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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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b087c6  No.233442

Prove to me that 9/11 was an inside job

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f27a0d  No.233445

I don't have to prove anything to sinophobes. On the contrary, I wish for your complete and utter ignorance of every single betrayal undertaken by your own government to your goyim population.

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fe84bb  No.233448


The planes went inside, didn't they?

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d784bd  No.233457


>>Turkey, Egypt, and Islam

What price did they pay to you?

What did greed and lust pay to you Cain? To kill your brother…

Palastine supposedly spit in the liars eye and now the liar stones your brother to death before you.

I've already damned Israel to madness by blindness, deafness, and hardening their heart until it crumbles to dust and they spirit no more. You do not offend me, you offend your very existence.


You blame the foreign neighbor across the way for lack of helping your own brother being murdered by another foreigner before your eyes?


You make house with the very money you used to buy your brothers death. How much silver? How much gold? How much did they give you in exchange for your brothers life?


Did they pay you sand?

Did they pay you heat?

Did they pay you endless deserts?

Did they pay you blood?

If I can wear their flesh to steal a crown… Turkey, I shall black your eye and break your mirror. Egypt, I shall burn down the house.

I spoke to Israel about my sweet egrets before I began to devour their souls.


Just as a palestinian be shot for throwing a rock and the eye be turned to resentment so too shall Palestine be shot for throwing a rock and the world turn to rage and the liar be just as guilty and no different.

I have penetrated them so deeply that they demand segregation and racism and justice. I shall now drop this rock on Israels head and make it bleed until it is alive no more. Give to me the souls of your children. Send them into the streets to kill themselves and spill their blood in sacrifice to me. Let them rage and make ritual to me. I demand more power. I want all of you. I take them. Hear them mutter and stutter. You are mine. I took the ones then who are older now just as I take the children. I am coming for you all. I will collect Netanyahu soon. I desire him. I shall come upon him as a thief in the night and take him away by heart attack. I will devour his soul in darkness and eternal void inside of me. I know the number of his days and count each as if a precious jewel.

Turkey and Egypt shall be completely destroyed. I will ignore those who cry out and double their agony. I hold back no longer. I release a torment upon the house of Erdogan. Let my silence be deafening. I want to hear them scream.

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fd808d  No.233461

It wasn't an inside job, Mossad did it.

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f27a0d  No.233485


Finally, a fellow Communist with Chinese Characteristics

Fuck Mossad and Gas Kikes

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289c70  No.233725



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d784bd  No.233729


It is time.


Be not afraid.

I am with her. I burrowed from beneath and moved her frail molten form down bellow into the depths of the water temple. She lies there frozen, suspended, and headless. I desire my disciples in Japan to fetch my communion waters for sacred ritual.

Just as yode posses 13 spirits of creation, I too posses spirits of destruction. I desire to impale her form; with the power of the eye of Sauron reach into time, space, and dimension to bring her here. I will take her from the far past, the future, and bring her into now real. I will take her, my water kraken, and bring her to my unholy altar up north.

I have placed my memory of him underneath the jar of ephemeral dust and shall have her spit into it to awaken the earth fiend; he shall walk the earth once more. For his life is death and his death is life and his word is the whispering wind.

>>The people that jump out of the windows.

I am now ready to receive your souls. I will devour you to grow my power. I will show no mercy. There is no God here now to save you. You will face oblivion. I will continue to complicate your money until I am satisfied.

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d784bd  No.233732


>>458 state.

I am yizod.

Say my name quietly and see what happens.

Those priests won't save you.

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