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File: 0324a7959bac20b⋯.jpg (666.91 KB, 825x1280, 165:256, 20210507_065645.jpg)

1d50fe  No.234903

On your balls…

Get up and go outside…

I'm outside gardening. Getting some sun on my newly shaved head..

Get up and go outside

Knock those barnacles off

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68cbef  No.234904


There are people outside.

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1d50fe  No.234909


It's called a decubitus ulcer, and it's never going to heal until you get off your butt and stop applying pressure on it.

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f14bda  No.234910

File: fdfcc1e012cd430⋯.jpg (34.33 KB, 480x480, 1:1, f_duckduckgo_com.jpg)

I just got back inside from gardening. I've got 100 corn, 100 beans, 100 peas, 50 okra, 50 squash, 50 zucchini, 30 cabbage, 30 broccoli, 30 jalapenos, 30 bell peppers, 30 tomatoes, and 30 eggplants growing. Hot as hell and humid beyond belief outside

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f8fb05  No.234923


I certainly hope you know to distance the zucchini and the squash from each other, or they will cross pollinate and create a hybrid squachini plat, which tastes horrible and has shitty nutritional value…

It's always important to put the right amount of distance between each kind of plant to avoid cross pollination problems…

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f8fb05  No.234925

File: 2e06bc0d9b08a87⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210524_184039.png)


cross pollination ruins the entire fucking plant

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f8fb05  No.234926

we are growing all kinds of heirloom shit…

This year, Wendy selected a ton of exotic fruits & veggies, like purple cauliflower, romanesco broccoli, lemon cucumbers, tiger melons, several different kinds of tomatoes, and an entire laundry list of other wild beautiful rare fruits and vegetables that I can't even remember right now

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0e4559  No.234949


I also play Harvest Moon.

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f58354  No.234968


That must be around an acre worth of garden. I have a garden myself, 15 tomatoes, a dozen onions, garlic, lots of different kinds of peppers (poblano, red chili, cayenne and some sweet yellow bell peppers too), 6 broccoli, 5 squash plants, 25 roots of asparagus and two grape vines with a tall wooden arch to prop 'em up. Plus lots of different herbs for spice like thyme and rosemary…. like other anons warned the key is to distance certain ones so they don't intervene with other plants (the plants that vine out need a lot of space). Another issue is keeping out all the wild animals which cost me a lot of money to stake up fence all around. I would say my garden is a quarter acre this year, and next year I'm looking to expand it out further if all goes well.

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f58354  No.234971


Pretty sure your growing some exotic GMO shit there. Never heard of lemon cucumbers or purple cauliflower… I have had purple cabbage before though. Not planting that this year because I'm not too lucky with cabbage.

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8295a1  No.234984

File: 3cbe20f9aeec0ab⋯.png (23.65 KB, 124x128, 31:32, 567923889590501416.png)




Indeed it is about an acre. This is my first time growing in years and it'll be a learning process. Some of the squash are near some of the zucchini so I may have some of these issues. I'm practicing agriculture right now while I study the land because I just moved here and I would like to switch to as much permaculture as I can (besides the occasional wheat or lentil or oat field to stockpile on grains and stuff). I'm going to can as much of my yield as I can and save it to eat. My eventual goal is to be completely self sufficient in terms of food. I also have chickens that lay a ton of eggs.

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