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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: e42472ecc99f5bd⋯.jpg (50.16 KB, 600x318, 100:53, Americans_Gaze_In_Horror_A….jpg)

5edd99  No.238421

Putin Calls America A Modern Soviet Union As Americans Gaze In Horror At Endless Criminality

A stark and grim new intelligence report focusing on mind-bending national security leaks and events unfolding - related to the previous intelligence report “China-America Complicity Of Covid Bioweapon Funding Causes A Rift Of Global Defection” - has many Americans, along with at least one world leader, wondering how long can the Western Empire that a corrupted and subverted American government actually last before outright collapsing, both socially and economically.

As Russian President Putin attended the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum along with the world’s top business leaders attending in early June, one forewarning given certainly shook the international community, but went fully unnoticed by virtually all American corporate media when Putin was asked about American relations with Russia and in response saying: "The problem of empires is that they think they are so powerful that they can afford small inaccuracies and mistakes… But problems keep piling up… And, at some point, they are no longer able to cope with them… And the United States is now walking the Soviet Union’s path, and its gait is confident and steady."


At the same time of all the leaks coming out detailing US government involvement in funding the Covid-19 bioweapon leaked from the Chinese Wuhan virology laboratory that wrecked havok on most the Western world ; [[ see leaked information archived here: https://archive.md/o0VUp ]] ; the psychological operative (PSYOP) and counter-intelligence Mossad agent Johnny Neptune hinted to Operation Killcen that a mysterious DoD-connected agency called "United States Agency for Internation Development" where the world's scientific community rallied together to protest the funding of "gain of function" research to create bio-weapons like covid. And to which information then leaked out around the same day to the UK Daily Mail that the US Pentagon via DoD funding also helped fund coronavirus research in Wuhan, China.


And going back to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in which Putin attended, was then asked about about the causes of the COVID-19 pandemic, to which he replied: “Too many things have already been said on this subject, so it seems to me that making more comments about this would be senseless… I don’t think that I can say something new or compelling.”


A hidden truth Putin knew the United States citizens were already waking up to along with their political leaders, as Covid-19 and these recent leaks during 2021 may have become the event to break the American people's trust in their government, to which also happened after endless criminality, lies and fiscal insolvency by the Soviet Union during the late 1980s led to an inevitable breakup and official collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.



As the events currently unfold, Operation Killcen was warned by an anonymous poster on 8kun.top/pnd/ “I wonder which other world powers funded that lab. We will find out. Then, perhaps war.”

To which Operation Killcen responded, in disgruntled Soviet-manner: “Maybe. At this point there's nothing much worth fighting for other than to defend yourself, family and private property. The country is a mess, so is the world, plagued by sedition, treason and endless corruption.

If war kicks off, I ain't fighting. I'll sit back, watch some of it over the last days of the internet, then drink a bottle of whiskey as the lights go out.”

And to which millions of Russian citizens also felt before the Soviet Union was dissolved.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5edd99  No.238423

I made a few spellcheck errors but so be it, worth the effort.

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18e54d  No.238434


>If war kicks off, I ain't fighting. I'll sit back, watch some of it over the last days of the internet, then drink a bottle of whiskey as the lights go out.”

Sage advice.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a4c8ce  No.238439



Destroy Iranian assets? hehehe

It would be a shame if Israel destroyed Chinese assets and started a war that everybody wants to see whilst I run the American assault on the states of Europe in parallel.


I have stated this many times. There is no challenge to accept.

You cannot competently govern yourselves nor execute the functions of state in an orderly fashion. You are exactly where I want you.

The European allies will launch their assault in the US via Canada as stated many times.

The ULA will mount a massive ground offensive via the south through Texas as well as California whilst Iran sinks the paper navy on the eastern coast.

They are using subversion/diversion to form alliances and foment the appropriate organization at this very moment.

Even now they talk of alternatives to American internet assets not for benefit, but for rumor of target… The whispering wind and original sin. Two creatures make eye-contact and without question understand what they are both thinking.

I have been called by many names, but am not a devil in particular for my powers are vast and too many to reduce by means of icon or name.

You will be made to bow before me.

Even the rocks of the Earth collude with them to destroy you via technologies and other fantastical means yet to be witnessed.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c3b847  No.238441


What I meant is, I'm not fighting to protect or support a highly corrupted system. I much rather watch it all burn down, as it clearly deserves to. The government went too far, it's out of control and I'm not stepping in to save them come the next global war.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

148954  No.238454

File: 931629699861244⋯.jpg (88.76 KB, 777x623, 111:89, putin_communism.jpg)

>accuse your enemy of what you're guilty of

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