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ffcd1e  No.241317

Some months ago I asked about the possibility of Christianity being a Jewish psyop. What sealed it for me was the Siege of Jerusalem, and all the inexplicable anomalies which occurred there; the comical fulfilling of "prophecies", not by some divine hand, but by men. Jewish men.

In my researching of the Hierosolymite lepers' exodus from Egypt, I came across the writings of Thomas Dalton, who is basically 10 steps ahead of me on many of the Jewish historical questions. I am quite impressed with his writings, he has published many books under Castle Hill, which recently became CODOH's publisher.

While reading about Dalton's book, Eternal Strangers, about the behavior of Jews throughout different ages, I stumbled upon this essay of his. It makes a great case for why Christianity is a Jewish tool. I've long held the belief that Christianity is simply a way for Jews to predispose non-gentiles to their exploitation. This guy knows his shit, and covers this better than I ever could.

If you're dismissing the possibility and find the idea preposterous, you need to ask yourself

>Would Jesus get the Vax?

I think you'd be lying to yourself if you answer anything other than: "not only would he get the Vax, he would be its biggest shill."


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3941d6  No.241318


>national vanguard

the creator of that kike shit was arrested for child porn. and the old testament claims hebrews/israelites were of european descent, not semitic.

fuck off kike you will never be german-irish.

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