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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: d1108914b8d174b⋯.jpg (385.27 KB, 1280x1263, 1280:1263, 20210609_071600.jpg)

635cc0  No.239385

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WATE) — A 52-year-old Antioch man was indicted by a Davidson County grand jury in May on charges involving childlike sex dolls found in his home by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.

The TBI said its special agents had been investigating the man, identified as William Crowder, since October 2020 after receiving information that Crowder had ordered a childlike sex doll to be shipped to his home. A Tennessee law in effect since 2019 makes it unlawful to possess, sell, distribute, or transport childlike sex dolls.

TBI agents executed a search warrant at Crowder’s residence and found at least six childlike sex dolls, some of them dressed in children’s clothing, according to a press release from the agency.

On May 19, the Davidson County Grand Jury returned indictments — charging Crowder with six counts of possession of a childlike sex doll and one count of selling, distributing, or transporting a childlike sex doll.

TBI also said its agents, assisted by officers from the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department, arrested Crowder on Friday, June 4, and booked him into the Davidson County Jail where, at the time of TBI releasing this information, Crowder was being held on $30,000 bond. It is not clear if Crowder was still currently being held as of Monday.

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9a6352  No.239387

File: fe4e976e7860407⋯.jpg (70.59 KB, 546x634, 273:317, sainsbury.jpg)

>his face

also what a dumb fucking law, let the man fuck his doll waifu in peace

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ee375c  No.239388

Can't believe capitalists support the communist police force and communist Republican party.

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fc6452  No.239395

File: 42838a329a6d911⋯.jpg (166.65 KB, 634x923, 634:923, 27125546_8213609_Shelly_45….jpg)

File: 5fea921ada6bb78⋯.jpg (71.57 KB, 634x370, 317:185, 27125526_8213609_image_a_7….jpg)

File: 4d92a39b6120877⋯.jpg (176.33 KB, 634x792, 317:396, 27125540_8213609_Shelly_sa….jpg)

File: f09f1acfbc6dce6⋯.jpg (135.23 KB, 634x590, 317:295, 27125542_8213609_image_m_6….jpg)

File: e0d7e990b088b97⋯.jpg (133.45 KB, 634x712, 317:356, 27125512_8213609_Darris_an….jpg)

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fc6452  No.239397

File: 855002061ec49b0⋯.jpg (257.88 KB, 1080x1909, 1080:1909, PicsArt_06_08_11_45_55.jpg)

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fc6452  No.239398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fc6452  No.239400

File: 7211a583eabad53⋯.png (132.97 KB, 500x573, 500:573, vtcnx2zio5n51.png)

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fc6452  No.239401

File: 6f72f3deb6912eb⋯.jpg (91.75 KB, 700x933, 700:933, t631_blacklivesmatter.jpg)

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fc6452  No.239402

File: 0ab3d89be9927f5⋯.jpg (3.82 KB, 120x120, 1:1, nicolas_demeersman_rewrite….jpg)

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fc6452  No.239403

File: c39fb47e37b01fc⋯.jpg (6.61 KB, 247x250, 247:250, 1502605001483s.jpg)

Friendly Reminder :

Hitler was a methamphetamine and heroin junkie, who used syringes to mainline meth, morphine and heroin directly into his veins

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fc6452  No.239404

File: 130bf1676ed2e7d⋯.jpg (21.43 KB, 400x400, 1:1, midget_black_hitler_400x40….jpg)

a common everyday low life scumbag needle junkie…..

People who use syringes to get high are the most disgusting diseased mentally ill dumpster divers on Earth…

absolute scumbags

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fc6452  No.239405

File: 29ee87884fd5579⋯.png (178.75 KB, 342x319, 342:319, black_hitler_5a680d513cd76.png)

George Floyd was a drug addict nigger…..

But at least he had more class than Hitler, because George Floyd would have never stooped to the level of using syringes….

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fc6452  No.239406

File: 851d68fddf4d9ab⋯.jpg (81.57 KB, 1200x480, 5:2, iv_drugs_1200x480.jpg)

Common Infections IV Drug Users May Get

There are many IV drug use infections that users can get, and the majority of these infections affect a person’s soft tissues and blood. Common infections from IV drug abuse include:



Hepatitis C


Staph Infections

Flesh-eating bacteria


Tetanus (lockjaw)

The bulk majority of these IV drug use health problems are caused by bacteria entering the body through the injection site or the needle directly. Conditions such as cotton fever typically stem from bacteria within the cotton that heroin users utilize when injecting and may remedy themselves. But other infections, such as sepsis, will not resolve on their own. The majority of illnesses and infections related to IV drug use need medical attention or they will worsen and even become fatal.

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fc6452  No.239411

File: d5e49f1e26438a5⋯.jpg (261.04 KB, 1080x1648, 135:206, PicsArt_06_09_11_59_28.jpg)

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ee375c  No.239412


Hitler took drugs. Get out of here.

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f9c83c  No.239416

Midget sex dolls are still legal I hope

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7a085f  No.239423



Hitler didn't "take" drugs…..

Lots of people 'take drugs'..

They smoke pot, they pop pills, they snort a line, and they drink alcohol…

But that's child's play…

Hitler had absolutely no self control, and that's whyHE WAS A DISGUSTING MOTHER FUCKING NEEDLE POKING JUNKIE

There's no comparison between taking drugs and BEING A SYRINGE USING SCUMBAG NEEDLE JUNKIE

It's bottom of the barrel…

You can't possibly get any lower….

Let's compare "getting high" with "sexuality" :

Doing drugs is the equivalent of getting your dick sucked….

But… Being a syringe using NEEDLE JUNKIE is the equivalent of licking people's urine and feces of a public restroom toilet seat, while four HIV positive niggers bend you over and take turnsblowing loads in your asshole without condoms


The lowest form of degenerate filth on Earth

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7a085f  No.239424

File: 34504b053e54a23⋯.jpg (350.39 KB, 1800x1080, 5:3, PicsArt_06_09_02_27_25.jpg)

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7a085f  No.239425

File: 3c89eee4c146966⋯.jpg (244.25 KB, 1080x1626, 180:271, PicsArt_06_09_03_20_32.jpg)

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7a085f  No.239426

Lots and lots and lots of people get high…

They are recreationally self-medicating…

getting high is a lifestyle choice…

But a NEEDLE JUNKIE''' is the SLAVE…

Needle junkies have lost free will

They have become addicted to flushing

their worthless disgusting life down the

toilet, and they'll take everybody down

with them in the process………………….

Absolutely no self control or moderation

Slaves to their own disgusting weakness

Self-destructive suicidal cowards who don't

have big enough balls to just go ahead and

get it over with and kill themselves…………..

The average person would rather hang out with

a convicted child molester than to hang out with a mother fucking needle junkie….

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ce7357  No.239433

File: 0253323dd2797dd⋯.jpg (3.02 MB, 5906x4169, 5906:4169, 4B.jpg)

The Four Aryan Truths

1. Suffering is an innate characteristic of existence.

2. Craving is the root cause of suffering.

3. Ending suffering can be attained by ending craving.

4. There is a path to ending craving and suffering.



卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐

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be0780  No.239435




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be0780  No.239443











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be0780  No.239444


correction :

1: suffering is an innate characteristic of existence

2: LIVING* is the root cause of suffering.

3. Ending suffering can be attained by ending living.

4. There is a path to ending living and suffering.

(Please find it quickly, and without discussing it with anybody first)

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b0e448  No.239450

File: b5067863eda3b54⋯.gif (836.41 KB, 149x181, 149:181, b5067863eda3b54ec93a29411e….gif)

hitler did nothing wrong

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af985f  No.240159

why all the offtopic spam? isn't is weird how the guy is smiling?

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ec30fe  No.240164

>you can't fuck plastics that are molded into certain shapes

I mean don't get me wrong, I wouldn't take my eye off him either, but how do you…that law?

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7be27f  No.241105

that's a fucked up law. how does that clear constitutional scrutiny?

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1e1fd1  No.241127


It doesn't. Clearly feds and cops could CARE LESS about Constitutional Law in the USSA today.

That said, as much as I don't like pedophiles, there is nothing wrong with a pervert fucking a blow up doll, even if that doll looks like a kid. Would it have been any better if he had kidnapped and fucked an actual kid!? Ask the low IQ brickheads in government that question I guess. You'll likely never get a response.

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7ea143  No.241145


Going to be a powerful test case. Definitely destined for a viewing by the Supreme Court. Question. Are we truly free? Or only as free as the morals and ethics of those who rule us decide we are? Its fucking latex, and a skeleton of metal. So does it really matter what it looks like? What is really driving these objections? Who fucking cares if the pedoperv finally found happiness in his own home with a lifelike 8 year old doll? I'd torture and hang a pedo that had sexual relations with a real child, but I don't care one fucking bit about this however much I find it revolting. The more real and animatronic the better, more power to him.

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7ea143  No.241146


Even a pedo realizes the clown world he is living in.

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6d9dfc  No.241157

File: 4b5c6b5e786c763⋯.jpg (121.89 KB, 1199x1200, 1199:1200, 989609def7975c22d6aa065384….jpg)

How the fuck can dolls be illegal? This is pathetic.

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588aed  No.241158


His taste is disgusting but dolls are inanimate objects not children. What business is it of anyone's what this pervert does with his toys?

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588aed  No.241159

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5bf700  No.241261

Dolls are a good outlet for those who don't want to deal with real women

Or go to jail

A doll let's a man pump and dumb without any commitments or obligations..it's just masterbation on a grand scale. Only woman think sex dolls are a bad thing. And for pedos…they're not gonna stop their attraction because you tell them it's bad, but instead of them having to repress and bottle their desires, they now have a safe outlet for it. It's time for government issued sex dolls

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