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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 406a49f1d79471c⋯.png (401.76 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 406a49f1d79471cfc97f4b2a4e….png)

d5aeeb  No.236965

When will Whites fight back though?

They just sit & take it…


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11df0a  No.236966


There is no race war, you stupid faggot, and nobody cares about your "black on white crime" stupidity. Whitey deserves it and we all know it. Fuck off to 4/pol/.

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2ff4e3  No.236976


You write of white people as though you aren't part of us (not "them). Why are kikes so interested in whites engaging race war?

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d5aeeb  No.236977

File: 2881318876bde65⋯.jpg (43.75 KB, 750x474, 125:79, dropped_pipe.jpg)


I'm white. That's why I made this video placing the spotlight on White victims of nigger crime. Use your fucking head. Jews don't highlight black on White crime they ignore it. You can go ahead & deride me as a jewish shill though, even though I put in work trying to expose kikes & niggers, because I assume you are a glownigger fad-kike yourself.

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d5aeeb  No.236978

File: cc5528af4c7fe09⋯.jpg (12.37 KB, 460x276, 5:3, alfred_rope.jpg)


Here you go nigger, a nigger necklace.

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2ff4e3  No.236981


>how do you do fellow white person?

>let's kill niggers

You're a kike who creates these threads hoping to entice a random anon into saying something stupid which you later report to feds.

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d5aeeb  No.236983

File: 10e050c34a4e06f⋯.jpg (775.89 KB, 666x666, 1:1, open_your_eyes.jpg)


Wrong, I'm a White man who hates niggers & kikes.


A jew would not do this, jackass. A jew would not make these videos, a jew would not spread Moonman. Jews are scared shitless of Moonman & refuse to mention his name.


Here's an article at CLEVELANDJEWISHNEWS & they refuse to mention his name even though they're talking about him. Go ahead with the baseless accusations, what would prove you wrong? If I posted my non-jewish face? If I posted my credit card numbers? What? You hate that What I'm doing is effective, don't you kike?

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2ff4e3  No.236984

File: 7f63b39585163d4⋯.jpg (101.48 KB, 800x430, 80:43, weev_1.jpg)


>A jew would not do this

This Jew does. Please explain.

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d5aeeb  No.236986


This jew does what?

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2ff4e3  No.236988

File: d4a9c7dcba2ad1e⋯.jpg (51.28 KB, 558x762, 93:127, weev_jew_1.jpg)


promotes moonman and related natsoc propaganda.

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