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File: 40aa70c47277658⋯.png (290.62 KB, 640x480, 4:3, say_no_beaf_meat_steak_260….png)

739be4  No.236268

Don't you dare to whine how long the podcast is, if you're here, you clearly have time to waste. Instead, look up the sources and come up with workable solutions around (((their))) policies, otherwise you'll be forced to eat proprietary processed crap and then blacklisted for wrongthink, ergo you'll starve to death.


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795e52  No.236271


Oh well. You won’t do anything about it.

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739be4  No.236303

File: 383ad7c69c1ba94⋯.png (3.98 KB, 256x256, 1:1, f9c170a2d4b85499bdf7fag.png)


<what is homesteading

<what is spreading awareness

it's not like you can just nuke TPTB even if you had the arsenal…

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8319e2  No.236454

File: 990a8720853f1d8⋯.jpg (3 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, IMG_20210528_152957428.jpg)


Ticks are edible

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8319e2  No.236455


only a fool eats meat

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739be4  No.236484

File: e616cda9f4bc709⋯.jpg (39.47 KB, 630x630, 1:1, be_gone_thot.jpg)



shut up femanon no one gives a fuck about your post wall ass

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94d273  No.236488

File: bece86bf28e1eea⋯.jpg (493.41 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, farm_houses_in_iceland.jpg)


>only a fool eats meat

This anon is probably joking, but that retarded opinion is unbelievably widespread in the west. Our plant based shit diets are slowly killing us as well as making us weaker and stupider.

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ef2c5d  No.236566

File: 4d1abf2f93fbc1c⋯.jpg (19.51 KB, 496x464, 31:29, DeuMkaoXUAAmZ3F.jpg)


Yeah I guess animals are fools. Tigers. Birds. Snakes. Sharks. Just foolish animals..don't know any better. And most of humanity since forever, JUST FOOLS!

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e1f113  No.236617

Hitler was a vegetarian, go fuck yourself OP.

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94d273  No.236620


And he had numerous health issues. Stop worshiping him like some kind of god. He did some good things, but also had plenty of flaws.

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43144c  No.236621

File: d8ad38f27106c1d⋯.jpg (78.22 KB, 768x408, 32:17, rome_italy_bas_relief_of_g….jpg)


Vegan is the gladiator diet. All the meatposters here have manly breasts.

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94d273  No.236626


>Vegan is the gladiator diet

>You should eat like a slave… I mean gladiator, goy!

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ef2c5d  No.236645


What does that even mean? What are you even implying? He was also suicidal

Just because Hitler had his reasons doesn't mean they were good reasons. Killing jews was a bad decision. It just made people sympathetic to them. To their cause. He also enjoyed drawing like some liberal hipster faggot. Hitler didn't even have blonde hair or blue eyes. Hitler was a mess who rallied demoralized people from years of shitty governments. He was nothing special. And you're a faggot with no real identity.

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ef2c5d  No.236646


So where are the gladiators now, dumbass? Oh, they're all dead

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80a974  No.236659

File: 86b9f15fe088057⋯.jpg (122.64 KB, 867x620, 867:620, 1621502608942.jpg)


So? I won't obey, and I will keep eating meat and keep killing anyone trying to enforce any law that I don't agree with.

I can do whatever I want to.

Governments have no power whatsoever.


It is always ok to kill jews.

White Men are Gods.


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560708  No.236679



You know, they aren't going to ever let us in on the galactic space federation if they see us still engaging in murder of fellow sentient beings, as a matter of taste preference.

Vegans have:

<moral high ground

<higher testosterone

<more energy

<better health outcomes and less all-cause-mortality

Those who still consume animal products are holding humanity back in many ways.

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ef2c5d  No.236719

File: f740d5242246397⋯.jpg (99.73 KB, 960x742, 480:371, f740d52422463973224d11838c….jpg)

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b4549d  No.236743


>You know, they aren't going to ever let us in on the galactic space federation if they see us still engaging in murder of fellow sentient beings, as a matter of taste preference.

I hate to break it to you, but Star Trek is fiction.

FTL is a fairytale. Everything we know indicates that it's physically impossible. And there are zero signs of advanced alien life in our corner of the galaxy, anyway.

>Vegans have:

Morality is entirely subjective, and all the health reasons you cited are the exact opposite of the truth. Veganism comes with low testosterone and vitamin deficiencies.

That's why all the committed vegans out there use vitamin and mineral supplements. Their diet is simply lacking in key nutrients.

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94d273  No.236764


>You know, they aren't going to ever let us in on the galactic space federation if they see us still engaging in murder of fellow sentient beings, as a matter of taste preference.

This is what veganism does to your brain.

>moral high ground

Only if you consider it moral to convince fellow human beings to engage in a diet that results in malnutrition.

>higher testosterone


>more energy

Vegans are constantly tired.

>better health outcomes and less all-cause-mortality


>Those who still consume animal products are holding humanity back in many ways.

Veganism will result in a population of stupid, low-quality individuals with growth deficiencies.

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2ae73d  No.236888

Never going to happen, the kosher slaughter is too important if a ritual for the kikes.

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d6c366  No.237004


One reason I buy bulk beef at local farmers markets out here and keep a list of direct contacts. Buying a quarter or half cow that is freshly butchered is much cheaper than buying per pound at the store! Another reason for raising some of your own livestock too.

I have no intention of eating their toxic-infused lab-created 'vegan' concoctions. There is nothing wrong eating fresh organic vegetables, that's normal and fine. There is nothing wrong with eating quality meats either as long as they are raised properly (such as allowed to roam on some acreage and not loaded up with hormones).

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d6c366  No.237005


Many of us already have done something about it. It's crazy if you think they'll be able to police every piece of farmland, private property, rural community and local farmers market nationwide even if they did try banning meat. Not to mention all the independent meat processing plants out there. I doubt many States would enforce it either, I know for a fact my State would not.

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d6c366  No.237006


LOL. Even if there was such a thing, a "galactic space federation" that is - [hint: life is not a video game] - I wouldn't even want to join a pack of vegan fags from outer space….

…….oh shit!…. THAT would be an awesome title to an old 50s sci-fi film!

Think about it….


*…Dun …Dun …Dun*

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c1fd92  No.237276


Cats eat meat too.


Humans are natural omnivores, we eat both plants and meat which is a balanced diet. People must have proper protein or they become weak. That's what governments would like though, starving weak populations easily subjugated and culled at will.


Most "vegan" foods are mass produced, loaded with toxic crap and way overpriced for suburban yuppies. Defeats the whole purpose of what 'health benefits' you claim a vegan diet would give you. Unless your eating organic non-GMO vegetables and substituting eggs instead of meat for protein, it's worthless and counter-productive.

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6a1296  No.237989


I'll keep saying it, commies BTFO.

Support you local farmers markets, make contacts and exchange info (business cards would do), buy from your local farmers around the area, consider buying quarter or half cow from a trusted source (half cow lasts a couple 2 years, longer if rationed). Cost of half cow is around 1.5K + small meat processing fee from the local processing plant. You'll need a box freezer to store most of it, and your regular freezer to store the rest. Or you could go with two box freezers and have more freezer space to spare, either way.

If you are buying a quarter or half cow, it's not at store cost (which would be a rip-off as stores charge extra per pound!) You won't be paying a price gouge fee, so it will save you a lot of money and that much beef will last you for some time!

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e5c34b  No.238057

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c1fd92  No.244866

This weekend I'll be going back to my local farmers market and buying 5 more pounds of beef liver for liver and onions! Commies BTFO.

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