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The holocaust never happened

File: b6b667f09a52879⋯.png (247.24 KB, 452x621, 452:621, 8xlprr.png)

File: 78c12999fbeb3f9⋯.png (120.71 KB, 452x585, 452:585, z5gnfq.png)

98783c  No.22761

They state "white nationalists" and "nutjobs" should be kicked out. However, in practice, they don't mean people like us. They label every right-winger as a white nationalist nutjob so that they can deplatform them. Start taking names and be vigilant of those who try to subvert.


In one of the tweets in the thread, they imply that MAGPUL and the garbage NRA is a neo-nuhtzee organization.

I posted it on /k/, but it got purged.

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1a66a6  No.22765


I have a guess as to (((who))) is funding them.

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217b15  No.22792

File: 5d1212effcc59a2⋯.jpg (218.15 KB, 866x768, 433:384, bing bing wahoo.jpg)


>Socialist rifle association

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c4c950  No.22866

based Magpul, won't call them fagpul anymore

also NRA is a joke, support GOA


>I posted it on /k/, but it got purged.

why would it? isn't that board dead? 0 PPH right now

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370fe2  No.22875

File: 710fb0abeef2fb0⋯.jpeg (485.37 KB, 972x1728, 9:16, Faggot_from_Antifa.jpeg)

>Gun culture has got to change. It won't be easy, but without structural changes at the deepest level, gun culture will not survive. It's time for gun culture in America to grow up, grow better, and to grow more diverse.

Gunners rise up and kill literally every single communist in the world, no exceptions at all

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000f94  No.22902

You know the majority of gun crime is done by blacks. If we won we wouldn't even be having this debate since the gun crime would be so low already.

>also when did the NRA become the Taliban

>do they live in the world of Jennifer Goverment?

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e9b7ee  No.22906


>Jennifer Goverment

Damn … that's a deep cut.

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314f2c  No.22941

File: 6a5529780bc5206⋯.jpg (466.84 KB, 960x2678, 480:1339, YTGunCommunity.jpg)

A lot of online gun communities have become filled with faggots and pussies. It's a fucking disgrace.

Yeah the Socialist Rifle Association is going to be filled with morons, but I see more and more people popping up that are convinced that it's racist whites pushing gun control to keep the poor niggers down.

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983fc4  No.22944

>Socialist rifle association

Anyone heard of this group before?

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314f2c  No.22945


I've been seeing people shill their organization since 2016 at least. It's just a handful of retarded communists that cling to that Marx quote about keeping the workers armed.

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217b15  No.22957

File: 4118b977ae97760⋯.png (300.08 KB, 644x500, 161:125, afa2bc467a0d276297c4505625….png)


>I see more and more people popping up that are convinced that it's racist whites pushing gun control to keep the poor niggers down.

I don't understand how someone can come to such a fantastically stupid and dangerous idea.

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012f67  No.22962

File: c669a7fa8e1ad6a⋯.jpg (28.83 KB, 594x519, 198:173, DFvOfwlUwAAt8pv.jpg large.jpg)



The "right-wing" is no more our friend than the left. We're never going to win without dropping that jewish dichotomy.

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99fdec  No.22968


Always kill jews and leftists. They want people to remain reluctant of taking action and doing the right thing (violence) that can fix all problems created by those groups.

Always kill jews and leftists. Always be violent towards your enemies. Always respond violently to their actions. Never tolerate their existence.

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000000  No.22971


Absolutely correct

there is no right wing

republikikes are nothing but centrist democrats anyway

just remember to try to mix in lads. no overt exposing of power levels.

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000f94  No.22972


It's them playing both sides as usual. The conservacucks are scared of being called rascist so the media pushes the narrative that the 2A rallys are tied to "White Nationalism" . So they in turn tell their followers not to go to certain rallys because "White Nationalists" might be there and that would hurt their image. Further supportin the narrative.

Pretty soon supporting gun rights will be enough to get a bike lock to your skull. Since Antifa and the like actual job is to keep conserveatives in check through political violence (since they will never fight back). It's amazing how much conservatives will bend over backwards to the will for their "political rival" it's almost like they have the same goal.

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000000  No.22975


try to find the nearest nigger, get near him, and hide behind him if shit goes south

let the cops kill the nigger

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e8946e  No.23557

everyone who shows up with a gun needs to peacefully but forcefully start a march towards the virginia capital building

state emergency declaring gun ban near/on capital grounds BE DAMNED

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f4ea30  No.28739


I can tell you exactly why this is anon: they don't want to be portrayed as an extremist/racist group with any solid evidence for the media to back that up. Not only that but look into "The Base" which was a 'White Nationalist' honeypot set up by the FBI. That is the exact kind of shit they don't want! They want the movement to be about civil rights and freedom, not about division and radicalism which the left would have perfect excuses to file complains to authorities.

On that note: the NRA's protests and gun rally did one thing that the media covered-up, the Dems have withdrawn the one gun confiscation bill:


Yes they passed the rest of their garbage but at least the confiscation is off the table (for now). The other bills will be challenged in the courts once the Governor signs them into law. Meanwhile they'll be facing massive disobedience and non-compliance with ammo/mag restrictions as usual. They can easily buy plenty of ammo & gun parts in other states if need be (most likely already stocked up before hand which is smart).

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dbdaa3  No.28742


You like to say that but reality doesn't fit your opinion. None of this bullshit started happening until the Dems won the VA elections.

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000000  No.43914


They're almost certainly more pro-2a than the MIGAmen on the right. I would expect the Jew puppeteers here to D&C on the economic issue.

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c13cb6  No.43990


>just trust the plan goy!

Q-boomers get the rope too.

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c13cb6  No.43992

File: 6fa571e319fe4fb⋯.webm (6.95 MB, 400x300, 4:3, communism and how it perp….webm)



>We need guns to protect our rights against the gubermints oppression!

>But we must compromise with every governmental narrative until there's no rights to protect with our guns.

Why are fudds so fucking retarded?

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706f34  No.44023


Blow your fucking brains out.

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60f676  No.44107

White nationalists have no place in an honest society. Sorry, dudes; pick your spines back up and join a fearlessly advancing society again.

I do wonder what’s wrong with the NRA to so many left-leaning gun owners. It seems kind of tribal. Maybe it’s just the result of a lot of interactions with NRA members, like they’re flagging a warning to their members to save themselves some grief. Still, more conventional activist strategy is about bridging divides, not deepening them. (This is part of why wight nationalists have no place.)

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03fb46  No.44202

File: b08bc5ab9a31a10⋯.png (79.94 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, gays-2nd-amendment-comic.png)

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143811  No.44226

File: 8acbbc1ef32a76b⋯.jpg (1.75 MB, 2832x3916, 708:979, jew guns.jpg)

File: 00ac383c176660a⋯.jpg (94.84 KB, 761x955, 761:955, jew ivanka (2).jpg)

File: ee8861ac4d770ff⋯.jpg (41.71 KB, 559x527, 559:527, jew key.jpg)

File: c782e02a8bda718⋯.png (561.33 KB, 722x463, 722:463, jew media.png)

File: 2353fc4190660ce⋯.jpg (195.53 KB, 903x788, 903:788, jew melting.jpg)

Name (((them)))

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000000  No.44281


>oh geez, if the socialist rifle association demands a purge, who am i to argue?

Who cares what a bunch of lefty faggots want? They rate lower than Fudds on my give a fuck scale.

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94daf9  No.44404

File: b3203a4d64d8ef8⋯.jpg (326.61 KB, 617x850, 617:850, nra magazine cover.jpg)


muh racist NRA

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960c81  No.44710


>Aryans are not honest



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000000  No.44758

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>tfw (((you))) bankroll idiot commies to push for disarmament and your climate agenda

Kike Bloomberg truly is the hero those faggots deserve

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55ae04  No.44829


They don't get that niggers would gladly hand over all their weapons if the state were paying reparations to them. Why would they want to do any work when they can have a government service rob whites for them?

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14af46  No.44844


That is where Califorrnia's gun control laws originate, keeping weapons out of the hands of the Black Panthers.

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4fbae9  No.44874



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94daf9  No.45131

File: 6f4e2d3bc132929⋯.jpg (212.85 KB, 1200x897, 400:299, EOwfAjHWsAAOjot.jpg)

File: 179a14cebc3955b⋯.jpg (160.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 9cb43a6a4e64b0e⋯.png (251.93 KB, 400x516, 100:129, based gun owners.png)

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ddd02f  No.45334

File: cd045e7188bac99⋯.png (12.55 KB, 536x454, 268:227, anfrank.png)

fucking obvious psyop. Daily Mail-tier. "oh noes da socialist gun people will stop buying magpul products". This is not a thing.

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ab29da  No.45362


>muh ivanka is a jewjew stupid shill

(((You))) are a moron, fuck off with the shareblue rubbish.

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ab29da  No.45363


<muh migashit

<muh ivanka jews

<SocialistRA are based we should do what they say :^)

>thread is full of anti-Trump trannyfa soyniggers

Typical faggot, OP is.

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2bee38  No.81632

The European race is the greatest threat to their plan for world conquest, and they are only about 10% of the global population. The Jews seek to wipe Europeans out by all means necessary, but preferably by making them sterilize themselves. They even have a prophecy that states that it will be a European race ("Amalek" by which they mean Germans) that would break their power. As they are preparing the world for the coming of their messiah (antichrist), this includes a world where nation states have dissolved and replaced by megacorporations and a central UN like entity , where they are the upper class, the darker races are naturally more carnally oriented and hence pose no real threat to their rule. They rejected Christ because they wanted a worldly ruler, who would give them absolute rule over the entire world.

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cb8b01  No.81640

File: 1a2dbe05eef39cf⋯.png (167.9 KB, 459x599, 459:599, konrad_heiden.png)

>Sumerian origin of Nazi

Nazi was a diminutive of National Socialist coined by kike related. It has no ancient etymological connection.

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