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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 2e0baecbd1c68ac⋯.jpg (31.41 KB, 336x329, 48:47, War_Criminals_Shut_Down_Pr….jpg)

4e3e17  No.235565

War Criminals Shut Down Probes Into War Crime As Propagandists Scream Into Abyss Of Dysfunction

A provocative new intel report stemming from stunning national security leaks which continue to unravel further details from a previous intel report titled “State Covid Propaganda Collapses As The World Starts Pointing Fingers At State Corruption” suggests the world we live in today faces a new crisis governments and their media propagandists may soon understand, sees growing 'social divorce', 'resentment' and 'defection' met with a rise in anger and populism, combined with outright madness and serious mental health dilemmas rising all across every level of society around the world - all at once and growing like systemic cancer at that - while the world faces the greatest debt insolvency crisis ever, and where "rumors of wars" (both rumors of civil wars and global wars) are more common place today than ever since WWII, and with nations and ideology being so heavily divided within… one could only imagine or wonder what WWIII would look like if it happened today…. and what kinds of diverse enemies would be created from it…. and to whom would fight for whom…. or if many would fight at all …or if a war may not be of unity but of utter and total chaos - man eat man, eye for an eye - in the world gone mad.

One such awakening to this 'social divorce' was a video from MSNBC of propagandist Joe Scarborough, in which he had a meltdown realizing so many Americans no longer trust the government, no longer trust the institutions, no longer trust politicians or election results and no longer trust the mainstream media like MSNBC, which Joe raves in anger “America, love it or leave it! If you don’t have respect in American democracy anymore, if you don’t respect Madisonian checks and balances if your guy doesn’t win, if that’s the new rules of engagement for this great republic, then just leave our country!” …but to which may seem audacious to say, is also being said due to 'resentment' of an audit by the American people in which he no longer trusts either.


Now, one might consider this lack of unity sad. Interesting to note this is not the only lack of unity, as while millions of older Americans are fleeing the cities and flocking to suburbs and rural areas hoarding ammo and guns as firearm sales skyrocket month to month… the inner cities - which are mostly disarmed leftist-run shitholes like-minded people like Joe Scarborough rule over - are seeing skyrocketing crime rates, race wars, mass shootings and looting:


And as the propagandist media screams into an abyss, as most Americans are bailing from this failed system, nor will we be fighting wars for this corrupted establishment, and have indeed seen 'defection' in more cases than one, we see another side of reality colliding with theirs, as (1) Fox News further exposes the war crimes of (((Dr. Anthony Fauci))) as (2) Biden's administration works to end all probes into these war crimes:

(1) https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-anthony-fauci-let-the-coronavirus-pandemic-happen-why-isnt-there-a-criminal-investigation

(2) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9619349/Biden-shut-effort-prove-theory-COVID-originated-Wuhan-lab-concerns-evidence.html

And as the US government is now getting very concerned and aware of these potential blowbacks of enormous consequential proportions that could end up changing not only America but the world, the US government is now running towards the Kremlin, begging Russia not to really interfere - and I mean interfere for real - this time around….


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6b4056  No.235838

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61a50c  No.236422


Don't have time today to write an INTEL report or make a huge OP but I'm on here early this morning and stumbled upon some very serious rumors, currently conspiracy, going around that I think all anons need to be aware of. The rumor is the Federal government in America is getting very desperate, as they know they're agendas such as covid vaccine depopulation and civil disarmament are rapidly failing and in all likelihood would not be enforced well enough to succeed. A doomsday prepper who makes daily podcasts has warned he was contacted from numerous insiders warning him he needs to get this info out. Supposedly the feds are planning to stage a false flag terror attack in America to blame both gun owners and 'anti-vaccine' (or pro-health / pro-medical choice) advocates. This false flag would be used to justify killing two birds with one stone (aka demonizing both gun owners and anyone who refuses to take vaccines as "domestic terrorists"). NOTE: this is really why you all need to be using good OPSEC these days, but I won't get into that issue right now. They did not give details, only that a mass shooter event would take place, LIKELY at a vaccination site or maybe a hospital!

This might happen, it might not. The fact is no one yet knows and it is of high concern. What is more ironic is government insiders are not happy, they are trying to blow a whistle on this before the Biden administration can stage this terror event, as many inside the federal government have ALSO been refusing to take the covid vaccines and yes, some even sympathize with us!

So heads up: if you hear of a mass shooting and the mockingbird media starting to blame "anti-vaxxers" then BUMP this OP and make it go viral! I will archive this, and would re-post this OP if need be (if censored). Also note as a prepper tip: if the internet or numerous online alternative news sites all at once ever go down, you know the drill: prepare for the worst because they're probably ready to come and kill us while communications are down, and then it is your right and duty to self-defense from the mass murdering scumbags.

Please please get this warning out and spread it WIDE! They cannot do this if enough Americans find out about this in time!

UTF-8 TXT: http://bd0a5352dddc397d.paste.se/

ARCHIVED: https://archive.md/5BdbZ

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0692c5  No.236425

File: 1dd89f8cb4dbe16⋯.gif (2.55 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 4b6.gif)


Crazy. I've been seeing a crazy amount of gun violence lately. Shit is gonna go down soon.

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61a50c  No.236434


Some foreigners don't realize this but most the shooting and violent crimes in America happen in the major cities, not so much smaller towns and more rural areas (which are extremely well armed) have little to no crime at all. I like in rural Missouri, where most people are armed around here, and there is very little crime.

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61a50c  No.236435



On that note, America's cities are going to ruin. But gun grabbers do not care about that at all, they blame everyone else for their own destructive policies. For example, in many Democrat-run cities it's hard to buy a gun or use one for self defense purposes. Criminals then take advantage of that, armed criminals who don't care about the law and who get the guns illegally (mostly by theft). When citizens can't defend themselves they become easy targets. Out here in States like Missouri, we have the opposite, criminals don't want to mess with us, because not only can we easily buy guns, we have the right to use them for self-defense…. so the criminals do not mess with most people out here, out of fear of being shot. More guns need to go into the hands of good people for this reason, it reduces crime. Again, cities are vastly disarmed…. and that's where you see so many shootings and crime skyrocketing due to brazen criminals who know they can get away with it.

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b85718  No.236482


The enemy of any free group is the government.

Always kill those in the government.

Kill federal agents, their families and their friends.

Kill all authorities and overthrow the government.


Don't wait for the criminals to comit a crime so you can kill them. Preemptively kill them all.

Consider anyone who looks like a thief or rapist to BE one and kill him/her on sight simply for looking like one.

Force the law to obey your will.

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cea69d  No.236507


Nobody older than 10 believes your Q-tier garbage anymore.


Literally nothing is going to happen. 100% of doomsday prophets are 100% wrong 100% of the time. You people have been saying "soon" for decades. Either you don't know the definition of the word "soon" or you're a shill trying to sell someone's book.


You will never do anything. You will die alone and afraid and your last words will be, "lol i wuz pretending to be retarded."

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0692c5  No.236565


It's just a feeling that something is gonna happen. I'm sure they said soon to gays getting rights, or women, or blacks. I've just been seeing a lot of gun related violence in the news lately. Not just local news, but news all over the country..though I suppose I see a lot of nigger crime and we still have those. So I guess whatever.

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b2ebce  No.237274

The Wuhan biowarfare lab was actually funded by US taxpayers (thank the NIH for investing in Chink bioweapons like Covid-19)

http://archive.md/gK4i4 = naturalnews.com

http://archive.md/olHCK = dailymail.co.uk

http://archive.md/Snz0N = newsweek.com

http://archive.md/dN38X = infowars.com

https://archive.md/DgXWn = thegatewaypundit.com

https://archive.md/MZGtL = thenationalpulse.com

https://archive.md/SMhEV = zerohedge.com








In fact, The US State Department was also tipped off back in 2018 and refused to do anything about it:

http://archive.md/oAN9A = zerohedge.com

http://archive.md/FWaWH = washingtonpost.com

https://archive.md/06BTD = thegatewaypundit.com




Virologists Say 'Genetic Fingerprints' Prove COVID-19 Man-Made:



Funny how all the players involved, such as Dr. Fauci of the NIH, support ID 2020 ironically:

http://archive.md/JvD9g = zerohedge.com

http://archive.md/Y13B7 = washingtontimes.com



And we all know Gates is behind it already:

http://archive.md/g0cXA = nationalfile.com

http://archive.md/nMtmy = vigilantcitizen.com

http://archive.md/bnmrh = infowars.com




Their official agenda website: https://id2020.org/alliance [http://archive.md/ZNRGI]

BUSTED: NIH Owns Financial Stake In Gates-Funded Coronavirus Vaccine:

http://archive.md/LdgQZ = nationalfile.com


BUSTED: Leaked Fauci Emails Discuss Covid ‘Gain Of Function’ Lab Experiments:

https://archive.md/jB2uA = citizenfreepress.com

https://archive.md/GZNBP = zerohedge.com

https://archive.md/suwW7 = zerohedge.com




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