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File: dac7e467eba0a83⋯.jpg (422.25 KB, 1200x941, 1200:941, 1619304170416.jpg)

c0e8da  No.234988

White race = 1/2 Arab 1/2 Aryan.

Somalis and Ethiopians = 1/2 Arab 1/2 Nigger

Turk = mutant freakoid

Persian = 5/10 Turk 4/10 Arab 1/10 Aryan

Jews = 1/2 Arab 1/2 Satan.


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48bb24  No.235019

Sure faggot that is why the very name arab means mixed race. Ignorant fuck.

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75b082  No.235148

File: 86b9f15fe088057⋯.jpg (122.64 KB, 867x620, 867:620, 1621502608942.jpg)


All shitskins will be killed.

All jews will be killed.

White Men are Gods.

We know how desperate you are.

You are losing and there is nothing that any of you can do about it:


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194350  No.235227

File: 9243baf466c611e⋯.jpg (42.64 KB, 720x550, 72:55, faafo.jpg)

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bf278f  No.235240

retard… arabs are 1/4 nigger 1/4 mongoloid 1/4 aryan 1/4 turko-uigaric

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c91109  No.235327

File: 72dac5ad489729d⋯.png (44.13 KB, 828x636, 69:53, IMG_1105.PNG)


Lmao retard, actually look at the gene studies. Real Arabs are the purest of all Caucasians. Whites are mongrels neither Arabs nor true Aryans!

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48bb24  No.235352


'real arabs' are the fucking dirt that is scraped from a niggers cock while it was fucking your mama. They are literally niggers and the only land bridge between the niggers and Humanity.

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559af3  No.236230

Woah. Damn. You look like you suck dick. Like I imagine before you started swallowing buckets of semen you were probably pretty masculine but the minute you parted your lips for dick you started getting all effeminate and queer looking. All that seman intake is doing a real number on your masculinity. Also you're not white. You're clearly a nigger with your curly nigger hair

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44aee1  No.236273


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48bb24  No.236284

File: adfcdfa7d3251ac⋯.png (428.62 KB, 640x410, 64:41, nigger_and_its_iphone.png)


That is supposed to be a man? It has the nigger lip thing down solid.

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72793d  No.236307

arab isn't even a word, mudshits were never anywhere but the middle-east for 1500 years while white people were separated from them

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