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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 5f1edb4eb0f9937⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1587x1080, 529:360, PicsArt_05_28_03_59_17.png)

6b9b96  No.236279

Everybody is so sick and tired of hearing "REMEMBER AND HONER" bullshit about American Veterans….

They're always begging civilians to "pretend we respect them" just because they came from garbage families who didn't save up a college fund for them…

It's not our fault that your family is dirt…

It's not our fault your parents didn't care enough….

For you, it was either McDonald's or the Military….


Because they don't deserve our "respect"

We don't care if your legs got blown off…

Too bad !!…. Maybe next time, you won't

be so quick to sign a piece of paper that

obligates you the lowest level of grunt work,

risking life and limb for minimum wage….

You knew what you were getting into when you signed up, so don't start crying about your missing legs now.. you should have done your crying before you lost them…

and speaking of LOSING…….




America's military has LOST every single War

So why should anybody respect you?

Fuck the troops, fuck your legs, fuck your exaggerated sacrifice, AND FUCK THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

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6b9b96  No.236280

hahahahaha !!!!!

I accidentally typed "HONER"


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6b9b96  No.236281


ProTip: you can't

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d12288  No.236286


We gained our independence from England. Pretty sure by that times standard, it was a war.

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6b9b96  No.236290


Doesn't qualify……

Nice try, though

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6b9b96  No.236291


as the NSA allows MI6 to funnel your post through a hub before it even appeared on your screen…..

got it

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d12288  No.236295


You're a spaz. Wtf r u talking about? And we won. Doesn't matter if there were stealth bombers or Rambo characters. We won. Eat a dick nigger faggot!

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576869  No.236297

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6b9b96  No.236312


hint: anybody who falls for that bullshit 'red white and blue' "Independence" garbage obviously hasn't been paying attention…

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6b9b96  No.236313


if you actually think we live "free" and in "independence" with "truth justice and liberty for all" I'd like to borrow a little money from you.. just a few thousand.. I'll pay it back I promise

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847c47  No.236314


Memorial Day is for the ones who died in battle. The other troops have Veteran's Day. At least get them right before you go all edge-potato.

Also, I get a 3 day weekend and most places have like 10-20% off shit, so I'm not complaining.

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6b9b96  No.236315

the fact remains…….

Our record of success as always stayed the same

We haven't had any successes….

We lost every time…

Every fucking time……………………

But of course when we were little kids they pumped our brains with messages about how American saved the world when we defeated Hitler in World War ii..

The big heroes…

We saved the world !!! LOL

hee hee

nope, everybody knows about the Battle of Leningrad now of course, but not when we were kids.. we were brainwashed like a bunch of North Korean children… Conditioned to believe all kinds of bullshit lies….

And that's all America has ever done…

Created false stories of victory

Or at the very least,

A finger pointing in the other direction as a distraction….

But they never teach the American kids the TRUTH:


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6b9b96  No.236317


I'm not sure why I'm supposed to feel sorry for somebody who decide him to join the military..

I'm not asking you to feel sorry for me just because my dog carrier still hasn't arrived from Amazon…. you didn't put a gun to my head and make me order from Amazon…

And I sure as fuck and not responsible for somebody's parents not saving up a college fund, so they have to choose between McDonald's or the Navy….

I had nothing to do with that…

So don't blame me…

And don't expect a salute

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847c47  No.236319


So what?


Nobody here is asking you to feel sorry for anyone. Why are you screaming into the void? Are you man enough to post this on Veteran's groups on Facebook or did you just come here to cry into your pillow?

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6b9b96  No.236326


lol honestly ?…….

you want the truth?….. okay

lmmfao I'm just being an asshole for the fuck of it

And that's always a hot button.. easy to poke…

The timeless "nobody supports the troops" stuff

ALWAYS seems to bring out a response one way or another….

It's always been one of my favorites

So yeah I was just feeling nostalgic, and I pulled that Oldie but Goldie out of my little 'grab bag' of fun things to do…..

I'm just fucking with you….

. I've got lots of friends who serve/served

my father was a drill instructor

in the marines

So lighten up a little bit….

And drink a cold one for me

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6b9b96  No.236327


but thanks for the idea….

I like the sound of that, actually…..

Going to a veterans facebook group

and doing my famous "you don't hear me begging you to feel sorry because my dog crate still hasn't arrived" routine……..

I hear it's a tough crowd…..

but it sounds kind of fun

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6b9b96  No.236330

….. I'm kind of glad you gave me an opportunity to explain myself..

Otherwise I might have kept going, and started getting into my SERIOUS dark Fuck The Troops comedic performance art………

You saved me a lot of time…

Well played, sir!

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76d90e  No.236346

File: a4d67b021b4f9da⋯.gif (545.21 KB, 320x796, 80:199, cat_unicorn_horn_gif.gif)


Very pragmatic anon. Have an inflatable cat unicorn horn for your effort.

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