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and shitslinging
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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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34461b  No.239511

Very predictable interpretation here. We can see the fulfilment of the Christcuck/Zioshit advocacy against shitskins to kill them off with the vaccine they won't use themselves.

And you guys stab me in the back constantly….Whites made shitskins rich. Now look at it. I haven't received anything of any kind from one. And here we are with white countries trying to kill off shitskins with the vaccine.

It could even be a MODIFIED version to kill shitskins specifically or make them vulnerable.


US President Joe Biden plans to buy 500 million doses of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine and donate them to poorer countries, the White House has said, urging the “world’s democracies” to follow the suit.

The news was announced by the White House on Thursday, with Biden expected to further elaborate on the move during the G7 meeting in Cornwall, UK, later in the day.

“The goal of today's donation is to save lives and end the pandemic and will provide the foundation for additional actions to be announced in the coming days,” the White House said.

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139e2c  No.239512


As long as you don't try to enforce it on me….

I won't shoot you.

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f8c205  No.239515


Why go to such lengths, when you can just stop feeding them?

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34461b  No.239518



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34461b  No.239519


Because they want to do it delayed, or covertly.

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cc98fd  No.239536

I don't care about white-hating non-whites.

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3147d6  No.239548


No one is doing it to me, anon. No one who desires to live long.

Here's a fresh thread, I'd love to see some responses: >>239540

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5e80c5  No.239858


They are wasting your tax money to have the government do this shit, even though we all know that private corporations are more effective at fulfilling needs (like killing shitskins)

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