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cb8452  No.240168

How many of you kike faggots believe in 80 year into the future predictions of weather all over the planet? Ready to gut a century worth of reliable energy and trade it all in for medieval unreliables like fucking windmills?

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6f66fd  No.240176


>wind is unreliable

I bet you think it causes cancer, too.

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c7a3b2  No.240177


Climate science is, well, a science. What they can do is look at the solar cycle length and from that, estimate what the climate would be based on the climate theory of Svensmark et al.

This was done for the "man made climate change" hoax back in the late 20th century. They knew that we were to enter a period of cooling right about now. The did the "we're all going to burn to death by 2010" emotional appeal and expected to pass their one world government and draconian control laws.

But it didn't sell. Now the cooling period is here and people are catching on to this jewish trick.

Bonus Points: Knowing about a lunar eclipse about to happen is how Christopher Columbus fooled the Indians into feeding him and his shipwrecked crew.

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8cbb1a  No.240179


>Ready to gut a century worth of reliable energy and trade it all in for medieval unreliables like fucking windmills?

I don't think anyone is actually seriously arguing for this. Right-wing Americans for some reason take it personally if any attempt is made to cut consumption of hydrocarbons for any reason – even if that reason is to stretch hydrocarbon reserves further into the future. It's bizarre. It's like they personally own a gas well.

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c7a3b2  No.240180


The fallacy of your argument is that "Right-wing Americans" are wrong about this, ergo they are wrong about X

And you said this as a fallacy of relevance to the distract from the argument about the man made climate change fraud; a red herring.

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8cbb1a  No.240184


My argument only applies to what was green texted. Climate change could very well be 100% bullshit. There are lots of reasons entirely independent of "climate change" that alternative sources of energy would be pursued.

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73b781  No.240187

File: 067be228b688432⋯.jpg (64.47 KB, 530x680, 53:68, culture_dumb_iq.jpg)


If this country was smart - and clearly much of America today is not - and the system were not so corrupted - and obviously it very much is today - the government, energy companies and public would be promoting all kinds of energy, anything that can be utilized for full energy-independence. Whether it be oil, coal, solar, wind, nuclear (thorium included), wood/waste burning, hydro, whatever technique or commodity available to us that creates energy (electricity). Due to the fact we have "special interests" running the country, there is a war over who can get a monopoly over energy now, which is not only unfair it's pathetic this is even allowed or being debated in the first place.

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840fef  No.240203


Exactly. I like electric cars nuclear power stuff like that, but it's nothing to do with me being worried about climate change, they just seem better

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30798e  No.240204


Nuclear power is fine and cheap. Thorium even cheaper and much much safer which we should be using too, even India and China uses thorium these days.

Electric cars? Sorry to bust your bubble but that is a scam. The electricity comes from batteries. But the batteries need to be charged for that to work. Basic elemental question: to which source of energy do they use to charge these batteries? You really want to know? Often diesel powered chargers. Or you could take them out and charge them yourself if you have the equipment, but you'd be using the modern energy grid which relies on fossil fuel.

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8cbb1a  No.240207


He's probably talking about more general qualities of electric vehicles. Fewer parts in the motor, quiet operation, greater torque available at rest.

Like I said, some of you come across like you are financially invested.

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f2f0c4  No.240255

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f2f0c4  No.240256

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Oh, Madge…

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f2f0c4  No.240257

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f2f0c4  No.240258

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f2f0c4  No.240259

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