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File: 76512fd628aa5f9⋯.png (481.37 KB, 699x720, 233:240, biden_17.png)

38dba7  No.236540

Qews on 4/pol/ are beginning to say Biden is part of the Q agenda and secretly allied with Trump because 17=Q.

At the last moment Trump will intervene to save the Jewish State and all the "good Jews." Their hopeless stupidity is the scent of blood.


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186ad4  No.236541

Q isn't real. It's just a dumb jewish internet storyline that was cooked up for atomized boomer retards.

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38dba7  No.236542

File: 5e33b6ca2bad963⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 1600x2033, 1600:2033, Qanon_Trust_Agents_2.jpg)


Yes and no.

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059591  No.236544


So what? Those retards are going to do whatever it takes to stay relevant.

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186ad4  No.236545


It's not an elaborate "Operation Trust" scheme. That would imply that there was some rival faction of elites who had real potential for exercising power. There is no split in the (((American))) elite. Q was just a dumb storyline cooked up to weave a typical philosemitic postwar narrative into a conspiracy-theory framework. It's just marketing for a jewish product in the conspiracy theory "market place" to compete against revisionism.

There is no one anywhere in a position of power inside the West who would be tricked by an idiotic LARP about JFK Jr. coming back from the dead to smite the enemies of israel.

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f01130  No.236548

I knew q was bullshit when I realized how gentile they were with Israel.

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38dba7  No.236550


>That would imply that there was some rival faction of elites who had real potential for exercising power.

There is. The American People. Politics is theater and we're the audience. And thanks to the Q Trust Operation normal Americans, confused and lied to, are facing insurrection charges. They need society divided and fighting the wrong enemy.

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186ad4  No.236551


>There is. The American People.

No. Sorry.

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38dba7  No.236552


Why do you think they ran, and are still trying to run, the "Alt-Right" and other controlled movements?

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547bb5  No.236563

You're a dumbass for taking the obvious bait. The truth is the liberal hivemind just has a biased agenda against trump. It doesn't matter what trump says, they will always be against it even if they're for it. People like trump because he spoke the truth and we live in a post truth society….

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186ad4  No.236564


Shut the fuck up.

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38dba7  No.236574


Not an argument. Three anons working together can hurt ZOG far greater than 1,000 groypers or whatever the fuck trend kikes are promoting these days.

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186ad4  No.236577


The (((American))) elite is unified, not fractured. "Anons" aren't going to accomplish anything. If/when "anons" start getting Russian or Chinese heavy weapons, then we can revisit this.

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383382  No.236579


Yeah, bro. Instead of replacing America with a new Russian-Chinese joint World Order they're gonna give us weapons to save the country.

Wtf am I even reading.

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186ad4  No.236580


"American nationalists" don't represent a theoretical faction that would be leading the world order. The people that do already control America and have for a very long time. Very strange how dumb and conservative-tinged people continue to be here.

You're not involved in a theoretical [because it isn't practical right now] "restoration" of the "liberal rules based world order" that has been "corrupted". If you are a White Nationalist, European Nationalist, etc. you are radically opposed to continued existence of the American-led world order. That doesn't change because you like dumb Xi Jinping winnie the pooh memes and cling hard to dumb shit like "freedumb".

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38dba7  No.236581


America had few enemies before the creation of the Jewish State in Palestine.

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38dba7  No.236582

File: 85feaac6a8d52a0⋯.gif (269.78 KB, 452x332, 113:83, do_something_neat.gif)

Some Italians are superstitious about Friday the 17th because rearranging the Roman numeral XVII can create the word "VIXI"—translated from Latin to mean "my life is over."

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f690fb  No.236587

Jerry from /freedomzine/ = Vincent Price 1994

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38dba7  No.236589


i dont know what this is

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f690fb  No.236590


jerry does

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38dba7  No.236591


jerry always does. smug asshole.

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cc1dc2  No.236616

A few things sunk Trump / 17:

1.) His ally failed to acquire Twitter:


And 2.) AG Barr sided with the Clinton camp:


# 2 showed the GOP that the Bushes have a long reach and they are in fact working with the Clintons. Barr wasn't going to let Durham do shit. And the election was going to be rigged. If 17 really existed, he is no doubt dead now.

The only thing that can save the Republic is local GOPs (AZ, GA, MI, WI) ditching Dominion. Good luck with that.

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383382  No.236618

File: 4b44d94127e72bd⋯.jpg (284.38 KB, 1024x772, 256:193, qanon_boomer_9gag_maymay.jpg)

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89de64  No.236643


>his ally is paul singer

just when you think trump has completely maxed out being kiked, he finds another gear

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547bb5  No.236648


You're never gonna get a jew hating white nationalist in office in America DUMBASS! How have you not killed yourself? I imagine you just seeth all day knowing nobody is perfect. Honestly, you'd be better off dead cause it'll never get better for you.

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89de64  No.236663


lol kill yourself conservative

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