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File: d6ac6e72115da9d⋯.jpg (116.29 KB, 769x908, 769:908, nazbol_russia.JPG)

ce5334  No.227332[Last 50 Posts]

This is Russia under Vladimir Putin and Bolshevism.

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ce5334  No.227333

File: 58126e9044a3af6⋯.png (735.9 KB, 706x702, 353:351, typical_russian_bolshevik.png)

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ce5334  No.227334

File: 937421edcfff18f⋯.jpg (95.01 KB, 524x642, 262:321, typical_russian_family.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227336

File: 8ad530fdb30bc44⋯.jpg (33.81 KB, 560x405, 112:81, typical_russian_family_2.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227337

File: c545bfe8da89457⋯.jpg (249.48 KB, 1908x1146, 318:191, typical_russian_couple_3.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227338

File: 55053c046509f66⋯.jpg (58.95 KB, 560x347, 560:347, typical_russian_family_3.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227339

File: 696f0d97aeb1b56⋯.jpg (55.9 KB, 512x404, 128:101, typical_russian_family_4.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227340

File: dcabf593a80c18c⋯.jpg (82.09 KB, 602x356, 301:178, typical_russian_family_5.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227341

File: 79d81e0a9ccf10d⋯.jpg (67.84 KB, 500x500, 1:1, typical_russian_couple_4.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227342

File: e3fad8edc89cad9⋯.jpg (23.76 KB, 400x387, 400:387, typical_russian_couple_2.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227343

File: 84cf85192f26578⋯.jpg (106.01 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, typical_russian_couple.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227344

File: 45d056b9f7bb6e2⋯.jpg (80 KB, 836x700, 209:175, typical_russian_couple_6.JPG)

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ce5334  No.227346

File: c36b6138132c2ec⋯.jpg (53.95 KB, 370x451, 370:451, typical_russian_wedding.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227348

File: 4cc59afb359b6b5⋯.jpg (84.74 KB, 602x384, 301:192, typical_russian_wedding_2.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227349

File: 402f4a5fff4ea6e⋯.jpg (45.96 KB, 444x669, 148:223, typical_russian_bride.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227350

File: 606db3436d9265c⋯.jpg (91.06 KB, 811x948, 811:948, typical_russian_teen_daugh….JPG)

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ce5334  No.227351

File: 4902becd113be79⋯.jpg (118.27 KB, 782x932, 391:466, typical_russian_teen_daugh….JPG)

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ce5334  No.227352

File: 0b41a0b5a629185⋯.jpg (18.11 KB, 480x360, 4:3, typical_russian_blonde_gir….jpg)

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ce5334  No.227353

File: 101882edb22d8a1⋯.jpg (55.6 KB, 532x531, 532:531, typical_russian_bride_2.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227354

File: 927de66febd4095⋯.jpg (78.63 KB, 831x949, 831:949, typical_russian_question_2.JPG)

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ce5334  No.227355

File: 6e5911ccf5ea2ec⋯.jpg (101.89 KB, 824x907, 824:907, typical_russian_question.JPG)

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ce5334  No.227356

File: 06d54eab8f79213⋯.jpg (145.52 KB, 673x405, 673:405, typical_russian_dinner.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227357

File: 91224a62b6412fe⋯.jpg (42.15 KB, 385x512, 385:512, typical_russian_love_birds.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227358

File: 5652cfeb061ed78⋯.jpg (66.13 KB, 750x645, 50:43, typical_russian_christmas.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227359

File: 129b6689e930bce⋯.jpg (348.9 KB, 600x900, 2:3, typical_russian_parents_2.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227360

File: 505c6a66f9f9a58⋯.jpg (298.1 KB, 900x600, 3:2, typical_russian_parents.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227365

File: 8c0b617b412c219⋯.png (85.83 KB, 1253x615, 1253:615, Russia_white_poverty.PNG)

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ce5334  No.227366

File: 347e48e4d73b37f⋯.jpg (69.92 KB, 658x394, 329:197, Russia_White_poverty_2.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227367

File: 61d7dd65d57fefd⋯.jpg (212.11 KB, 768x770, 384:385, russian_mutts.jpg)

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69ff83  No.227368


So what you are saying is that it is basically exactly like the USA. People are destroying civilization through race mixing.

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ce5334  No.227369

File: 4fa9c081a9bc9d8⋯.jpg (50.02 KB, 800x1169, 800:1169, _russians_.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227372

File: 16ae826f08e97e4⋯.jpg (124.45 KB, 1131x732, 377:244, Russia_VS_America.jpg)


Yes, but unlike the Americans Russians refuse to acknowledge the problem is their Judeo-Bolshevik government.

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ce5334  No.227373

File: 2e683689ee80771⋯.jpg (197.97 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Mother_Russia.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227374

File: 23e298e509e8368⋯.jpg (179.83 KB, 1661x677, 1661:677, russia_deaths_of_despair.JPG)

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ce5334  No.227375

File: 635245744906218⋯.jpg (169.72 KB, 1024x1004, 256:251, Russia_is_base_.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227377

File: cd6d3f34bb33310⋯.jpg (2.68 MB, 3472x3472, 1:1, Russia_is_Suffering.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227379

File: d1a51cc1f6fbc13⋯.jpg (134.23 KB, 756x585, 84:65, Russia_will_save_the_Wes_3.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227380

File: 79a0129eccd8ad9⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 2560x1920, 4:3, Russia_will_save_the_Wes_2.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227381

File: d47ffc43714aeaf⋯.jpg (84.81 KB, 450x600, 3:4, Russia_will_save_the_Wes_.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227382

File: e6d1767f8b79931⋯.jpg (149.02 KB, 1040x951, 1040:951, russia_white_genocide.JPG)

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ce5334  No.227383

File: 01f00e06c0b70b5⋯.jpg (97.73 KB, 1478x466, 739:233, russia_migrants.JPG)

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ce5334  No.227384

File: 778af686566b619⋯.jpg (103.35 KB, 659x838, 659:838, Russia_kiked.JPG)

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ce5334  No.227385

File: 72e25cac276ab34⋯.jpg (228.11 KB, 1919x984, 1919:984, russia_nwo_5.JPG)

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ce5334  No.227387

File: 5b85dceacc352c1⋯.jpg (602.25 KB, 1614x1580, 807:790, Russiagate_redpill.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227389

File: 58e0ed643cf37ad⋯.jpg (31.01 KB, 381x511, 381:511, russians_by_2030.JPG)

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ce5334  No.227390

File: 971ec2fe3a236b2⋯.jpg (64.54 KB, 1240x720, 31:18, russia_loves_jews_3.JPG)


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ce5334  No.227393

File: 654d3cee34fd564⋯.jpg (1.95 MB, 3209x3761, 3209:3761, _Putin_.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227395

File: 8c48869475ef141⋯.png (663.19 KB, 839x790, 839:790, _Putin_Loves_White_Genocid….PNG)

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ce5334  No.227396

File: 59c97571e730055⋯.jpg (157.96 KB, 1126x700, 563:350, Chabad_Putin_2.JPG)

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ce5334  No.227397

File: b44ba3d0d2971c2⋯.jpg (97.56 KB, 1254x516, 209:86, Chabad_Putin_1.JPG)

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ce5334  No.227398

File: 327041d1876ea6a⋯.jpg (626.24 KB, 828x1610, 18:35, _Putin_the_Jew.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227399

File: 3bc1a6674dc7982⋯.jpg (180.28 KB, 1040x1196, 20:23, _Putin_and_Hitler.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227400

File: 833eacdce732399⋯.jpg (326.25 KB, 894x587, 894:587, _putin_4.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227401

File: e2c3c40c720ac9e⋯.jpg (131.66 KB, 1438x777, 1438:777, putin_holocaust_3.JPG)

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ce5334  No.227404

File: 820994adc08dc68⋯.jpg (691.48 KB, 1150x2219, 1150:2219, Putin_Rothschild.jpg)

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ce5334  No.227408

File: 158ce2f685d4ffa⋯.jpg (49.68 KB, 612x651, 204:217, putin_redpill_israel.JPG)

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ce5334  No.227411

File: e5c11bce6b325db⋯.png (617.15 KB, 652x631, 652:631, Putin_Jew.PNG)

File: 915a56c0e083e5b⋯.jpg (155.38 KB, 979x849, 979:849, PUTIN_IS_JEWISH.JPG)

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2a9bae  No.227453

ZOG-faggot going into overdrive to make revolutionary White Nationalists think the enemies of the ZOG are their enemies too, but doesn't even believe his moron-spam will influence anyone with a brain.

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ce5334  No.227502


here comes the $9/hr (((putin))) shills

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2a9bae  No.227514

File: bc7ae9c6f422fee⋯.png (662.46 KB, 866x825, 866:825, hitler_jewess_fren.png)



No one is buying it, Rachel Maddow.

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ce5334  No.227515


Who mentioned NSDAP? You just used deflection to avoid engaging the content of my thread.

I really hope you're not being paid. You're possibly the worst shill I've ever encountered.

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2a9bae  No.227520


>Who mentioned NSDAP?

The same ZOG-faggots will, under cover of anonymity, say they do believe the NSDAP was controlled by Kikes, but will pretend in other threads they do not. And they'll use the exact same "reasoning" here: everything is an illusion, all is political theater, the Kikes are omnipotent and control everything, and look, here's a picture of some leader standing within 3-feet of a Kike.

The ZOG-faggot's assumed audience is just completely retarded. They assume any reader sympathetic to the shit they're spewing is a schizophrenic reader (just as they pretend to be themselves), and will somehow come to the conclusion that Putin is a puppet of the Kikes. They'll say the same thing about Iran and Hezbollah even, an enemy of the Kikes they never stop raving about.


There is no "deflection." ZOG-faggots post the most idiotic of shit, much of based on nothing but sheer lies, in order to make the reader believe the Kikes control the entire planet. The point is to influence those with a Bible-mind, who already think the Sky-Kike is in control of everything, so why not just believe he does this through his Chosen People?

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ce5334  No.227522


>The same ZOG-faggots will, under cover of anonymity, say they do believe the NSDAP was controlled by Kikes

Who are you talking about? Where is this claim..?

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