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The holocaust never happened

File: f214ecede6ffb91⋯.jpg (48.58 KB, 839x1080, 839:1080, 52b495a0d01c63cf3eb79ba933….jpg)

c5d2b6  No.23294[Last 50 Posts]

Be me. Be a bluey until 2010. Started w normie-approved conspiracy stuff like UFOs, secret space program, etc…

Then 2015-16. Started looking into the kiddie-fucking Elite and their weird propensity for satanic imagery and sigils. Found out about PizzaGate. Found 4chan, then /pol/ - then migrate to infinity for better board quality. By the end of 2017 I had no doubt left that National Socialism was my ideology. I have since spent the time further reading and researching with other like-minded huwhite men in my social sphere. I have tried very had to live my life with the ideals set forward by the great minds of the movement. I have been shocked to see how appealing the change in my life has appeared to my peers. At work, I am always looking for ways into their conversations, ways to further elucidate other White men. It's pretty easy, as the fucking leftists screech so loud that any White man that we would want in the movement - is already disenfranchised and disgusted with the left. They just need help seeing what a sham the "right" is and how to recognize a Third way.

I am out of the National Socialist closet. I don't care about lefties screeching at me, and those i wish to reach - see the strength and determination that I display. Those who knew me pre-2010 always begin with "You really have got your shit together" but then when I explain the motivation behind my transformation, I am either considered with open mind - or programming kicks in and they black me out. But we don't want the weak and programmable…that's what scares the lefties, they insist we are all under a spell of masochism and racism - brainwashed by Nazis….but the real terrifying fact is we are all throwing off the true programming and seeking Natural Law for ourselves. They know what sentence they have earned for themselves under Natural Law, and they desperately need to finish supplanting it with Man's law.

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d7c825  No.23317

File: 0bae0452052bcf6⋯.webm (185.5 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 0bae0452052bcf64562970c9b….webm)

Selectively as at higher levels of business most hide it unless you know them very well. Smarter people generally are more redpilled.

Amongst friends, family and associates outside of business it's not hidden at all.

Always can drop hints, well veiled ones to potential NS or to probe knowledge or weaknesses.

Others will sympathise with the movement. Key is finding the weak point in their programming and slowly awaken them to the truth.

Also don't ever reveal your true power levels unless you have studied for at least two years the following: Hitler, NS, JQ and especially the boomer brick wall: da holohooooax.

Banking and the world bank/IRS/your local version of IRS/Rothskikes and fiat money is an especially powerful JQ red pill opener. Media, finance, university, politician over representation of kikes is another huge one, slave trade, diversity, Kalergi etc etc also are weak points in JQ resistance programming. Especially if you learn about how the system works and how most people give 50-60% of their shekels away freely, to pay interest on a loan (what normalfags don't know tax actually is), created without implicit consent by a traitorous private corporation aka a government, to pay a debt created with debt issued by the Jewish rothskikevprivate banking and tax cirporations, masquerading as a government entity and protected from political criticism by law in many countries. Mind fucker for most right there, use it wisely.

Surface level redpills are the path forward to convert those around you

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105d39  No.23323


Someone telling you to stfu isn't "censorship", faggot.

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1fcecd  No.23327


well, I'm more of a centrist, but if I have to choose between soviet union and fascism, I know what to vote, because commies have never built durable anything, but fascists have at least couple of 'not completely failed' states (like Francoist Spain or Pinochet's Chile), also nice try feds

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f2440a  No.23334


>doesn’t even bother to read before replying

Fellate a shotgun.

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f6a1fb  No.23342


I'm pretty eschatological about all of this. Democracy was created so that a certain elite could legitimize itself on it's ability to control the minds of normies (people who don't even realize that they are alive), as if that was a good thing. The system won't change through this path because normies will always outnumber the redpills. I firmly believe that a major catastrophe has to happen before there's a chance of finally fixing all the underlying issues behind the world's corruption. Up until then we should try to gain as much traction as possible and redpill as many people as we can, but be prepared to feel frustration time and again whenever a new major scandal is revealed (eg the UK police covering the grooming gangs; Epstein's "suicide"; the and bias of the media and big tech; etc…) and people simply refuse to wake up.

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464df9  No.23355


my parents would disown me if they found out they are a pro jew cuckservative, and can't move out because my hours jump quite a bit especially right now when nobody is shopping.

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96109a  No.23371


I think the biggest hurdle for people to get over is that National Socialism is inherntly non-racist as it's doctrines are quite literally the support of Diversity and each people should have a nation.

Even so far as a welfare system, I don't think any of us would take any issue with lending their brother a hand through hard times, knowing that hard times may come our way soon. So long as it was one of our own and we knew he was working his way out of the much as opposed to getting further entrenched into it. I simply don't want to support Lupinda and her brood of 12 future "me"-hating rats who will become a 12:1 vote against any of my children in a decade.

How people can not embrace National Socialism, yet fly their HOME FLAGS is fucking ridiculous.

I don't have a lot of patience for the 90-110IQ European man but I have NO patience for the 60-90IQ non-Euro. At least I know the European man has a cultural foundation that makes them feel shame for not contributing what they can toward the betterment of our people. That shame can be used, and should exist, as a mechanism for motivation. If the other cultures want to use physical violence and fear, I don't give a shit but it's not the White way and it's not My way.

Even the dipshit fedniggers who aren't European cannot understand that We don't one-off handle our problems. We exterminate when the time has come. When the damage reaches a certain point, European men demolish and rebuild from scratch.

I don't want harm to come to anyone that simply isn't me, but I will destroy everyone and everything that threatens my people.

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c5d2b6  No.23555

File: b9944a8689b0d79⋯.jpg (167.52 KB, 977x977, 1:1, 1567771230344.jpg)

Op here. Gonna take a moment tonight read in depth all the reponses. Which suprised me, honestly. I think this may just be the new infinity. Quality stuff, brothers.

In the meantime, Sieg Heil - we are a cut above and we cannot go quietly into the slaughterhouse. The creator put us here, now, as a catalyst. Hail Hitler, Hail Victory.

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c5d2b6  No.23558

File: e8531ddeceab834⋯.jpg (71.74 KB, 672x1024, 21:32, 1566583111728.jpg)


I thought this too, and was correct in the very beginning of discussing it with them. Both my parents are extremely entrenched in modern Christianity and 3 years ago would have let a kike get away w murder rather than risk God's wrath for "going against Israel". Lucky for me, the same genetics that would not allow me to swallow this blue pill world are in my father as well - simply expressed differently. It did not take long to bring them both around to understanding that a modern kike IS NOT a genetic israelite from the Bible. Once they accepted that, the inherent "wrongness" of what the kikes do, both in Isis-Ra-Elohim and in the diaspora. Keep looking for ins, if you woke up - the genetic potential to wake up is in your family.

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c5d2b6  No.23561

File: efe62c91f4fa44f⋯.jpg (16.73 KB, 291x207, 97:69, 692546593afc50aeda5a6f0b8c….jpg)


Well said, Brother. "Pulling" for one's own people SHOULD be the most natural and easily understood motivator in life. Yet in the last 30 years the kikes have effectively removed this variable from White man's thoughts. Every other race can show pride for their nation and culture, even their skin tone - but not European peoples….oh no honky, don't you dare be proud of your people and culture! I use to hold America responsible for the decline in white culture, but now I realize that we were doing fine as a white man's nation until those "international bankers" started working on us through banking, media and education.

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f2440a  No.23568


>totally unsourced quote

>thumbnail image

Great job.

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00b24d  No.23571


I mean, something is sourced, but I can't fucking read it.

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f1eec1  No.23579


In an all-white (or 95% white) democracy it's possible. Look at Germany in 1932. Nazi party routed every other party at the polls.

Unfortunately there are few all-white democracies left…it's by design.

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b2f31d  No.23584

File: 68ab3d3491d7406⋯.jpg (117.18 KB, 562x732, 281:366, 68ab3d3491d7406b364fb7449c….jpg)


I dont' hide my beliefs, but telling people outright that I think jews are satanists and the holohoax never happened is not strategically sound.

For those I don't know very well. I ask questions and drops bits of information then ask people what they think.

> Did you know nearly the entire slavery industry in the US was run by jews? Weird huh? I never knew that until recently.

> Heard of USS Liberty?

> What do you think of the fact that gays are 5000% more likely to be pedophiles and most were molested as children? Is there a connection?

> There are lots of theories about who did 9/11. I think the one about Mossad is the strongest. They have means, motive and opportunity.

Once I'm in I go hard on the emotional aspect. Liberalism is malicious and anyone who supports liberal policies is either a fool or evil.

> Abortion is about shirking your duty to raise the next generation

> gun control is about shirking your duty to defend yourself and commuity

> immigration is about greed

> cucking to nigs and mulsims is about being too much of a coward to do the right thing

> communism is for murderous cowards who want to steal from hard working people and kill people who make them look weak just by existing

> and so on

I rarely say my beliefs, but when I do "I talk past the sale" by immediately following up how they are the only righteous and justified positions. Or just completely natural, normal and healthy.

> Everyone is leery of outsiders, especially those who look and act different. You give the indvidual the benefit of the doubt, but it's totally normal to not want to be around people you have nothing in common with.

> Of course people should have guns. Gun control always leads to tyranny and genocide.

> What a cruel trick to play on immigrants. Luring them into a country where they have no family or job prospects with the offer of free stuff.

> Slavery was bad for everyone involved. The best way to undo the damage is to send them all back to africa so they can be among their own people and live how they want without having to try to deal with us. Clearly that's not working out.

You can say the most "far right" things imagineable, but if you say it like a leftist no one ever balks.

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00b24d  No.23636


Personally, as part of my probing and "feeling out" process with a new person, I share the plight of the peaceful Koi-San nation in South Africa, at the hands of the genocidal, violent Bantu. It lets me get away with tying genetics to behavior, lets me call out Bantu nigs as the feral beasts they are, and sidesteps programming by being sympathetic towards a black group. The particular responses a person gives to aspects of that story can give me some great clues as to how they really feel about ethnicity, race realism, and people's right to their homelands and racial existence. Add in some follow-up questioning and it makes a wonderful stealth probe.

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3556bd  No.23642

File: b7378d41d9e25b9⋯.jpg (22.79 KB, 277x400, 277:400, hitler.jpg)

>natsoc closet

It's power level, you subhuman homosexual. I am careful of who I speak about politics to, but when I do I hold nothing back.

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03a58e  No.23661


Welcome home, brother. Never stop yourself from speaking your mind. The drones will screech, but they are as powerless as the jews who own them.

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882243  No.23672

File: e3f78a3d0c3f5ea⋯.png (40.77 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, Islam is Right about wome….png)


(pic related really gets them going)


> I firmly believe that a major catastrophe has to happen before there's a chance of finally fixing all the underlying issues behind the world's corruption.

I will be watching Virginia as close as possible on Monday


well, I'm reading the entire thread right now

although there are some folks with limited vision and experience

the rest is a real good read and a fine white pill


when talking face to face with people, I talk to them about the problems, that these problems are from some "elite" class, then I finally name the jew for them. I try and put the pieces together for them and then name the jew, basically.


> For those I don't know very well. I ask questions and drops bits of information then ask people what they think.

I do that too, except if its obvious they don't know, I kind of nudge them a little lel

great thread!

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f1389e  No.23673

I'm way out but most of my kith and kin don't believe me, they think I'm joking or being ironic or something, it can be hilarious or frustrating depending on the moment. NPCs are so defeatist.

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f1389e  No.23675


The thing you're missing is that boomers are irrelevant and will be dead so soon that there's no need to concern oneself with their opinions.

This world belongs to the young and it's less important that you convince someone than that you convince them to do the research themselves. It's pretty inherently obvious and you're just some guy, you aren't a politician or a presenter of some sort. Just disengage and be like "nah, not debating it, I just did a lot of research and came to these conclusions".

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00b24d  No.23712


Just an FYI if you're looking for openly NatSoc figures, the SPLC has done the homework for you on what their power level is. It even mentions how some of them cuck out.

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1da1a5  No.23740

I’ve said a few things to close relatives. Their only responses are just WHY U SAY BAD THINGS ABOUT THE JOOS ,RACISM BAD MMKAY, and KIKES G-D’s CHOSE PEOPLE like fucking mindless zombies. Even if I never even mention the Jews in a conversation they do this. Just ultimate fucking goyim. This is hell and we live in it boys. Stay strong.

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00b24d  No.23753

Has anybody had an IRL conversation where at least 2 members were aware of the JQ and others weren't? I'm curious about the effectiveness of having 'backup' is. It certainly breaks the "lone nutjob" illusion.

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00b24d  No.23793


I ask because I'm going to have that opportunity pretty soon.

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23d258  No.23797

File: f52fa84155b24ed⋯.jpg (53.91 KB, 496x480, 31:30, Mike_Pence_Gay_Club.jpg)


Tag teaming works fantastically well on women, who just want to fit in and can't go against what they take to be a consensus. Men are a tougher nut to crack, but young and /fit/ males are generally more responsive than the fatbodies and beta fedora types, who think they already know it all.

Be prepared to kill him if your mission fails. It's basic opsec.

Pic unrelated.

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b156e8  No.23948

I keep my optics in check but my family do know I am very supportive of the NATSOC way of life. The key is optics

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0a7679  No.24078

File: e0175396b219d04⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 2864x888, 358:111, Israeli Connection.jpg)

File: f00edbf7f04000b⋯.jpg (201.4 KB, 472x533, 472:533, f00edbf7f04000bda21c2ae0d7….jpg)


Pinochet was a "success" because he had ZOG-backing.

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8f8661  No.24087

Natsoc zoomed here

Thanks for telling your story

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8f8661  No.24088


I wanted to write zoomer

Fucking outocorrect

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8f8661  No.24089


I came out last year

People took it good

My mom was so chill about it

She said it's fine as long as I don't Gas anybody

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df4d03  No.24096


You are fortunate, my family has almost disowned me for merely throwing common sense pills like that importing turd world religious fundamentalist rapists with a past of multiple genocides isn't a good idea.

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00b24d  No.24098


My father was cool but my mother went into hysteria. Yelling and crying, etc. and threatening to disown me. I know she does these theatrics because she can't hold a level conversation about NatSoc stuff, but that doesn't stop it from hurting.

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bfebe6  No.24164


When two are leading the redpilling conversation, it's pretty different.

You have to establish both of you as the core speakers, by being the two voices that matter. That means not saying the same stuff and looking like doppelgangers.

Try creating some diversification, or playing a good-cop / bad-cop strategy. For example:

RedPiller a - Statistics show that 13% - 50%.

Audience - But that is racist, isn't it?

Redpiller b - Only if you are a [slightly degrading term].

One is redpilling, the other is supporting, without copying and as subtly as possible, to create the impression of a person of the audience, or a comic relief, or something other that the spotlight.

Whenever i supported, i usually used questions that question the beliefs of a person arguing against the main redpiller. For example:

Friend - Crusades actually happened as self defense.

Audience - Yes, but muh evil Christians.

Me - Is defending your land evil? What would you do if someone barged into your home and raped your sister?

You will have to improvise, but the main-support tactic usually worked for me.

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863199  No.24169



"The strong should DOMINATE and not mate with the weak…" - Adolf Hitler

We are racial supremacists, without the struggle between races evoultion could never go on. Stop trying to santize the movement.

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b9ef30  No.24177

The other things you cite have valid points that can be debated. Comet pizza doesn't even have a basement however. So the rest of your beliefs may well be true. But a pedo dungeon in a basement kind of requires there actually be a basement. You hurt the credibility of the rest of your stances when you combine them with something that is such clear and obvious bullshit. It is as ridiculous as pointing out a laundry list of accurate factual things these rich fuckers are doing that they should be made to pay for and then insisting water isn't wet. Stick to the real shit. When you cling to such blatant bullshit you give this trash an opening to say it is all just delusional crap when it isn't. Don't play into the libs hands so easily , pushing the comet pizza thing is exactly what they want you to do. It allows them a level of deniability they don't have if you don't act like their puppet and just stick to the truth. I say again , a pedo dungeon in a basement requires a basement. comet pizza does not now nor has it ever had a basement , crawl space or anything even close. Anyone who continues to cling to that one imo is a possible soros operative sent to put forward that veil of deniability in the service of the libs and not really who they are claiming to be.

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b9ef30  No.24178

The other things you cite have valid points that can be debated. Comet pizza doesn't even have a basement however. So the rest of your beliefs may well be true. But a pedo dungeon in a basement kind of requires there actually be a basement. You hurt the credibility of the rest of your stances when you combine them with something that is such clear and obvious bullshit. It is as ridiculous as pointing out a laundry list of accurate factual things these rich fuckers are doing that they should be made to pay for and then insisting water isn't wet. Stick to the real shit. When you cling to such blatant bullshit you give this trash an opening to say it is all just delusional crap when it isn't. Don't play into the libs hands so easily , pushing the comet pizza thing is exactly what they want you to do. It allows them a level of deniability they don't have if you don't act like their puppet and just stick to the truth. I say again , a pedo dungeon in a basement requires a basement. comet pizza does not now nor has it ever had a basement , crawl space or anything even close. Anyone who continues to cling to that one imo is a possible soros operative sent to put forward that veil of deniability in the service of the libs and not really who they are claiming to be.

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f2440a  No.24186


>multiple social media posts from the basement


Blow your brains out. We disproved you years ago.

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00b24d  No.24662

File: ddbe1f6692f8176⋯.png (11.35 KB, 512x358, 256:179, ClipboardImage.png)

Joke's on him.

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863199  No.24664


Shuuut the fuuuck uppp, Jesus Christ.

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00b24d  No.24759

File: e9128873f18dd99⋯.png (888.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Settings>Filters>Comment>[whatever unique words or phrases the spammer uses]

Blocks all his posts, and all his threads.

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75f704  No.24801

File: 1611be381000690⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 860x1218, 430:609, 1415660953177.jpg)

The overton window is shifting. And these days it's not so much a matter of outright hiding your power level as it is keeping it on a slider. You get exactly as much truth from me IRL as I think you can handle without devolving into a chimpout. And considering that even liberal normalfags know that Epstein didn't kill himself, that slider is just going to continue creeping to the right as the months go on.

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294dad  No.63286

Do you want to lose your job?

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705c26  No.64841


no we aren't, fuck off kike

"Pride in one's own race, and that does not imply contempt for other races, is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them"-AH

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23d258  No.64908

File: 83635dbbd81ad27⋯.jpg (122.79 KB, 900x540, 5:3, EveryRace.jpg)


Did you sleep through orientation before they sent you here, Moshe?

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4c4aad  No.64915

I can say everything I believe if I am careful to avoid trigger words. So I don't call it national socialism but I say every tenant of the NSDAP and no one blinks an eye.

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23d258  No.64928

File: ffd57e988a78561⋯.jpg (21.84 KB, 247x367, 247:367, IWWCat.jpg)


Good approach. I like to describe the economics of the Reich – where currency was a set fraction of GDP – and get approving comments from Bernie Bros and Lolbergertarians alike. I also once walked a girl through all the things she hated: lawyers, banks, journalists, lobbyists, child molesters, pornographers, etc., and then revealed at the end it was the Jews all along. Then I explained about the transgender thing in Weimar Germany and all the mother-daughter prostitute teams on Unter den Linden.

Most whites can be brought around. We were, after all. Shit, I used to be a fucking IWW member.

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bee3b6  No.65021


I am not afraid to show how racist i am but its not something i bring up regularly. i talk how i want to talk about blacks and jews and all a normalfaggot can do is stand there paralyzed with fear, and in shock. the shock is good, because eventually it wont even phase them. i literally use the words "i hate blacks" on a daily basis in regular conversation. through my total social dominance i have made others start using those exact same words too. one trick to influencing people on politics is to never start a discussion on politics, that lets them get their propaganda points prepared. literally just be yourself, be dominant, and you will be accepted (that is if you are not an obnoxious autist that makes every single conversation about politics). another thing is to never ever compromise your point, it makes you look fucking beta if you do. you dont even need much effort to convince someone of your politics. if you make a statement and someone disagrees, i would usually just call them retarded and they would concede, but this is only in small situations. it will never work in a 3 hour long phone call where you are specifically arguing about politics. the bottom line is, be an alpha.

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a9e64f  No.65038


Islam is right about a lot of things. It's probably wrong about a lot of things too but this post isn't for that study. If we look at the modern day prophet, Erdogan, he's guiding what is essentially the most successful Muslim state in the world… and he's a retard and with that a reflection of modern day Turkey. His ambition is not his alone but the Turkish peoples ambition. They want the new tribute from Europe. Though it's hard to pay tribute to a lesser peoples and wars have been fought over the legendary beauty of a woman before (i.e. much less than a tribute). A new Caliphate could be establish and the larger it becomes into Europe proper the more disproportionate it would be in comparison to the Turkish people and their political system. A full Mainland Europe Caliphate would be the largest empire to ever exist and would quickly make mince meat of SJW's, feminists, garbage people and a good portion of Turkey and the Middle East. The USA would literally become a forgotten far away land within a decade. Perhaps it would become a slave traders dream with lots of cotton to be picked for religious wear. What this New Caliphate would do to Africa most people here could guess. As European men take up Islam… which is desired in higher circles… those higher ups would be on the chopping block. The political system of Islam as it is currently does not fit European men specifically and once a new ethno-religious base is formed it would be molded to fit their desire and the desire of the strongest is what would ultimately be expressed. Voting would be a think of the past. Brutal force would rule the entire Earth. European Islam would crush the world that doesn't submit and even if it did submit it might crush it out of pitty. There would be no more Angela Merkel, no for Macron, no more fags and Muhamed would be seen as a European as he actually was. So, what does this have to do with nat-soc? Everything. Realise that in the possible defeat of European nat-soc, the outcome would be so much more based… re-read above.

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1eba23  No.65086

Nice datamining thread OP

Fucking glownigger

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54e608  No.65179


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708ebd  No.65991


my friend and I tag teamed a guy in our friendship group. He is quite a funny guy, has good taste in memes, and nice to sesh with but when it comes to politics he is 100% soy. Global warming, gun control, UBI, everything.

He and his girlfriend recently joined our friendship group and my friend and I are the "leaders" of the group, we both lift and he's in the army reserves and I am the "founder" of the group so our group hierarchy has been built with us at the top. We were all drinking at my girlfriends house and the topic got onto politics, women and race.

My friend played the good cop, essentially using softer arguments and playing to his morality and debating him on a respectful level, I was "bad" cop in that I wouldn't budge from my position and used crude and hard language; went full fash and showed him a face and morality he had never seen in anyone before ("why are we all equal? why is war bad? why is it wrong to genocide your enemy? why should I let people of lower races into my country?") etc etc. The girls kind of knew their place and didn't get involved in the debate besides the occasional comment.

He got angrier and angrier as the night went on, and was just very frustrated that we would even hold these ideas. The most damning thing was that eventually his girlfriend flipped over to our side and started agreeing with us, eventually actually changing sides of the room and sitting with us (albeit, not on a conscious level, but it was definitely symbolic and he picked up on it and sperged out a bit).

He doesn't hang out with us anymore and always makes excuses to avoid meet-ups, but his girlfriend still comes every time.

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581f2a  No.66771


Cuck him.

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bee3b6  No.66930


>And alpha things to do are:

yes, nigger boy.

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f267ba  No.67026

File: 3e67532aeb3f65d⋯.jpg (117.52 KB, 614x768, 307:384, 1536843009655.jpg)



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b9c870  No.67048


Not me. I want nothing to do with socialism.

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23d258  No.67092

File: eba2f1ebd04383a⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1240x768, 155:96, Wendy_NatSoc.png)


>Hi, I'm really new. Instead of lurking the recommended two years, I've decided to just hop right in. This sure is a weird reddit thread. I can has upvotes?

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b9c870  No.67125


Fuck off commie.

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23d258  No.67182

File: 528e5de60bd65ec⋯.png (1.3 MB, 600x750, 4:5, Nonbinary_Nig.png)


Imagine trying this fucking hard to fit in.

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43fdb9  No.67237

Been open about it for years, lost some "friends" (read people wasting their life away like the typical leftypol tranny) but made a lot of new ones. The greatest fear the enemy has is being vocal about it, because it will inspire others. As long you don't act like a total edge lunatic you should be fine.

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f664c8  No.67257


you mean her front hole or back cunt? Both are probably tight as hell and heavenly. Post moar fat black bitches

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09e4e1  No.67398

File: 0b152a78c3481e3⋯.gif (3.77 MB, 238x178, 119:89, 1575288789289.gif)

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000000  No.67415


Brilliant gif.


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077a3f  No.67499

File: 9b2509c9985c1d1⋯.webm (178.13 KB, 238x178, 119:89, Greta.webm)


Why do you niggers use the gif format when you can make the file 20x smaller by using a video codec?

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252f72  No.67850

i'm from a eastern euro country and we have always been cautions around jews and their schemes. we don't keep hatred in our hearts despite jewish tricks, i guess that has something to do with white genetics? but i wouldn't consider myself a natsoc, i just want a white europe

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b9c870  No.67886


Female thinking projection.

I'm not trying to fit in here, I'm making fun of you for being a larping moron.

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4c9052  No.68318

If you ever talk with people and explain all the ideals of national socialism to them, they are all virtually in 100% agreement with its principles, save a few lolberts. As long as you never mention the name of the ideology, people adore it. Most have no idea what National Socialism is, they just have been carefully manipulated to believe that "Nazi bad" and that's that.

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39499f  No.100740

File: 9086203dc6eea8d⋯.jpeg (14.72 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 17_Moments_of_Spring.jpeg)

Test your power level: can you tell who's ideological claims are authentic and not in this old timey show?

Seventeen Moments of Spring also known as Semnadtsat mgnoveniy vesny (1973)

A 1973 Soviet twelve-part television series, directed by Tatyana Lioznova and based on the novel of the same title by Yulian Semyonov. The series portrays the exploits of Maxim Isaev, a Soviet spy operating in Nazi Germany under the name Max Otto von Stierlitz, depicted by Vyacheslav Tikhonov. Stierlitz is tasked with disrupting the negotiations between Karl Wolff and Allen Dulles taking place in Switzerland, aimed at forging a separate peace between Germany and the Western Allies. The series is considered the most successful Soviet espionage thriller ever made, and is one of the most popular television series in Russian history.

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808de5  No.100747

the virgin faggot closet vs the chad natsoc closet

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