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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 0742dd95afb2ab5⋯.png (280.73 KB, 585x671, 585:671, mija.png)

dc5763  No.240872


The CIA is openly mocking us at this point, aren't they? Or have government diversity officers really taken over and made the world that much safer by disabling the largest terrorist organization in the world?

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378ebe  No.240902


I don't let it bother me. What they do they will do by themselves. As far as my life goes, I'm moving on without these insane idiots in my life. Know what I mean? I don't need these corrupted institutions anymore. I'm not being told what to do or what to believe. I'm not going to be waving flags or crying for a police state to 'please protect me!' On the contrary I too am preparing for all-out war should the day humanity gets far too stupid and crazy, going too far and crossing my line in the sand, for which there will be no turning back for anyone involved.

That said, this goes for pretty much ANYONE, not just the CIA but the world, as a whole, as well.

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c86590  No.241101


they're reforming the spook shops and the military, so both will shoot white conservatives without question.

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e47006  No.241266

Social media is cancer

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