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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 3d5cd1a7cfb6582⋯.jpg (37.17 KB, 664x766, 332:383, sir_mosley.jpg)

a5d1a2  No.233878

Remember, what you hope will happen and what you think will happen can be two different things.

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212f1b  No.233882

not 4, go.

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f98114  No.233890

File: 7929c4267691b71⋯.jpg (246.27 KB, 1500x808, 375:202, 00.jpg)


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2612c8  No.233956

File: b1e44f7e7793b1c⋯.jpg (254.05 KB, 800x419, 800:419, carl_3.jpg)

Everyone's future is death.

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512829  No.233959


Whatever the majority of Whites decide.

If we choose degeneracy, mindless consumption, voluntary disarmament, subjugation and death: that will be the future for us.

If we choose to organize locally, support our own local communities and our own kind, prepare, become more self-sufficient, procreate and have bigger families with our own kind, tune out all the propaganda directed at us, remain armed and stand our ground even if conflicts were to arise…. there is a chance things could change for the better.

Whatever the majority of Whites decide.

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8002cc  No.233962

File: 8f13e4f8eeebe07⋯.jpg (74.86 KB, 717x1280, 717:1280, lightfoot_only_grants_inte….jpg)


>Whatever the majority of Whites decide.

The 'majority' of Whites have already decided to become worthless shit brown people with worthless shit brown values. The future of the White race is now with the minority who only desire their own type and people. The majority is lost to total shit brown irrelevance. I can't even imagine fucking a nigger or a bug…yet both these things are 'trending' with the majority.

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8002cc  No.233963

File: 870f15806af59d3⋯.jpg (103.34 KB, 1054x1280, 527:640, skeleton_at_window.jpg)

tbqh I don't even think that White nations should breed together except in very rare and carefully planned eugenic circumstances. Germans should only breed with other Germans. Fins with Fins. French with French. We need to preserve the genetic diversity of White races as well as ensuring that no irrelevant shit brown ape gets incorporated into our DNA.

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f5556f  No.233969


It's almost a little to late for that wish, these days. One could have argued that in the 60s and 70s, not under the dire circumstances we have today with the flood of illegals into every Western nation.


I think a lot have, yes. But there are still plenty of us who have not, and we live outside the cities for a reason, we support our local farmer markets, flea markets, garage and yard sales for a reason, we are also well armed for a reason, prep for a reason and do our best to protect our families for a reason, including homeschooling for a reason and we promote the trade (rather than marxist colleges) for a reason. And that's the issue, this is what more of us need to do. The more Whites who do this, the more of us will thrive and survive.

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