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File: 94b5023de48a621⋯.jpeg (105.78 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 38C65694_2068_43F8_90E1_9….jpeg)

dd9c19  No.232382[Last 50 Posts]

Post cool red pills

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be4202  No.232497


There is nothing even vaguely cool about becoming a trend-following parody of yourself, and incorporating the unoriginal trendy parroted "pill" bullshit from The Matrix, (which was a horrible boring movie) into their every day vocabulary….

This predictable pre-packaged trendy "red pill blue pill faggot Keanu Reeves matrix sissyboy" behavior isso CLICHÉ, that it's an indicator of a man who is incapable of developing his own concepts and terminologies.

just another one of the parrots

desperately bending over backwards

to "fit in"

with the other parrots

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be4202  No.232498


it was NOT cool…. it was a tribute to smugness and a need to pretend it was coolthe acting was garbage. the casting was worthless. the scripts were horrible. the concept was stupid. everything about the MATRIX Franchise was CRAP…


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be4202  No.232500

I'd rather DIE than to be someone who follows trends…. fads…..

embarrassing as shit……. weird

jumping on the "red pill blue pill bandwagon", and actually incorporating those terms into your everyday vocabulary is the perfect recipe for NOT getting laid.

Show me a man who talks about red pills and blue pills, and I'll show you a man who never gets any pussy at all.. none.. never no pussy ever never

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be4202  No.232501


It was so stupid and pretentious and boring.. like it was created specifically to appease lonely fat smug self entitled pompous Sissy boys


THE MATRIX = the exact opposite of heterosexuality

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be4202  No.232502

I'venevermet a guy who gets pussy that uses "red pill matrix parroting" in his vocabulary or thought process.


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be4202  No.232503


so……. now that you understand yourself better

start listing of some

"real cool red pills", dude…….

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be4202  No.232504

I'm an adult male…

and instead of finding a girlfriend,

I want to spend my time reading

"really cool redpills"

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be4202  No.232505

reading "cool redpills" is much more

important than getting laid

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f521ef  No.232506

There you are Johnny, have you read my latest reports?

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f521ef  No.232507

File: 0ad6d1413bc8c86⋯.jpg (171.38 KB, 1399x1080, 1399:1080, Planned_Economic_Collapse.jpg)

Planned Economic Collapse In Works To Enforce Medical Police State Within A Digital Hellscape

In the utmost shocking intel report “White House Pushes For Digital Dictatorship As Killcen's Hopes And Nightmares Collide With Reality” detailing government plans to use "smart" utilities, health care providers and medical institutions as well as a new health agency with warrantless surveillance powers to monitor all Americans in real time, to determine those who might commit a crime - or known as "pre-crime" (without crime even have being commit, only warned as mere plausibility) - collides with flashbacks from 2016 where the (((special interest))) puppet Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and promoter of the "Great Reset" agenda; (which hypocrites openly promote and denounce as conspiracy at the very same time); called for "mandatory microchips" to install a "global health pass"… a solid 3 years before the covid-19 bioweapon was released in Wuhan China to spread to, dismantle and subjugate the Western World.


"In a 2016 interview that’s now gaining national attention, Schwab, also the founder of the globalist Great Reset agenda, explained that within a decade humanity will be required to have implantable microchips to serve as a global health pass." … …

"Schwab went even further, describing the globalists’ transhumanist dream of a direct 'fusion' of consciousness to the digital world.

“And in the end, maybe, there will be a direct communication between our brains and the digital world,” he said."

And if that does not terrify you, perhaps reading a bit further of this report will, as an internal medicine physician, Dr. Carrie Madej, has recently warned nano-tech has been secretly imbedded in these vaccines that are being used to tag, track and control the populations of the world like cattle.


What will terrify the public - once the investigations begin across the world - is a question several already vaccinated people are begging to ponder… why are magnets now sticking to their skin where they have received this covid vaccine? Two different vaccinated citizens have come out with footage showing their skin has indeed become magnetized!

VIDEO #1: http://www.voterig.com/pfizermagnet.mp4

VIDEO #2: http://www.voterig.com/magnet2.mp4

Recent evidence, and comments by experts, to which many have now been questioning "what the hell exactly is inside these covid-19 vaccines?" A mystery recently to be studied by an American citizen who took a free covid vial from the local CVS store for independent analysis… only to be arrested soon after by a SWAT Team!


And if you think that's getting crazy and sounds very nefarious as it is, that's not all folks! Reports are now coming out that these vaccines have NO INGREDIENT INSERTS as required by law! That's right, whatever is being put into these vaccines is being kept "hush hush" by these evil Big Pharma corporations as the government won't allow any audit or inspection!


And to which may be the conclusion to what one doctor is warning the world, that patients are learning and regretting having taken these covid vaccines.


And as a warning for those who deny these current tribulations, perhaps you better notice not only has bio-warfare been waged upon us, but also economic warfare via the central banks.


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f521ef  No.232508

File: 5dca16a7840919e⋯.jpg (29.31 KB, 474x322, 237:161, End_Times_Scripture.jpg)

End Times Scripture Comes To Life As Life Faces Abrupt Apocalypse

Expanding on the gobsmacking ground-rattling recent intel report “Planned Economic Collapse In Works To Enforce Medical Police State Within A Digital Hellscape” has opened tribulations forewarned in the King James Version (KJV) Holy Bible about End Times prophesy, which may very well now be taking place, and if so, may have reached an "event horizon" (a point of no return) in which there will be no escaping this collapse, a collapse God warned would happen if the people of the world abandon Him:


"(30) And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: (31) Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead."

And for those who have trouble understanding traditional scripture, it has been translated more clearly under the New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible: https://www.biblestudytools.com/acts/passage/?q=acts+17:30-31

And to another Biblical warning pretexting these End Times tribulations, look no further to Timothy II Chapter 3 verses 1-5:

"(1) This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. (2) For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, (3) Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, (4) Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God"

To which has also been translated more clearly under the NIV Holy Bible: https://www.biblestudytools.com/2-timothy/passage/?q=2-timothy+3:1-5

In other words, what we see happening in a very corrupted world today was long forewarned of before any of us were alive thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ and His devoted preachers and apostles. And make note, these two Biblical verses linked in Acts and Timothy II are far from the only End Times tribulations warnings to which there are many more to be found in the Holy Bible, such warning of conquest, war, famine and death. Not to mention civil unrest, mindlessness, plagues, earthquakes, volcanoes, mass floods, hellfire, etc.


As the Western world is indeed staring into the eyes of an apocalypse, or times of tribulation, inflation is skyrocketing and nearly every asset and commodity will see significant increases in priced value.


Not only is America today seeing massive price inflation, to which is the result of endless governmental spending and mass debt insolvency continuing to devalue our currency, there are now gas shortages - partly due to a lack of needed transportation services - breaking out in Alabama, Arkansas, Wasington DC, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.


And to which, over 1,800 gas stations so far have run out of gas completely, as consumers now realize their lives are about to be completely upended as they panic hoard food and essential assets.


We have witnessed global Empire being constructed by corrupted governments and central banks (the first horseman of the apocalypse: CONQUEST); and endless wars abroad, and one currently raging between Israel and Palestine (the second horseman of the apocalypse: WAR); we are also seeing skyrocketing poverty, the beginning of hyperinflation and shortages (the third horseman of the apocalypse: FAMINE); and now the Covid-19 bio-weapon release along with gene-altering nano-tech vaccines (the fourth horseman of the apocalypse: DEATH)!

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f521ef  No.232510

File: 52293a3358b39d7⋯.jpg (11.11 KB, 190x266, 5:7, red_dawn.jpg)

US Military Flag Officers Warn Of Coup Against America As Manufactured Collapse Continues

A stark new national security report full of intel provided by a plethora of sources, outlining a further divide and collapse of America as detailed in several previous reports such as “Demented Despots In Panic As Their Lies Collapse In The Eyes Of Truth While Public Defection Mounts”, “Corruption Leaks, Commodity Shortages And Cyberattacks Hit America As Hyperinflation Nears”, “Gasoline Shortages Have Begun As Economist Warns Of 'Mad Max' Future While Inflation Skyrockets”, “Planned Economic Collapse In Works To Enforce Medical Police State Within A Digital Hellscape” and “End Times Scripture Comes To Life As Life Faces Abrupt Apocalypse” - all to which have faced covert deletion by unknown entities trying to cover-up shocking national security information - has connected new links to trends indicating what is most feared by the corrupted is a report called “American Media Covers Up War In The Streets Of America As Great Reset Turns Into Great Reject” to which this intelligence continues as “Part 2” of that saga among more intel expanding upon the previous listed reports.

Within the last two days over 120 former flag officers and staff within US military brass issued a dire warning for America that currently the nation is seeing a war against those who desire governmental tyranny vs those who desire individual liberty and freedom and encouraged Americans to get more politically involved to save the nation.


Upon this shocking warning from former military brass insinuating a 'coup d 'état' has taken place via mass voter fraud, we see a new audit in the State of Arizona declaring they have found thousands of irregularities to which could have led to Biden winning Arizona:


Immediately to which resulted in corporate mainstream media demonizing these officials, calling it reckless further stirring conspiracy to further divide the country:


And to which, has led the US military to immediately start rejecting white conservative Americans from enlisting in the US Army and other forces while promoting Marxism:


But then seeing the Pentagon and Department of Defense (DoD) to be abruptly shocked in horror when a former military audit has been re-circulated detailing that younger generations; (which are much more 'left-leaning' and many outright indoctrinated Marxists); have seen up to 71% of 'eligible youth' not able to even pass the most basic training courses and to which were too ignorant to even understand traditional military protocols! That is, FOLLOWING a steep decline in recruitment.


And for a "woke" corrupted government, the shock and awe continues, as millions of first-time gun owning Americans are hoarding ammo and guns, prepping for the next civil war and/or major crisis. A public to which mostly cherishes their Constitutional freedoms which are under direct daily assault.


And to which a new report has come out exposing, as FACT, hard working American taxpayers are leaving "blue" States in droves, while "red" States see ever rising tax revenue and employment, exposing for a fact Americans want lower taxes, less regulations and more freedom!


Following all these events, we have witnessed direct sabotage being warned by a decades old Oil Pipeline Inspector who recently announced on "The Alex Jones Show" that the Colonial Pipeline does NOT need any online technologies to operate…. can become fully functional at any time… but that government has prohibited traditional security measures making this crisis 100% manufactured!


And in doing so, is forcing many workers to remain in the unpopular cities, making travel or moving way too costly and upending American families financially, to which the goal is further subjugation.

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f521ef  No.232511

File: 72fd9196416b44b⋯.jpg (228.24 KB, 566x800, 283:400, Demented_Despots_In_Panic.jpg)

Demented Despots In Panic As Their Lies Collapse In The Eyes Of Truth While Public Defection Mounts

A thought-provoking revelation consisting of opposition research intel finds more of the world now waking up to realities behind systemic corruption, deceitful propaganda and outright lies - not only related to the recent exposure behind American NGOs and governmental health organization funding and collusion with Chinese military scientists bio-engineering the Covid-19 virus to collapse and subjugate Western nations - but now is resulting in propaganda arms such as CNN ratings crashing, meanwhile those having the brass balls to tell hard truth seeing ever increasing viewership ratings.

CNN: https://pjmedia.com/columns/stephen-kruiser/2021/05/11/the-morning-briefing-pathetically-biased-cnns-ratings-are-in-free-fall-n1445805


TUCKER CARLSON: https://www.forbes.com/sites/markjoyella/2021/04/27/tucker-carlson-leads-fox-news-to-big-win-in-april-prime-time-ratings/

This one-man army who has been the only person on television who has called out widespread negative side-effects, and deaths, from the new mRNA vaccines these demented despots are trying to force and bully Western populations into accepting:


And to their shock and horror, the mainstream propaganda arms like MSN are responding back by mocking and berating White rural conservatives for refusing to take their genetic-altering poison shots:


The propaganda media establishment has assailed the American people with dire warnings claiming that Russia is the greatest threat they face, China is the greatest threat they face, President Trump is the greatest threat they face, January 6th insurrectionists is the greatest threat they face, White Supremacy is the greatest threat they face, Systemic Racism is the greatest threat they face and Global Warming is the greatest threat they face — but today sees these same despotic liars claiming the greatest threat they face is conservatives, those like Tucker Carlson, who tell the truth, and the few Real Republicans who are stepping up to protect the American freedoms we cherish…..


Not well known to these demented despots, is that everything they have said and done, is being documented and archived by stealth, for offline safe guarding to be gathered by future historians, as well civilians, for when future Sedition, Treason & War Crimes charges face them after an economic collapse, as predicted in the latest report “Gasoline Shortages Have Begun As Economist Warns Of 'Mad Max' Future While Inflation Skyrockets” ….


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f521ef  No.232512


White House Pushes For Digital Dictatorship As Killcen's Hopes And Nightmares Collide With Reality

In a flabbergasting series of new national security threats facing the future of America - and perhaps the entire globe too - the corrupt US government along with it's crony (((special interests))) have not only had half of America hooked on wifi gadgets, 'smart' utilities and Google/Amazon spyware, along with botnets such as Windows 10 which vacuums up all consumer data for the world to see, but astonishingly that is not enough for these technocrats making America such a vulnerable insecure country.

Last Wednesday, the Biden regime was widely praised by corporate State-run media announcing plans to create a digital hellscape across America, a new federal agency that would use consumer data as well as private medical information to monitor Americans everywhere, as well as information from health-care providers to "determine if an individual might be likely to commit a crime" thus setting up a dangerous invasive police state so intrusive, anyone using any modern online utility would become victims of warrantless surveillance, making every police department, federal agency and established institution akin to the NSA's dragnet.


As infuriating as this is, this is why many Americans must refuse to use "smart" utilities, mainstream social media and must be using VPNs & Tor these days, over a wired connection and use proper OPSEC. OPSEC in which Operation KILLCEN has been using since 2013, and has warned others to take several years ago: https://archive.md/VYUrh

While that first 8chan archive was not fully up to date, it does not matter, because the tips for real OPSEC in life after an insolvent despotic digitalized dictatorship inevitably collapses, much like the USSR collapsed from their Empire building and systemic insolvency, was already mirrored in full: https://archive.md/rRmfE#selection-49383.0-49383.61

Included in this ever exhausting archive is a tip how to stay safe during such a collapse: https://archive.md/rRmfE#selection-26233.6-26233.61

Imbedded within a torrent of raging rants and links is one forgotten video that remains very important today titled “What The Central Bankers Have Planned For All Of Us”

https:// www. brighteon .com/ 7e5979ba-25f6-4716-bc81-b520404e35dc [link separated due to spam filter]

… where Killcen then rages in a fit commenting: "If average Americans allow this to happen you can kiss our country, our Constitutional freedoms, our privacy, our personal integrity, our property rights… everything that makes life worth living for… kiss it all GOODBYE FOREVER! We cannot let this happen! Life would not be worth living under this type of totalitarian system!!! I recommend everyone get as prepared as they can, and do whatever they can to become self-sufficient and network with others if need be. Once the dollar crashes, and it will at some point, we must reject their push to digital currency and create our own markets and form our own communities WITHOUT THEM! If you go along with their new system it is OVER for America and our Constitution and everything we hold dear to us!!! I'd personally rather die than accept that!!!"

… But in today's theater of horror we now see Americans - and perhaps the entire globe too - doing exactly that. We have half a nation prepping for collapse and resisting the covid depopulation vaccine … … and the other half of the nation mindlessly going along with the slaughter being culled and exterminated!


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f521ef  No.232513

File: 57b11240efb2ee6⋯.jpg (112.31 KB, 810x1080, 3:4, American_Youth_Face_Long_F….jpg)

American Youth Face Long Forewarned "Future Shock" As The Nation Splits Apart In Horror

An intriguing warning issued from rural Missouri, blasted to paste.se at 15.6kbps contains a deleted copypasta from an image board, to which little reason would have resulted in this deletion other than a brazen attempt to censor tips to avoid a "vaccine passport" which is war being waged by a few despotic-run States against American citizens, and to which is also being rejected by many other States, now creating hostility between an already politically divided & highly disgruntled nation.


As to which States have now officially declared this vaccine war against their citizens, most Democrat-run States such as Hawaii and New York, have now joined two more States, the States of Michigan and Washington, declaring endless lockdowns to mandatory vaccine terror against the American public.

Washington: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/vaccine-passports-come-to-washington-state/

Michigan: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-05-05-whitmer-threatens-michigan-get-vaccinated-lockdown-masks.html

With these four despotic States attempting to intimidate and threaten their citizens with legal penalty over refusing to take an experimental mRNA shot even the federal government admits does not make you immune to anything; which has been killing hundreds of thousands of people around the world, recently banned in Denmark over vaccinated blood clot disease; fortunately there is some hope left in America as 14 States have firmly rejected Bill Gates "ID 2020" vaccine passport scheme, 10 of them passing laws and EOs against covid vaccine mandates so far.


State-controlled TV media - which acts as modern propaganda arms for despotic (((special interests))) - has now openly come out raging against Americans who resist their tyranny, calling for innocent Americans to be scolded and harassed, demonized and punished, for simply wanting to be left alone!


Intertwined with the war against America and our fight for basic freedom, taxpayers are leaving these despot-run States and moving to "red" (or sometimes called "stand your ground") States in droves, very much like migration from failed third world countries into first world nations.


But to much alarm of those wanting to be left alone already living in these "red" States, many who are fleeing are taking these failed 'woke' ideologies with them, leaving Americans to ponder if another civil war will not break out inevitably, as the VERY REASON many citizens have chosen to live in "red" states for decades is to simply flee these radical subversive 'woke' ideologies (whether citizens call it crony capitalism, communism or fascism: the facts remain and are as brazen as sunrise).


And most important to remember - which has been long forgotten - was a dire warning issued to America back in 1970, in a book titled "Future Shock" warning exactly what would happen when there would be "too much change in too short a period of time."


In this book, written predictions are now unfolding to this day in the long forewarned "information era" (long predicted before an internet even existed), predicted the exact same as a military intelligence source who has recently died and who's predictions for America have also been taken offline called Deagle.com which predicted 2/3rds population reduction by the year 2025 in America!


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f521ef  No.232514

File: 9bf5e8bde472aac⋯.gif (96.01 KB, 746x1030, 373:515, Further_Evidence_Behind_Co….gif)

Further Evidence Behind Covid Bioweapon Leaks As US Diplomatic Relations Explode Into Crisis

In another saga of earth-shattering national security threats facing the heavily Divided States of America, an unknown foreign intelligence agency has leaked a highly secret investigative 263 page report concluding both American NGOs as well as Chinese military scientists colluded and discussed how to weaponize SARS coronaviruses back in 2015 "to cause medical systems to collapse" in undesired nation states … which further evidence exposes - as mentioned in the recent report “American Media Covers Up War In The Streets Of America As Great Reset Turns Into Great Reject” - the US State Department knowing full well since 2018 the Gates Foundation and the National Institute of Health (NIH) were funding covid bioweapons in a lab in Wuhan, China using US taxpayer money! An NIH which (((Dr. Anthony Fauci))) headed during those years, under the Obama presidency.


To back this evidence in the foreign intelligence report, a much undesired copypasta has been archived since the 2019 covid outbreak after investigative research blew this corruption wide open, resulting in hackers breaking into computers owned by the Wuhan bioweapons lab, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization (WHO), the latter organization (WHO) known covering up the connections with the American NGOs and Wuhan:


Directly in response to this leak, saw Russia immediately deploying the dreaded Project 885M Yasen-M subclass submarines into service facing the American East Coast, and whose most feared weapon is the Poseidon 2M39 “doomsday” nuclear torpedo that has the power to trigger massive radioactive tsunamis off the US coast, a strategic target if nuclear war were to ever break out….


Then saw - shockingly so - Mexico breaking off diplomatic relations with the US government, with their President Obrador warning the United States government that Mexico will no longer be involved in a coup de tat against their national interests, or a coup against the Western World - in which saw Biden's Border Security Czar Kamala Harris in an outraged uproar walking out of the first diplomatic meeting with Mexico, fuming.



Near the same exact time, saw a massive Israeli IDF military exercise to simulate another world war, a war on 'multiple fronts' amid flaring tensions.


And to which at near the same time, shockingly saw a landslide election for nationalism that rocked UK governmental (((special interests))) which saw Nicola Sturgeon's Scottish National Party (SNP) for the first time sweep to near victory with an unprecedented 64 seats, that could lead to another independence referendum headache for these demonic mass murdering despots trying to enslave planet Earth.


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f521ef  No.232515

File: 611b2d372c3a051⋯.jpeg (104.74 KB, 1007x457, 1007:457, Dance_Of_Death.jpeg)

Killcen & Johnny Neptune Issue 'Dance Of Death' To Already Failing Institutional Fraudsters

In an invigorating and debated manner, the counter-intelligence extraordinaire and psychological operations psychic widely known to online image boards as "Johnny Neptune" and disgruntled archiver, current event analyst and doomsday prepper known as "Killcen" (Operation Kill Censorship) have decided to uncover one mystery behind current failure of today's youth: particularly when it comes to millennials and the younger generation Z. Of-course to unravel and expose such corruption, one must look not only at current events, but events going back decades ago. One major issue affecting the youth negatively today is the subversive Marxism promoted in universities, a predatory debt racket known as the "student loan program" (which has been nationalized under President Obama where banks can issue such high risk student loans knowing they can't ever be paid back in full), and the endless debt insolvency which has gripped the nation since the 9-11 false flag terror attack to justify endless wars to expand the "Greater Israel Project" and a domestic draconian militarized police state in America.

Currently most forms of "higher education" today in America has little to do with actual education, rather they focus on subversive Marxist values such as "social justice", "gender neutrality", "systemic racism", "feminist art", "queer theology" and many other useless non-sense that brainwashes students and trashes common sense thinking.



Sadly, not only does the corrupted and subverted "educational" system subvert the minds of the youth, they also exploit a federal program created by Obama that sucks the wealth from the youth for decades after they graduate (via predatory loan sharking) to enrich their institutions. These students then end up with enormous debts, many not able to pay these enormous loans back off for decades.


To add insult to injury, corrupted employers from various corporations now mandate longer participation in these corrupted 'educational' institutions in order to even be hired.



This form of radicalized exploitation and collusion with corrupted entities has led to a massive decline of students attending trade schools and vocational schooling, which were once the foundation for obtaining productive middle class jobs.


But regardless how systemic all this corruption is, bad karma is slowly wrapping around the necks of these institutional fraudsters … and to no surprise … is inciting a growing rebellion against these student loan rackets and these Marxist indoctrination centers, to which universities are now going bankrupt and being forced to close their doors as more and more American families reject their services:


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be4202  No.232516

File: c369134798c59cb⋯.jpg (213.08 KB, 1080x1384, 135:173, PicsArt_05_14_12_38_30.jpg)


Keanu Reeves is the worst actor of our time.

He's one of the stupidest, least relevant and least talented actors in Hollywood.

One of the biggest fucking losers on Earth.

but even HE looks down his nose at unoriginal mindless parrots who follow cheesy trends, and walk around talking about red pills and blue pills

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f521ef  No.232517


I agree, shitty movie. And I don't take meds that dope my brain either!

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be4202  No.232518

>>232507 red pill

>>232508 blue pill

>>232510 red pill

>>232511 black pill

>>232512 red pill

>>232513 purple pill

>>232514 blue pill

>>232515 tylenol

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be4202  No.232519


I've actually tried giving it a second shit….

giving it the benefit of doubt, that perhaps

it was just my mood or some other reason

why I hated it so much….

but nope…..

It had nothing to do with my mood….

I was right the first time….


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f521ef  No.232520


More like REAL NEWS archiving and bottles of Whiskey while watching something like Maximum Overdrive and Panic In Year Zero, on different TVs at the same time!

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be4202  No.232521

File: 2c551745ae026b6⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1080x1961, 1080:1961, PicsArt_05_14_12_48_57.png)


how's your "red pill thread" going so far?

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be4202  No.232522

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be4202  No.232523

I challenge you to name EVEN ONE good acting performance by Keanu Reeves

even ONE……………..

ProTip: thaaaaat's riiiiiiggghhht you cant

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f521ef  No.232524


I liked the singer Jim Reeves, is he at all related? One would hope not!

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be4202  No.232525

File: 7dc3a12c82258ba⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1961, 1080:1961, PicsArt_05_14_12_54_48.png)


I'm waiting……..

Post "cool" red pills, dude

W A I T I N G . . . .

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be4202  No.232526


Hell no.. Jim Reeves was actually cool. Jim Reeves had talent…

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f521ef  No.232527

Holy fuck, Israel has begun to pound Gaza hard. Hamas is getting their asses whooped.

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f521ef  No.232528


….so are civilians unfortunately.

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f521ef  No.232529

Well what do you know? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes! Maher promotes getting covid vaccine and days later he's too sick to do shows!


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be4202  No.232530


Completely unrelated story, but 100% true, and I think you might find it interesting :

Many many years ago when I was working for ZZ Top, we would always stay at the Bel Age Hotel on la cienega and sunset….

(pronounced "bell-ahhj")

And I would always see them filming episodes of Beverly hills 90210 in the hotel and lobby and out front…

But one time I was checking in at the front desk after arriving from Atlanta, and while they one of the clerks was assisting me, I heard a customer walk up to the counter next to me and ask for his room key.

I didn't look over at him.. I just heard his voice…

and it was ==THE GAYEST, sissified, lispy homo queer ass SISSY FAGGOT voice={

Transparently gay voice….

Dripping with gayness

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be4202  No.232531


I told you the other day……………….


Trust me.. nobody wants

to fuck with Israel………..


they will fuck you up so fast and hard your eyeballs will come flying out your asshole and ricochet back into your mouth

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be4202  No.232532


So anyway…………

Although the voice was so Sissy and gay that it was nauseating, it was also oddly familiar….

So I turned and looked next to me to see whose voice I was hearing……

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f521ef  No.232534


Would not be surprised, a lot of celebs are into unGodly debauchery and sin.

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be4202  No.232540

File: 56c534dfbe2a65c⋯.jpg (18.7 KB, 220x283, 220:283, 220px_C_Reeve_in_Marriage_….jpg)


When I looked to my side I was amazed how tall he was..

It was Christopher Reeve….

With some young teenage boy….

He was a flaming flamboyant homosexual

100% TRUE

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be4202  No.232541


Of course they are.. that's what we want them to do… That's what we expect of them

But I'm not telling you the story like it's surprising that celebrities are weird.. we all know that they are weird perverts (because we are all weird perverts)

All I'm saying is :


For the record

Christopher Reece was a flaming flamboyant homosexual behind the cameras

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be4202  No.232542


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f521ef  No.232544


You know that's why a lot of people call it Pedowood instead of Hollywood. It's a den of filth waiting to be blackmailed, kind of like the Catholic church and politics in general.

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be4202  No.232545

There's also the time I was checking in to the same hotel (The Bel Age was NICE) and they were filming Beverly hills 90210 in the lobby

And Jenny Garth was wearing a pair of hot pants

Little teeny tiny hot pants….

All pulled up between her ass cheeks and I could see her camel toe

I was like "this is cool. I could be checking into any hotel anywhere, but I might as well see the actual contour of Jenny garth's labia while I'm doing it"

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be4202  No.232546


Pedoworld is just a tiny little community


everybody's a pervert and it's not limited to Hollywood or the Catholic Church

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be4202  No.232547


And you already know that the night you were conceived, your parents DIDNOTsay, "honey let's procreate, and give birth to a son 9 months from now"


None of us were conceived out of a noble cause

we ALL got conceived the same way :

Our fathers were horny little bastards

And our mothers were their whores

and there was grunting and grinding


so yeah, welcome to planet Earth

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be4202  No.232548

That animalistic behavior is an inherent fact of life

So I don't really point fingers at others

just because they enjoy getting head

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f521ef  No.232549

Wisconsin became the 11th State to officially defy any future 'vaccine passport' policy saying they will not enforce such police or laws. Waiting on my State…. when!?

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be4202  No.232550


I noticed that you still haven't answered my question :

"How's your little "red pill thread" working out ?

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be4202  No.232554


Don't worry…..

your state will do the same thing…

they all will

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f521ef  No.232562


Somewhat true, but back in the day they had more class, they didn't go around bragging about having sex or woman bragging they were knocked up. Many even got married first. "Expecting" is still the proper term.

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be4202  No.232565



so hurry up

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be4202  No.232579


That's just because you and I have a little class

And as we both know, society has been in a steady downward spiral since the beginning of time, it began thousands and thousands of years before you and I were born, and it's going to continue for thousands of years after we die.

it's a long process……..

and 1,000 years ago, people saw society's downward trajectory, and became convinced the world was going to end.

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f521ef  No.232580


So far only three States are enforcing it, New York, Hawaii and Minnesota.

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be4202  No.232589


And I'm a red pill connoisseur………………

I didn't come here to read any weak red pills, or mediocre red pills, or "so-so" red pills, or lame red pills, or "good enough" red pills…..



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be4202  No.232591


It won't last long….

Believe it or not, society hasn't ended….

America hasn't collapsed….

People still have jobs

People still have kids

People still have lives

People still take vacations

People still go to school

Life goes on and the human race continues to move forward

The world hasn't ended

And Americans aren't going to allow that kind of draconian nonsense.. fuck no…

Nope.. it's not going to happen….

So relax….

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be4202  No.232592



I can never read too many cool red pills

I want to read some cool red pills today


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f521ef  No.232593


I do have a gut feeling you are right about one thing, I don't think America will ever allow something like vaccine passports to be forced everywhere you go, nor do I think they'll ever succeed in a nationwide gun grab (too much rebellion and political backlash would overwhelm the system if they actually tried it). However….. the American economy WILL collapse from debt insolvency. That is for sure. We'll eventually have to create a new asset-backed currency (I know the despots want it all digitized so they can manage, spy on and control people more easily).

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be4202  No.232594

And when I said you and I have a little bit of class

I literally meanta little bit

Not much…

just a teeny tiny little bit…………

Because we both have kids

And we remember the nights

that they were conceived


the truth of the matter is we are a couple of scumbags

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be4202  No.232595



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be4202  No.232596

But this entire generation of young men

With their science fiction fantasy

Lord of the rings dungeons & dragons

Teenage mutant Ninja turtle anime

Video game and image board lifestyle…………

They had no idea what happens while a child is conceived, because they're busy readingREALLY COOL RED PILLS

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be4202  No.232597



So far this red pill thread contains zero red pills

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be4202  No.232598


Did you even give this thread any thought before creating?

Did you put ANY planning into it at all?

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be4202  No.232599

Oh my GOD !!!!!

wow… I don't want to get to descriptive here, or give out too much information, but……

Yep… I'm 99% certain

Drinking way too much coffee this morning

Had something to do

with the wet "snake" that just

squirted out of my butthole

when I stood up and farted

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f521ef  No.232600


Yes, that may be part of the problem, at least with video games and pornography and anime but I think the much bigger problem is a lot of the youth fall for the student loan racket and then get trapped into massive insolvent debt… think about it this way: even if the youth were to never play a video game…. or go to an image board…. or watch porno …. ever …. and worked very hard to provide for a family….after going into student loans like that, and being indoctrinated with lies and Marxism….. they will never recover, they'll spend the rest of their lives brainwashed trying to pay all that debt back off, and blaming capitalism for everything that happened. It's a fucking PONZI SCHEME. Most youth to this day still can't figure that out.

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be4202  No.232601


*angry crowd begins chanting in unison*






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be4202  No.232602


I completely agree with you and I know a lot of young men who are in that exact same situation

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be4202  No.232603


But even with all that debt………….

At least they've seen a vagina in real life

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be4202  No.232604

Which is more than I can say for :














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be4202  No.232605







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be4202  No.232606


The quality of my life has become diminished because of my recent shortage of reading cool red pills

Give me what I need, or I will read cool red pills elsewhere





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f521ef  No.232607


Irrelevant when you can get that in high school, heck, I heard some kids are doing that younger and younger now with all these smartphone social hook-ups these days.

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be4202  No.232609


Don't you find it kind of disturbing that you, Jerry and I are the only three guys in 8kun who have actually had a vagina in our face before?

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f521ef  No.232610


the brown pill

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be4202  No.232611



not the guys in 8kun

Or any other image board

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be4202  No.232612


It turns out it was a gel cap

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be4202  No.232614

The younger generation of school kids who are having sex parties, blowjob contests in the school restrooms, and dating site hookupsare the same kids who ridiculed the THREE GUYS who call themselves /pnd/

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f521ef  No.232615


Who really knows? Anyone can post on an image board these days. I've known a couple who believe in the whole Qnon conspiracy and they're older with families of their own so… who really knows anymore?

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be4202  No.232617

That sexually active younger generation

are the ones who laughed at thethree

guys of /pnd/ in the school hallways

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f521ef  No.232618


btw, don't believe me, check out the most popular board on 8kun, with thousands of daily posters: it's a Q board!

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be4202  No.232619


You can tell the difference between a real human being on an image board, and an IMAGEBOARD DOUCHEBUCKET

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be4202  No.232620


I know all about it.. the least informed people on earth all gather there, and pretend that they have secret knowledge

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be4202  No.232622

the Q thing is different…..

That's an anomaly

Only on an image board

Because Jim and Ron

Corralled them here

But that's not part of image board culture

That's a completely different animal

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f521ef  No.232623


Lol I wanted to post my new articles to that board, just to see what anons would think, but for some reason the damn loading process would freeze up and would never post.

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f521ef  No.232624

LOL…. I could see it now…..

Q anons worshiping Killcen as the new high priest sent from God to aid their savor Donald J. Trump trying to remove the Deep State!

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be4202  No.232626


I think if you throw some of your crazy insane conspiracy stuff at them, their heads might explode

So it's a win-win for everybody

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f521ef  No.232628


The ironic thing is, I don't even consider what I do as "conspiracy", it's actually me archiving "criminal conspiracy", corruption and current events, and simply connecting dots. Whether it be fused with fiction is up to the readers really.

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be4202  No.232631


No, trust me.. I'm very aware of that fact

I call it conspiracy theory stuff as an umbrella statement.. and partially to poke fun at you

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be4202  No.232632

But every time I poke fun at you, I'm not actually literally suggesting it's conspiracy theories that you work with..

Of course I'm well aware it's deeper than just conspiracy theories…..

*Lifts tranquilizer dart gun and takes aim*

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be4202  No.232634

But yeah………

I know your Insanity isn't just limited to conspiracy theories…..

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be4202  No.232635








We came because you promised cool red pills

I want my money back

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f521ef  No.232636



I like to take both mainstream and alternative reports, and other documentations, to form my own conclusions as to what is actually going on. However I may have some bias while doing it, everyone has some kind of bias. What the Q crowd would be flabbergasted at is it has very little to do with Trump, nor does it have to do with "saving America" rather than a saga of doomsday warnings and eventful story lines (both likely fused with a bit of fact and fictional fear, aka surreal analysis).

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be4202  No.232638

File: 9d81582edd0f9a1⋯.jpg (614.59 KB, 1280x956, 320:239, 20210514_141331.jpg)

A crack in the Interstate 40 bridge in Memphis, Tennessee, highlights some of the nation’s biggest supply chain vulnerabilities, but engineers are hopeful they may be able to at least reopen shipping on the Mississippi River in the next week to alleviate some of the strain.

The Hernando de Soto Bridge, a vital Midwest shipping route that connects Arkansas and Tennessee, has been shut down to thousands of vehicles and barges. Engineers are working on a fix for the 48-year-old bridge but are unsure how drastic the repair effort will be, said Paul Degges, chief engineer for the Tennessee Department of Transportation.

“I'm hopeful in the next day or so we'll be able to be in a position where we can talk to the Coast Guard and say, ‘Hey, we think the bridge is OK. It's got an adequate factor of safety,’ and we can open the river back up to barge traffic,” Degges said Thursday. “So that's, that's step one.”

But it’s too early to determine whether the repairs will take six weeks or six months, he said.

The cracked beam is composed of four blades of steel, and at least two appear to no longer be connected because of the damage. Engineers will have to run multiple mathematical models to assess exactly how damaged the bridge is before mapping out a repair plan, Degges said.

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be4202  No.232639

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be4202  No.232640

File: 9897a16f95c26a8⋯.jpg (262.65 KB, 1280x719, 1280:719, 20210513_131834.jpg)

There’s also the added concern about finding the proper high-strength steel material and the time it will take to replace the beam. The steel at the time the bridge was originally completed in 1973 was proprietary to U.S. Steel, and steel is currently highly priced, which brings a scarcity issue to the repairs.

“For us to get the components manufactured, we've got to be able to find a steel facility that can make this particular type of product,” Degges said. “And so we think that there's plates available, but then it has to be cut and fabricated, holes punched in it, where we can bolt everything up.”

Similar repair issues have occurred with smaller bridges in other states, like Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Florida, which will help provide a road map for finding the proper resources.

But the crack in Memphis is just the latest disaster in recent supply chain issues that have highlighted the country’s infrastructure issues. The Mississippi River provides a vital downstream route for farmers who need to transport crops and a pathway from the Gulf for oil and gas companies.

There are currently 44 vessels with a total of 709 barges waiting to pass through the river, according to a tweet from the Coast Guard on Thursday.

Most Americans likely don’t realize how dependent consumers are on river barges and pipelines to transport goods, said Thomas Goldsby, chair of logistics and co-faculty director of the Global Supply Chain Institute at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Every river barge taken out of the supply chain would add about 70 tractor-trailers to roadways, Goldsby estimated.

“Sure, we can move things by truck, but if you've been paying attention to what's been going on with trucking capacity, it's a very tight supply right now,” Goldsby said. “And here we're talking about, you know, tankers and flatbeds and … subclasses of transportation by truck that are even more constrained.”

Truck and car traffic in Memphis has been diverted to the nearby Interstate 55 bridge, which will help keep roadway shipping at normal levels, though increased congestion may cause delays. If shipping is delayed on the river too long or repairs lead to long-term disruptions, companies may have to consider alternative means for moving their products.

Tennessee Department of Transportation chief engineer Paul Degges, at podium, talks about a crack in the Interstate 40 bridge that connects Arkansas and Tennessee on Wednesday.Adrian Sainz / AP

The Hernando de Soto Bridge received a “fair” rating after a September 2019 inspection, according to the National Bridge Inventory compiled by the U.S Department of Transportation. Top scorers are in “excellent” condition, and a “fair” rating is just above “poor.”

About one-third of all U.S. bridges require major repair work or replacement, with more than 46,000 rated in poor condition, an American Road and Transportation Builders Association analysis of 2019’s National Bridge Inventory found.

Railroads are a possible alternative, as companies have been investing millions of dollars in recent years to increase capacity, but it can become costly because railways are almost entirely privatized, Goldsby said.

"To the extent that we could divert freight from the roadways to the railways, it would be super efficient," Goldsby said. "We'd have fewer car, truck accidents and lower emissions, but it is slower and less reliable than moving by truck."

Companies can be hesitant to move toward a slower mode of transportation and are typically only incentivized to move to railroads when gas prices increase. But as bridges continue to age, the U.S. should work to modernize its transportation infrastructure, according to Goldsby.

“You know, transportation is not particularly sexy,” Goldsby said, “but my gosh we really depend on it every day.”

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be4202  No.232641

709 barges backed up above memphis

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f521ef  No.232643


Another reason to be well prepared. BTW: we are seeing multiple events similar to this one, and I do not think it is a coincidence. The objective of the "powers that be" is to subjugate America and rebuild a new world (heard of the newest term "build back better"?) The same goal has been set since 1992 in Rio Brazil. Agenda 21, Green New Deal, Great Reset…. it's all the same. The end objective is the same. They want everything digitized and controlled under their thumbs, and that includes access to commodities and assets too. Top-down control over all people and wealth.

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f521ef  No.232644


THAT SAID: it does not mean they will succeed getting what they desire, after all, this is the real world, and there will be heavy resistance from others.

Another thing about the word surreal: surreal does not mean complete fiction, it is in the realm of plausibility that has not become reality - a realm between fact and fiction. Surreal analysis which could, or could not, take place, not yet forgone conclusion.

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be4202  No.232645


yeah, I know

But I also know that life goes on, the world is not about to end, you and I will both die of natural causes, and our great great grandchildren will be having a similar conversation in the future

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be4202  No.232646


I'm painfully aware of the definition of SURREAL

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f521ef  No.232647

I truly believe God is ruler of all things surreal in this world and universe! He can make things happen…. or not happen… upon a whim…. and by doing so, can change outcomes on a whim…

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f521ef  No.232648

Have you ever taken hard drugs and noticed "life" may not be as it seems, or reality suddenly changes in perspective? THERE YOU GO. We are actually living in a surreal world…. it's not yet defined until it has been by God!

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f521ef  No.232650

One more thing before I go and get some work done around the house. Something to remember: A LOT of "hippies" in the 60s and 70s later in life became born-again Christians and have gone silent, many are living life in rural America prepping, many of them even Trump supporters and gun owners today…. life is not what it seems, NOT AT ALL. Time changes people. In my youth I was never like I am today - and if I was I would have likely remained a hermit and have never had a family, residing in an underground bunker somewhere. Food for thought!

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be4202  No.232651


NORWALK, California — The winner of a $26 million California Lottery prize may have literally washed the chance of a fortune down the drain.

The winning SuperLotto Plus ticket for the Nov. 14 drawing was sold at an Arco AM/PM convenience store in the Los Angeles suburb of Norwalk. Thursday was the last day to redeem it.

Nobody did.

Store employee Esperanza Hernandez told the Whittier Daily News that a woman came in Wednesday and told workers that she had put the ticket in her pants and it was destroyed in the laundry.

The store’s manager told KTLA-TV that surveillance video showed the woman who bought the ticket, and she's known to store workers.

A copy of the surveillance video was turned over to California Lottery officials, the manager said.

The claim will be investigated, lottery spokeswoman Cathy Johnston said.

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3c9f2b  No.232728


Imagine being a Trump supporter.

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30bf78  No.232729

File: 49bcf591a8dd857⋯.jpg (2.09 MB, 1696x6224, 106:389, 49bcf591a8dd857224f445e424….jpg)

File: 90a2fa6bea77a1b⋯.jpg (2.44 MB, 1696x6224, 106:389, LOL.jpg)

File: 246f0707f150e5e⋯.png (550.98 KB, 1263x5690, 1263:5690, 1617610628834.png)

File: c2d7bdd74f31823⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1318x6988, 659:3494, 1543527422056.png)

File: e5ae997f6aa3668⋯.jpg (3.84 MB, 1236x6567, 412:2189, 1605249373870.jpg)

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30bf78  No.232730

File: 20dbcb99936663a⋯.png (2.88 MB, 1293x9789, 431:3263, Yup.png)

File: 3d7fa870ed3862b⋯.jpg (2.37 MB, 1336x6290, 668:3145, 1505231689676.jpg)

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e17e60  No.233110

File: cf8016ce54949bb⋯.jpg (470.52 KB, 886x1470, 443:735, Screenshot_20210424_181453….jpg)

keep it up anons

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7ca410  No.233113

File: 006f11680fa4917⋯.png (951.37 KB, 1636x1646, 818:823, secreagentwars_com.png)


>Keanu Reeves is one of the biggest fucking losers on Earth.

>but even HE looks down his nose at unoriginal mindless parrots who follow cheesy trends, and walk around talking about red pills and blue pills

What's that?

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974c8c  No.233124


This might be considered a redpill at least in regards to what abortion does to a man and how trying to have friends on the left just drags you down with them.

To explain, before the pandemic started one of my "friends" announced that his wife was pregnant and he even asked another guy in the group to be the godfather. Which was all well and good until the pandemic rolled in and his wife, who wasn't a part of this group, seemingly on a whim decided that she didn't want to raise a baby while covid was going on and same day had an abortion. Looking back now I remember that he constantly seemed miserable after that and would be drunk much more often then before, but I wasn't the closest person to him in the group by a longshot and I already had a history of issues with him so I didn't really register it at the time.

Anyways fast forward to somewhere around September, and the more leftists people (Of which he was one) of the group started getting riled up over politics which we usually tried to avoid discussing. Long story short they found my shitposting twitter account and decided to take issue with just about everything on it. Which ended up resulting in a several hour long argument. The majority of the argument was mostly just them bringing up shit that I had liked or posted months before which I can't even remember at this point, but the one thing that has really stuck with me ever since was the guy and how angry he would get every time the topic moved to abortion. At the moment I was so heated that this petty shit was being used against me that it didn't register, but now any time I think of the subject all I can think of is the pure seething hatred that was in his voice whenever I made a counterpoint. As far as the rest of it goes I've moved on and cut contact with the group as it was becoming more of a burden on my life at that point anyways, but this has continued to haunt my thoughts regularly since.

For a while I just ignored any thoughts of the group, but this just kept coming to my mind and I couldn't figure out why it bothered me so much. Once I was finally far enough away from all of it I realized that this man had his first child stolen from him and he just stood by and let it happen.

All of that rage and hatred wasn't for me it was what was left inside of him after what would have been his greatest joy was stolen in an afternoon, and I was the only one who would make those same arguments that the doubts in the back of his head had whispered to him ever since then.

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f04b89  No.233126


Wow. Thank you for redpilling us on the use of the term red pill.

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f04b89  No.233127


< be4202 (65)

> instead of finding a girlfriend I posted sixty five times

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823dc9  No.233466


it's a useful term, if you have a better one, I'm all ears. Now, try to relax, you'll live longer.

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32766e  No.233469

File: d3c9f79f5561ee6⋯.jpg (319.56 KB, 934x2429, 934:2429, IDplus_filtering_fagbot.jpg)


This is what the thread looks like to me after ID+ filtering fagbot. Just saying…You can continue to read robot spam or learn to filter it so you can read anons comments. There is no 'reason' that you need to tolerate bots when we have the tools to deal with them.

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084369  No.248635

The fun thing about page 25 is that nothing stays there very long. Page 25 is the only place worth bumping.

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6b01ff  No.253924

File: dec1499a69e24ee⋯.png (314.68 KB, 396x538, 198:269, Screenshot_2021_07_21_6_48….png)









Hello guys, are any of you guys interested in joining my political club to discuss Trump and the 2020 election? Email me at:benflee222@gmail.com and tell me from what board you came from.

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41da53  No.253945


Is fagbot really a bot? Its posts are very human-like to say the least.

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084369  No.271436

File: 2835dae25a63c3e⋯.jpg (634.5 KB, 1204x1700, 301:425, 003.jpg)

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