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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: fab01c6feaec6a5⋯.jpg (678.66 KB, 1800x1303, 1800:1303, gates_vaccine_cemetery.jpg)

859eed  No.230033

Americans Flee Cities And Hoard Guns At Warp Speed As US Army Adopts New National Anthem

While Americans are panic hoarding guns…


…and fleeing major cities at vast rates in recent years…


A shocking and thought-provoking new national security alert delivered by a one-manned army called "Operation KILLCEN" (aka Kill Censorship) - who has been archiving the collapse of America since 2013 - and whom was warned 2 years ago having been slapped with "Iron Clad" surveillance by several top intelligence agencies around the world by a counter-intelligence PSYOP known as "Johnny Neptune", is now issuing another dire warning that American enemies are already planning to remote murder rural American preppers who have been planning to escape economic collapse and democide via unmanned drones armed by Big Pharma corporations subsidized by government; albeit, not armed with conventional arms or missiles; but armed with poisonous vaccine darts, cancer-causing toxins and life-altering bioweapons of mass destruction.


According to many Americans today, the (once) 'United' States is now an Empire in rapid suicidal demise embracing both fascism and communism (although certain citizens debate which in confusion as they know little about history or how badly corrupted despotic rule typically ends).

The journalist Victor Davis Hanson argues America has become a communist nation…


The journalist Erin Finegan argues America has become a fascist nation…


But more stunning a report was written by José Niño, who argues America has become a technocratic dictatorship who parades as a democracy, with a corrupted federal government that only protects an elite class of greedy (((special interests)))…


Regardless whatever happens, China and Russia have already officially announced they will be dumping the US Dollar (USD) as global reserve currency, are joining an alliance on trade and military defense of both their countries, all while Jeffrey Gundlach (the founder of DoubleLine Capital LP, an investment firm) has recently warned America's "Unfunded Liabilities" are $163 trillion and sinking even deeper into debt: "The US government is now over 28 trillion dollars in debt and the US government has $163 trillion in unfunded liabilities when you roll it all together federal state and local level that amount of unfunded liabilities is 775% of our current total economic output."


To which (((special interests))) 'our government' is really working for, look no further than the NEW AMERICAN NATIONAL ANTHEM sung by the US Army: https://www.bitchute.com/video/0UKQXOCqC2kb/

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6ac78f  No.230034

File: 71e8cf7435fca57⋯.jpg (131.84 KB, 1161x714, 387:238, Mike_Enoch_Nazbol_3rd_posi….JPG)

File: d2ffb45c0de14c5⋯.png (2.89 MB, 3976x1912, 497:239, Anglin_Nazbol.png)

File: 1769e0fe532e4e7⋯.jpg (206.49 KB, 1919x650, 1919:650, milo_nazbol.JPG)

>According to many Americans today, the (once) 'United' States is now an Empire in rapid suicidal demise embracing both fascism and communism

Yes. But this garbage failed. In fact, Nazbol is so rekt that most Americans consider it a step towards suicide. But let's be honest: Most Americans haven't heard of Nazbol, so they're rejecting the philosophy outright, most according to instinct. Which means that no matter how you repackage the ideas they will always fail to spread in the West because the ideas themselves are rejected.

Imagine being this defeated.

Physical war is the next and final stage.

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0a9e4e  No.230043


Drake Mo. or Bourbon Mo.?

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0a9e4e  No.230044


Stony Hill ?

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0a9e4e  No.230045

I'm guessing you're somewhere between BOURBON and STONY Hill

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0a9e4e  No.230046

both literally and metaphorically

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0a9e4e  No.230047

But CLOSER TOBOURBONthan one might think

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0a9e4e  No.230048

you'll never be found too far away from bourbon

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0a9e4e  No.230049

Meet me under St. Louis' Big Arch and let's get drunk

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44b54e  No.230099


I never go near the city, the closest I go near a city is to go to a monthly trip to Costco or Sams to bulk shop and stock up… and even that is once a month, during the day, and then I rush back home before it gets dark.

This OP was my second report, I am writing my THIRD report right now titled "American Youth Face Long Forewarned "Future Shock" As The Nation Splits Apart In Horror" and you'll love it!

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f9cc6f  No.230104


>then I rush back home before it gets dark.

Ok Cinderfella…

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4a6f96  No.230107


I have to, there are few street lights once you get off the old junction roads and start driving down gravel and dirt roads to your destination. Wildlife like deer and coyotes can be an issue too. At least it's not a nigger issue out here.

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b88013  No.231579

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6ccbf5  No.234111


When they realize that their guns will be useless agains the robocop and reapers.

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5ba8b6  No.238088

anti-slide bump 13`434234

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5796fc  No.238167


Yah, sure, if our government wants national suicide and to inherit a depopulated wasteland, go for it I guess?

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255d67  No.238185


>>Grand Finale; The

The war. THE war. The one to end them all.

In 33 years the first ones run out.

When this happens it will be impossible to accumulate/make more weapons as well as innovate beyond what you currently have.

After that…

The peace shall be far worse than any war before it combined.

There is no alternative to that. No new way of life. No escape. No 'fixing things;' that's impossible unless you can make something from nothing.

The earth will heal itself in time, with a steady hand of course, but it will not be by the hand of man. You will fail to make it to space in time (in a meaningful way). You will discover that they were coming to correct and fix the past, no luck there. hehehe I did that. hehehe

Beyond that, the object will be used once again. It strikes the Earth creating a reaction from within the core that precipitates the elements required (re-seeding the earth so to speak). Consider that a sacred slip… Admitting that there are methods to transfer the star's power of creation (at it's end) to within the core of the Earth (before) temporarily.

Everything is on schedule.

Everything is to the word.

Everything is in order.

I am pleased with these results. It should take no longer than 500 years past 33 for mankind to suffocate itself to death in what can best be described as suicide.


Spying? Since when was the complete overthrow of government considered just 'spying.'


Good luck with that. Do you think? Perhaps thonk?


I command you to kill yourself.

I will not let you go.

My word does have power.

I see what you are doing with Covid. Is it not manifest apparent? Are you not as you are? hehehe It thinks therefore it is. hahaha It thinks it thought it knew. HAHAHA

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99bb90  No.238188

File: 595ab111e0103b0⋯.png (641.88 KB, 900x659, 900:659, 1606355355974_0.png)




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