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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 26a6b9971d5ff2f⋯.jpeg (1.78 MB, 2048x1197, 2048:1197, schizo.jpeg)

2d4c2c  No.241239

Why do rightoid burgers and rightoid anglos in general need to fall back on “muh IQ” to explain most material phenomena?

Why are the rich wealthy?

>Muh IQ if not muh joos

Why is America declining?

>Muh low IQ negros and immigrants

Why are people poor?

>They are low IQ

Why does the West hold power?

>They are higher IQ

Why do rightoids use this cope when they themselves are actual retards? If you believe the market is normally meritocratic then you need to explain the root causes of the creation of a "crony capitalist" regime that supports the undeserving and low IQ. Generally this involves some combination of a structurally antisemitic conspiracy blaming jooz and finance as well as blaming the welfare state for being dysgenic and parasitic on whites. IQ is the scientistic way of saying the latter portion, if only average IQ is higher we could do away with state intervention because we'd all be intelligent ubermenschen trading as equals in the meritocracy of the market or some such idealism.

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bbb48d  No.241247

You play vidya games, you think what people say is OR not AND, you think world is digital. You are small.

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93d63b  No.241255

You forgot to mention, the ZOG-faggots will tell you the Kikes deserve to rule the ZOG, because the Ashkenazi (Euro) Jew has an average 115 IQ, according to them.

The IQ shit is just a ruse, meant to give a pseudo-natural explanation for what they believe is a divine order to the world. They think the Sky Kike loves that homosexual interracial porno called "America," that the Sky Kike protects Israel, etc.

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94055d  No.241256




Why are you so stupid? Who goes to a predominately "rightoid" board and begins insulting the community when your goal is clearly evangelization and conversion? You do that. Because you're so fucking stupid. You aren't looking for conversation because there are "leftoid" imageboards you may use. You're here to propagandize but you're too fucking idiotic to realize a conman never insults his mark. Fucking idiot. I cant even believe I posted all of this just to explain how fucking stupid you are because you prbly wont even understand what im writing anyway.

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910656  No.241260

File: 067be228b688432⋯.jpg (64.47 KB, 530x680, 53:68, culture_dumb_iq.jpg)


I don't know about you anon, but as a "rightoid burger" (lol) I may not know much history or political philosophy or social justice or any of that, but you know what? I'm smart enough to homestead. I built my own rain water collection system, have a huge garden and a water pump system for water irrigation, raise livestock, split my own logs for the wood burning stove, use a wood chipper to create my own mulch, working on getting the solar panels set up soon which I'll be able to hook up to a big inverter and have it all run on a rack stacked with deep cycle batteries (looking forward to supplying myself with my own energy so I will not be as reliant on the grid!)

Maybe you feel "educated" but I'd ask you one question: if you had to work the trade, would you? What real life survival skills do you have? You can be "educated" all you want, but in real life you need a set of skills to earn a decent living and get by, and to become independent.

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4f846c  No.241265

Iq doesn't mean anything. Just your ability to retain information. Things like racism issues doesn't require a high IQ to understand. Common sense doesn't require a high IQ. Jews get blamed for being in media and controlling narratives

They're smart in the sense they know where to to to subvert a culture. Nothing to do with IQ

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204ed2  No.241268


>the market

Do you mean the market as it exists, with real people as participants, or do you mean the market as a Platonic ideal? Because anything with real people is going to have the same issues as real people.

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