


I'm starting to agree with you, 100%. The few decent threads on this board always get slid….. BY TOTAL LOSER FAGGOTS.

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7bea29  No.241492


The most convenient solution is to prepare for all out war when they come for you. I've literally been saying this for well over the last two decades. This is just what Bolsheviks do, they come after those who do not conform, those who resist their despotism, those who do not join their ideological cult. There is no other solution, all they will ever understand is when the guns are pointed their direction, then and only then will they comprehend we will not accept this thuggery and despotism.

And make no mistake, they are and will be coming for more and more people (even the innocent who had done nothing wrong).

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c26349  No.241493


uuhhhh…. Hmmm……

sorry to interrupt, but don't you think perhaps you may have actually made a mistake when you typed 'make no mistake'?

perhaps "let there be no doubt about it" would've flowed better?

( MOAR )

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c26349  No.241494


Yep….. sorry, but the rest of the world has ZERO interest in the misguided attempts to blame others for their own self imposed failures.

we're NOT interested in the distraction techniques implemented by videogame sissies to avoid culpability in their own downward spiral

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c26349  No.241495


thank God we grew up without SISSYBOY FAGGOTCHILD VIDEOGAMES

we dodged that bullet, huh?

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c26349  No.241497


but I guarantee that even if they did have videogames when we were kids, you and I would still never have become faggots

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c26349  No.241498


type "moar" again, so I can enjoy your


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664f54  No.241499

Honestly Johnny, I'm angry. There is yet another BIG manufactured event being pulled off that will lead to a lot more American lives being ruined, I explained all that here: >>241482

And I'm angry because no one bothers covering this kind of info anymore, it's going ignored once again and all anons can focus/complain about is 'niggers, kikes, climate change and now muh Alex Jones' not to mention all the CP that I keep having to Global Report! It's like this board is consumed by glowing faggots!!!

I've pretty much had it with /pnd/, it's becoming worthless.

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70da92  No.241668


69 poasts, nice digits!

You sure showed that incel virgin who the real chad is!

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61fb3a  No.245038






LOL! You called her out. She's probably still raging. Oy vey!

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c2fe0b  No.245209

File: 1c39c583901b72b⋯.gif (2.86 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 1c39c583901b72b72762880750….gif)

look at this kike sperg rage lol

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09047a  No.245223


Alex Jones is not a jew.

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c595a2  No.245225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7f1407  No.245255


But he did marry a jew, divorced her, married a new hooker jew, and promotes circumcision like it's one of his best penis pills. He does a lot of good work, but he can miss me with 3 hours of shameless preaching every day like he's pretending to be some kind of christian.

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