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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: ef3001e47ebf876⋯.jpg (104.15 KB, 751x1000, 751:1000, ef3001e47ebf87690afa818b2b….jpg)

e68da0  No.233920

Dear users,

Please help me to fight against the spread of MSM pro vaccine narratives and censorship of any critical information regarding both the planemic and also the planned great reset in the comment section of a known security blog.

Hundredths of our posts already got removed and a disgusting pro MSM pro elite shill always smears and insults all of our posts just to call for censorship and the removal of them, the silencing and virtual murder of any critical thinkers. He doesn't offer any arguments, he just makes false claims, and projects his own delusions and lies in insidious ways. His wretched wickedness almost wants to make one puke. His current username is "Winter" and he can be found here:


See how they are complaining about Chinese censorship while simultaneously censoring any factual information that would contradict their delusional pro vaccine propaganda.

Lots of IT security minded people read the mentioned blog, thus it is important to spread the news to these kind of places for the MSM pro elite narratives to get fought where they have infested the most, otherwise the genocidal agendas of the eugenicists will be hard to stop, one does have to reach out and to initiate critical thoughts wherever possible.

Please help to spread the word and also please use TOR for doing so on the mentioned blog.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read.

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087805  No.233922

File: ef3b17c38ebe732⋯.jpg (124.19 KB, 750x566, 375:283, ownedthelibs.jpg)



You really think we'd be better off without a vaccine, fuckin dumb.

Many of you antivaxxers are on your way to winning a Darwin Award.


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35f684  No.233924


I've recently decided that I want multiple vaccines. I want to get vaccinated for all kinds of things. I want to be vaccinated for diseases that have already been eradicated decades ago. sounds like fun to me.

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4a3c05  No.233948


I would love to help but this point I really can't because I haven't taken the time to sit on my ass archiving all the deaths and negative side effects from this vaccine, to which there are plenty, way more than enough evidence at this point, even health ministers like the one in India who died after taking the vaccine. There are numerous videos out there of people who took the vaccine who have reported issues. The problem: all this evidence needs to be collected and archived, and the fact is, all this evidence comes out daily - every day - on numerous platforms and news sites.

There is one site I can tell you about that is doing their best to keep up, it's this site: https://covidvaccinereactions.com/

My honest opinion: let the idiots who want to take this and trust their lying "leaders", take it and die off. Part of the problem we have in this world is all the blind trust and lack of critical thinkers. If they want to weaken their immune systems, or possibly die or become debilitated, fuck 'em. Meanwhile, do your best to boost your immune system, take lots of Vitamins C & D, take zinc supplement, take an anti-viral like Chaga powder supplement (or plain powder, use it as a spice or as a coffee mix with butter or cream). Eat non-GMO organic foods as much as you can afford to. Grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, non-nitrite pork. Vegetables that are USDA certified organic. Organic fruits. Add spice that is healthy to your meals, like fresh garlic and ginger root. Fresh nutmeg and clove. You'll be fine.

AVOID anything unhealthy like tobacco, SSRIs or other psych-altering meds, GMOs foods, vaccines, soda pop, anything with aspartame & high fructose corn syrup, anything with nitrites, anything that looks like a long chemical you can't pronounce is likely not good either, always look at what you buy and the ingredients. Also, filter the tap water or drink your own distilled water! Unfiltered tap water has enough chemicals to severally reduce IQ levels and cognitive function! Luckily I drink filtered well water, if you have well water it's not as bad because at least it doesn't have the fluoride in it. Even if the 'water softener' does (well water requires it), I still have it filtered with a Berkey filtration system anyway.

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0cd61f  No.233949

i aint gettin no vacinations

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